WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Weekend robberies; hammered car

In West Seattle Crime Watch:

WEEKEND ROBBERIES: We hadn’t heard about these two holdups within a matter of minutes early Sunday until Seattle Police released weekend summaries today. Both were reported to police around 4:30 am, and investigators believe the same robbers might be responsible for both. One robbery happened at the 35th/Avalon 7-11; seven people entered, approached the register and demanded that the clerk open it. They took money and merchandise and left in “an unknown vehicle.” The other robbery happened at a bus stop at California/Fauntleroy; the victim said a black sedan pulled up and five people got out. One showed a gun; the other punched the victim in the face. They took his belongings, got back in their car, and were last seen westbound on Fauntleroy. No descriptive info on the robbers. The store robbery is case 24-107877; the bus-stop robbery is case 24-107875.

HAMMERED CAR: This one is a reader report about a vandalism attack on 45th SW in Fauntleroy:

At around 10 AM this morning, a tall slender blonde-haired male looking to be in his 20s was seen putting a hammer through the windshield of my Mazda Miata and walking away. This happened nearly at the corner of Director St and 45th, and very close to Wildwood Market. If anyone saw anything, any information would be helpful. This act appears to be random as (the victim) has no known contacts in Seattle and is very new to the area.

3 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Weekend robberies; hammered car"

  • Rick April 24, 2024 (10:19 am)

    Call CSI. I know they can get DNA off the hammer, track down the culprit, arrest them and put ’em in jail for the required 12 minutes. Then it’s all good.

  • Eddie April 24, 2024 (10:24 am)

    CSI has ten year backlog of dog poop collected from your yard to identify.

  • DemandCurve April 24, 2024 (12:22 pm)

    Rick and Eddie get it.

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