Again this year, the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle will offer free seeds to teachers and parents for working with kids to learn about growing food. Right now, though, they need your help deciding what kind of seeds – here’s the announcement and request frm Kiwanis president Denis Sapiro:
The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle gave out about 200 packs of seeds to people at the Sunday Farmers’ Market last year. Kiwanis will again offer vegetable seeds and flower seeds this year. Teachers and parents can help select the type of seeds and number of packages of seeds Kiwanis will order this year. This is not a commitment to use the seeds nor for Kiwanis to provide all that is requested.
Here’s the survey – please answer it by February 5.
Kiwanis offers the Seed Project to boost family fun and joy and to provide an educational experience with hands-on activity! As the plant grows, you can transplant it into your garden. In the survey, please add your contact info (particularly your email address), so that we can let you know when the seeds will be available at the Farmers Market in the spring.
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