SRO again for Terry Brooks @ Westwood Village

August 28, 2008 3:22 am
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That’s what West Seattle-residing mega-best-selling author Terry Brooks told a standing-room-only audience last night at Westwood Village Barnes and Noble: While he’s on tour to promote the newly released third book in his “Genesis of Shannara” series, the book he just finished writing – yesterday! – is the first addition in a decade-plus to his “Magic Kingdom” books (catalogued on his website as “Landover”). Last night’s event marked the third consecutive year he brought his book tour to “his neighborhood store,” as B&N-WV community-relations manager Robin Ennis-Cantwell called it. Ahead, listen to Brooks talk about what else he sees ahead, and about a book his playwright sister has just published:

(Here’s the website for Brooks’ sister and her book.) Along with discussing future plans, answering fans’ questions, and signing books, Brooks also read a chapter from the book he just finished; we’ve got the whole 15-minute clip on tape, but it’s hard to pull a sequence out of context – you’re just going to have to wait for the book next fall!

Back to what’s in the stores now — when we covered Brooks’ 2006 West Seattle appearance (WSB coverage here; ’07 here), he suggested the “Genesis of Shannara” series would be more than a trilogy, but he says now he’s not writing the fourth book in the immediate future – he’s taking a break, and the series will probably take 8 to 10 years to play out. When he does pick it back up, the storyline will be hundreds of years in the future, he hinted. You can find out a whole lot more about what he’s done in his 30-book career, and what’s ahead, at his excellent website,

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