Police issue sketch of South Park murder suspect

Seattle Police assistant chief Nick Metz told a standing-room-only crowd at the South Park Community Center at 7 pm this evening that a sketch of the suspect in Sunday morning’s stabbing incident would be available before the end of the night’s meeting. Half an hour after making that announcement, Assistant Chief Metz said that the sketch was now available and copies of this sketch were passed out to the audience. This is the man they are looking for in connection with the stabbing attack on two women while they were asleep in their home – one died, one survived.

We’ll have more from that meeting, which included remarks from the mayor and the acting police chief. Seattle Police also have published an update on their website – find it here.

3 Replies to "Police issue sketch of South Park murder suspect"

  • D.j. July 20, 2009 (9:42 pm)

    Godspeed to the SPD in finding and arresting this man. We are being extra vigilent about locking doors, windows, etc. while we are home since this occurred. I’m so sorry for Teresa, as well as the survivor of this horrific crime. It’s a sad, sad day for them, their families, friends, and the city.

  • WTF July 20, 2009 (10:30 pm)

    DJ, couldn’t have said it better. Now for the piece of $#!+ who murdered this woman: I hope you are fried when they catch you.

  • M.B. July 24, 2009 (3:29 pm)

    That is a terrible shame. Can anybody tell me what is this world coming to? Now it seems that we are not even safe in the confines of our own homes. I’m with you also D.J. we need God’s Speed

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