After numerous messages/questions from people around West Seattle, we reported last Friday on what Seattle Public Utilities believed was to blame for weirdly colored water in multiple neighborhoods – a system rerouting because of the seismic-retrofit work at Myrtle Reservoir (above). Today, an update from SPU:
The number of customer calls SPU has received about discolored drinking water in West Seattle has dropped significantly over the last few days. However, we understand some customers are still seeing discoloration in their water. SPU is continuing to monitor the situation and take water quality samples to ensure that the discoloration clears soon for all customers. Customers who are still experiencing problems should call SPU’s 24/7 Operations Response Center at 206-386-1800.
The seismic work – explained here earlier this year – has taken the underground reservoir (north and west of the big tanks) out of service; it’s expected to be complete sometime next month.