WEST SEATTLE WILDLIFE: Watch out for otters

Those two River Otters photographed recently by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor were seen by Anchor/Luna Park on Duwamish Head, not far from water. But otters’ dens are often far enough inland that they have to cross streets to get to them, so this is a reminder for drivers to beware: We received a report of a dead otter by the roadside near the north end of Delridge Way over the weekend. Whether or not it was hit by a driver, we don’t know, but certainly that area near the entrance to the bridge is busy and treacherous. And that area is not as far from the water as you might think, with Terminal 5 and other docks just downhill under the bridge. Otters are often seen crossing Alki Avenue, and several years back, two little ones made it all the way up Fairmount Ravine. So along with everything else to be mindful of if and when you drive – including people on foot and on wheels and in other vehicles – keep an eye out for low-to-the-ground creatures crossing. (Learn more about River Otters via this fact sheet.)

18 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WILDLIFE: Watch out for otters"

  • Josh April 29, 2024 (2:18 pm)

    The otters I have seen at Lincoln Park are why it is so frustrating people take their dogs on the beach and walk them off leash in the park. 

    • fair is fair April 29, 2024 (3:38 pm)

      It’s only a problem because so many of the otters around here tend to be off-leash.  Please try laying blame where blame’s deserved.

    • Claudia Williams April 29, 2024 (3:43 pm)

      I agree! And if I politely remind folks to leash their dog the responses are entitled, arrogant, and downright rude. 

      • Annoyed neighbor April 30, 2024 (2:16 pm)

        I agree. I was bit by a dog at Lincoln while on a run in the past. One time, we asked a man to leash his dog twice and he told us to f*** off, as his dog was almost about to get hit by a car while he was on his phone. People who are so rude about their unleashed dogs with never cease to baffle me. 

    • K in WS April 29, 2024 (6:13 pm)

      Actually, it’s illegal to have any dog on a public beach, leashed or not. It’s common for people to be ticketed for it.

    • Snoops May 1, 2024 (7:04 am)

      Classic West Seattle response. The story is that cars are a danger to everything, the reply is, “but dog owners!”

  • Vee April 29, 2024 (2:40 pm)

    I saw one this morning at 11 crossing harbor and went to boat ramp, didn’t know what it was , crazy to see

  • Bob April 29, 2024 (4:13 pm)

    We rode bikes over the weekend and noticed a dead otter by Ounces in North Delridge. I reported it immediately, but it was a sad sight to see. I wish there were more lights and speed enforcement on Delridge in general. I sometimes walk my pups, and the streets are hazardous to cross. 

    • WSB April 29, 2024 (4:37 pm)

      That is probably the same one mentioned above.

  • WS Walker April 29, 2024 (4:19 pm)

    Might be time to put up seasonal ‘Otter Crossing’ signs along Alki Ave & Beach Dr. & Delridge/Longfellow Creek areas.

    • 1994 April 29, 2024 (10:29 pm)

      That is a really good idea! A bright yellow sign with an otter image and words to imply frequent crossing of otters.  There are such signs for deer and elk, why not otters?

    • Rick April 30, 2024 (8:43 am)

      Well, if nothing else they otter be more careful crossing the street.

  • Happyhour April 29, 2024 (4:29 pm)

    Maybe they are heading to Otter on the Rocks?

  • near Brace Point April 29, 2024 (6:45 pm)

    We saw one on 47th Ave SW in Brace Point a couple of weeks ago.

  • Westwood resident April 29, 2024 (11:08 pm)

    I saw an otter swimming right to the shore on alki last week. First time seeing one, was pretty cool to see. Hope people are more aware of our lil friends from the sea.

  • lucy April 30, 2024 (4:09 pm)

    Please be careful around the river otters.  They can be aggressive and bite, especially if they are frightened or feel they need to defend themselves or their young.  

  • Bee April 30, 2024 (7:19 pm)

    I would also like to see yellow yield otter crossing signs 

  • Bkind2animals May 1, 2024 (10:50 pm)

    I too would love to see and support placing those otter crossing signs! 

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