WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Warmer night ahead (update: maybe not), and other notes, including a street closure

(Photo by Jerry Simmons)

4:14 PM: The snow-covered Olympics have shown themselves today, bringing in some pretty pictures to go with this update on our continuing colder-than-normal weather. Some good news this afternoon – the National Weather Service‘s newest forecast suggests it will NOT drop into the teens again tonight; the temperature is expected to stay about where it is now, the low 20s, before “warming” into the low 30s tomorrow.

(Anonymously submitted reader photo)

Monday and Tuesday are expected to have highs in the mid-30, and a rain/snow mix is possible Tuesday and Wednesday. Meantime, no reports of major problems in West Seattle related to the mid-teens temperatures early this morning, though we did hear from someone whose pipes froze. That’s also been a problem today for Washington State Ferries, with a source telling us both terminals and boats have had trouble with frozen pipes; the official WSF alerts show the restrooms out of service at Vashon Island as a result.

4:20 PM: Moments after publishing this, we heard police report in to dispatch that SPU needs to be contacted about what appears to be a break beneath the 3800 block of 55th SW.

6:03 PM: Thanks to commenter SJ for posting the photo of what’s happening there:

Meanwhile, the day ended with a scenic sunset:

Thanks to Brooke Gosztola for that photo!

7 PM: Thanks to the texter who sent an update on the 55th SW water problem – and this photo:

As the sign shows, there’s a closure now at Charlestown/55th – both streets. (Added) And here’s video sent by David, showing the water bubbling up from road cracks:

1:35 AM: The NWS forecast proved a bit too optimistic – the temperature has fallen into the teens again after all. The Saturday early-morning low was 15 (not a record for the date – that was 11 in 1950) so we’ll see where this goes.

12 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Warmer night ahead (update: maybe not), and other notes, including a street closure"

  • SJ January 13, 2024 (4:28 pm)

    I live on 55th – water coming up between the cracks of the road. Police is here, glad SPU has been notified  

  • Hi January 13, 2024 (4:33 pm)

    The water break is pretty large sending water all over 55th right off the Charleston intersection. Freeze there will be dangerous 

    • CarDriver January 13, 2024 (5:14 pm)

      YES. BE CAREFUL!! It will be a sheet of solid ice and treacherous for drivers/walkers/bike riders.

      • Gayne Wretsky January 13, 2024 (7:56 pm)

        Are you saying…that I can SKATE down Orleans ?! 

        • WSCurmudgeon January 14, 2024 (2:27 pm)

          GW,  Once.  Future runs are likely to depend on how talented your orthopedic surgeon is.

    • norsegirl January 13, 2024 (7:24 pm)

      Isn’t this the area that has had water line breakage twice now in the semi-recent years?

  • Cold January 13, 2024 (4:50 pm)

    We are also dealing with frozen (and insulated) pipes in our crawlspace. Luckily nothing appears to have burst, but still not resolved. Very glad we have an emergency water supply (though that took time to thaw out this morning as well).

  • bradley January 13, 2024 (7:36 pm)

    PSE just sent out a request to conserve NatGas and electricity tonight.    So much for the strength of the power grid.

    • WSB January 13, 2024 (8:44 pm)

      PSE doesn’t provide electricity in our area, but does provide natural gas. This is reportedly possibly related to a facility problem not mentioned in PSE’s message to customers – working on that.

    • WS Guy January 14, 2024 (11:57 am)

      Yes and California is having a lot of trouble keeping pace with electricity demand too.  And SCL is raising rates this year.  It makes me question the wisdom of pushing all of society’s transportation and heating needs onto the electric grid as quickly as possible.  It makes the overloaded grid a single point of failure whereas natural gas and gasoline alternatives add resiliency.

  • Icy Heights January 13, 2024 (10:52 pm)

    Warmer night ahead? It’s 17° in Arbor Heights and it’s not even 11pm yet.

    • WSB January 13, 2024 (11:19 pm)

      Yeah, I think the forecasters got too optimistic. The NWS forecast says low 21, but even SEA is down to 20 rn …

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