BIZNOTES: Two more reasons Sundays just keep getting sweeter in The Junction

Two notes today:

SNAPDRAGON’S SUNDAY POP-UPS: Two people brought this to our attention today (including Aaron, who sent the photo) – Vashon Island’s beloved Snapdragon is doing a Sunday pop-up in the corner spot of the ground floor of the Senior Center of West Seattle, focused on their specialty “rustic pastries” and chai. The SC’s executive director Amy Lee Derenthal says they’re there Sundays through August to see how it goes, and might take the space on a more full-time basis until the SC redevelops it into the center’s new entrance.

SUMMER SUNDAYS IN THE ALLEY: This is a new Sunday happening 10 am-4 pm, also throughout August, in the alley behind Carmilia’s (4528 California SW) – 10 am-4 pm, you’ll find food, music, shopping, and fun. First word of this came from a popular West Seattle treat provider, Lovely and Dapper Desserts, which will be there this Sunday (August 6th) with their mini-cakes.

4 Replies to "BIZNOTES: Two more reasons Sundays just keep getting sweeter in The Junction"

  • Jaye August 1, 2023 (7:41 pm)

    What hours will Snapdragon be there on Sunday?

    • PW August 2, 2023 (1:50 am)

      It appears to say in small text on the sign: 10-5. 

  • Doug August 2, 2023 (9:09 am)

    Should this be added to the event calendar?

    • WSB August 2, 2023 (9:48 am)

      Yes, we’ll be adding these events to the calendar.

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