INTERNSHIP: Aspiring teachers/writers sought to help kids ‘Write YOUR Story’

June 4, 2023 5:44 pm
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Summertime is internship time! West Seattle writer/educator Julia Douthwaite Viglione has an opportunity to share:

This summer a new course will be offered for kids at the South Park Community Center and you can help!

It’s called Write YOUR Story.

Opportunity for two unpaid internships, for 18- to 24-year-old people who seek to learn some aspects of teaching writing and working with children.

Help plan and co-teach “Write YOUR Story” at the South Park Comm. Center on Thursdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, from late June to early September, during summer session 2023 with local writer / professor, founder of WYS.

Volunteer; unpaid but rich in possibilities…

Prerequisites for application: High School juniors or graduates, detail-oriented. Applicants will submit a cover letter and a one-paragraph writing sample to by June 6, 2023.

That’s Tuesday – so apply fast if interested!

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