HOW TO HELP: Another search this afternoon for Jim Price, missing since Monday night

Just received from a family member via comment on a previous story: “There is a Search Group meetup again today at 2 pm to continue to search for Jim. Meet at the Delridge Community Center (4501 Delridge Way SW) for quadrant assignments. Please show up if you are able! Thank you so much!” Jim Price, 86, has been missing since leaving his Pigeon Point home Monday night, on foot, possibly headed for The Junction. A community search Thursday afternoon yielded no new clues as to where he might be.

8 Replies to "HOW TO HELP: Another search this afternoon for Jim Price, missing since Monday night"

  • Alki resident September 22, 2023 (1:40 pm)

    Has all hospitals been cleared for a John Doe resembling Jim?

  • Worried neighbor September 22, 2023 (2:12 pm)

    On our way to help (2:25. arrival)

  • N. September 22, 2023 (3:18 pm)

    Lifetime long term care worker here.I know it’s too late in this particular situation. But education for others,The Alzheimer’s Association has a great medical alert bracelet program that comes with 24/7 search support, here is the link:24/7 Wandering Support for a Safe Return | alz.orgThere are also numerous tracking GPS wearable devices you can use to help in a situation like this. From watches to literally shoe insoles with GPS in them.  Google and amazon to find those. 

    • BMC September 22, 2023 (6:13 pm)

      That’s great to know – thanks! 

    • Hopeful September 22, 2023 (6:31 pm)

      Thank you for the information. I hope he is found soon. Perhaps he jumped on a bus? Have you checked with bus drivers? 

  • Kelly September 22, 2023 (7:19 pm)

    Please alert of any searches planned for Saturday. 

  • Teresa September 22, 2023 (10:33 pm)

    if there will be more searches please find a way to post earlier for those of us who would be more than willing to help.  For the previous searches I had not looked at the WSB and the search was underway by the time I learned of it.  I will look at the WSB early tomorrow so that I can join in the search.

  • WSB September 23, 2023 (10:41 am)

    Sorry, we published word of that as soon as we saw it announced in a last-minute comment (the only announcement we got) – the best way to reach us is always via text/phone 24/7 at 206-203-6302. Anyway, for anyone seeing this Saturday, we have word of another search today starting at 2 pm and I’ve published that here and am adding to all the comment threads:

Sorry, comment time is over.