Brief, widespread West Seattle power interruption

No, it wasn’t just you. That was a fairly widespread, but brief, power interruption about 15 minutes ago. We’ve heard from people all around the peninsula who experienced it too – from Admiral in the north to at least as far south as here in Upper Fauntleroy – but we haven’t heard from anyone who lost power for more than a moment, and the Seattle City Light map shows only two 1-customer spots in North Delridge (an area where some also heard a possible transformer/fuse boom).

16 Replies to "Brief, widespread West Seattle power interruption"

  • Admiral resident August 29, 2023 (5:47 pm)

    Three flickers in a ten second span. Did not lose power in the Admiral District.

  • Morgan August 29, 2023 (5:49 pm)

    Seems like lose power now just whenever it rains.

  • Joan August 29, 2023 (5:50 pm)

    Whew! Not again!!!  I did hear a distant boom.

  • alki resident August 29, 2023 (6:31 pm)

    Hit alki Ave too

  • Catherine August 29, 2023 (6:37 pm)

    Big Yellow SCL truck just went down the alley between 48th & 49th Ave. SW from Genessee.

  • Gill & Alex August 29, 2023 (6:56 pm)

    Yep, couple of quick blinks of the lights here south of Roxbury on the west side of White Center as well.

  • The King August 29, 2023 (7:06 pm)

    The amount of registered electric vehicles has roughly doubled since January of 2022, putting the number at around 17%. We can continue to ignore they are straining the grid or have a plan in place. An infrastructure tax along with an alternative fuel tax like propane vehicles have had to pay all these years would be a start 

    • bill August 29, 2023 (8:06 pm)

      Get real. A home charging station at most pulls twice the power of an electric clothes drier. In all my life I’ve never heard any pearl-clutching over clothes dryers imperiling the grid. 

    • S August 29, 2023 (8:12 pm)

      There already is a tax in place. Owners of electric vehicles pay it every year with vehicle registration renewal.  

    • tonenotvolume August 29, 2023 (9:05 pm)

      We pay an annual $150 additional fee for an EV. And please get your facts right before spreading more incorrect information. EV’s accounted for 17.2% of new registrations, not 17% of all vehicles. If you got that from the insideevs article, the writer also needs a refresher course in statistics. That would be about 1 out of every 6 cars. If only that were true! I challenge you to test drive an EV in 2024 and give it an honest appraisal. You’ll “de-ice”. 

    • EVs not ICE August 30, 2023 (9:21 am)

      just take a chill pill, stop the fearmongering and do some research. EVs pull the equivalent of a regular oven. most charge overnight when the grid is less stressed and many simply use outside 3rd party chargers and never need to charg at home. i have a feeling you drive a nice big SUV, yes? as an owner of 2 EVS i would never go back to an ice car (horse and buggy). 

  • Sam-c August 29, 2023 (8:01 pm)

    Our power flickered too, but about an hour after this story was posted.

  • Jamie Brewer August 29, 2023 (8:02 pm)

    It didn’t even flicker here next to Luna park

  • RAJR August 30, 2023 (6:42 am)

    We thought it was finally our time in the barrel. With the last few power outages, our house has usually (oddly) been spared.Was relieved when everything powered back on a moment later because we were right in the middle of cooking dinner. 

  • Lola August 30, 2023 (7:25 am)

    We had our lights flicker then the TV lost connection and had to do its re-start thing for 5 mins.  It was when it was raining about 5:30 or so last night. 8.29.23.  Was hoping it was not another animal chewing thru some lines like we have been having in WS these past few weeks.  

  • Catherine Kirkwood August 30, 2023 (7:00 pm)

    I was outside on my porch and saw over my garage roofline the electricity pole suddenly swaying back and forth, transformer moving loosely. I thought maybe a truck had hit it but there was no sound of impact and no sound of a truck driving off. It was crazy!

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