SEEN FROM WEST SEATTLE: Foot-ferry fleet

3:30 PM: Thanks to everyone who’s sent photos (the one above is from Shaun) and questions about that fleet of boats in view from west-facing West Seattle, first headed northbound and now eastbound into Elliott Bay. shows it’s the entire Kitsap Transit foot-ferry fleet, 10 boats. The reason for the group trip – photo op, perhaps? – we don’t know yet but will update when we do.

4:31 PM: Kitsap Transit confirmed to us via Twitter/X: “We are working on capturing photos and videos of our ferry fleet today.”

5:13 PM: KT spokesperson Sanjay Bhatt adds via email that this is the first time they’ve ever done this.

10 Replies to "SEEN FROM WEST SEATTLE: Foot-ferry fleet"

  • Marc August 6, 2023 (3:50 pm)

    Based on conversations overheard on marine VHF they are doing some sort of photoshoot.

    • WSB August 6, 2023 (4:08 pm)

      Thanks, seemed the most likely possibility. Maybe they’ll get a Blue Angels flyover in the frame.

  • Theresa Arbow-O'Connor August 6, 2023 (6:43 pm)

  • T August 6, 2023 (8:03 pm)

         Sure would be great- if we had  a  some of these- hi speed- fast passenger    ferries put into service – round trip from the Fauntleroy ferry dock to downtown Seattle…. 

    • Ak August 7, 2023 (12:40 pm)

      Dude the vashon ferry and water taxis are usually there just not as common on a daily basis compared pier 51 terminal or whatever. You just gotta ask the online information isn’t always correct or advertised as those services are more locally based. Also for the record I’m a female driver and the amount of women driving jokes is ridiculous when statistically proven that men cause more vehicle crashes.

  • Watchdog August 6, 2023 (8:53 pm)

    Kitsap Transit having a great day wasting more taxpayer money for fuel costs and overtime while burning up all that diesel to produce commercials for a service that isn’t needed or wanted, voted down by the community multiple times, and wasn’t really approved by popular vote. Go back to check hard enough and ask yourself, do you believe the system?!

    • TaxiDog August 6, 2023 (10:05 pm)

      I took the WS water taxi to transfer to the Kitsap foot ferry for a dinner in Bremerton Friday night and the boat was packed with happy patrons. Bremerton or Kingston in 30 minutes? Yes please!

    • Jeff August 7, 2023 (7:03 am)

      Stuff like this reminds me of the (most likely apocryphal) story about a young Kennedy cousin that just couldn’t understand how Reagan was reelected, because “literally everyone I know voted for Mondale!”.     Sometimes something is popular, even if you don’t personally like it.   That’s why we vote.    

  • Okboomer August 6, 2023 (10:10 pm)

    Isn’t needed or wanted? Hahahaha! Tell that to the people who take it weekdays to get to and from work. Just cause you don’t use it doesn’t make it irrelevant 

  • Ak August 7, 2023 (12:31 pm)

    I’m a Kitsap native and have lived in Seattle off and on for over 10 years. The amount of people who ride the foot ferry the big ships and water taxis are more than necessary,so.etimes the ships are full and patrons have to wait for the next ferry to arrive and gat puts a LARGE set back to any regular that depend on the ships for faster transportation to the king county area. Realistically the amount of fuel and chemicals possibly emited from the ferries is a fraction of the amount from small boats and recreational vehicles in places such as lake Union and or lake Washington. A one and a half hour drive in a regular vehicle emits more toxins in be air and causes way more accidental crashes. I have worked at multiple fast paced tourist spots like fitness centers and cannabis shops that make more revenue from those visiting from counties around that rely on the ferries and that income helps Seattle and king county when voting is required. Most don’t think about that but sometimes walking in someone’s shows doesn’t show the true reality of the picture one might depict from imagination or perception.    So thank you to the ferry captains and employees that get *pooped* on (figuratively) from angry individuals that don’t understand or have an egotistical syndrome that causes them to lyrically act as belligerent children that need some sugar. Have a good day and enjoy the sdot transportation services because without them I know your b*tch *$$ isn’t walking or using the electric bikes in the area with your Miata or Tesla. Smooches fam. 

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