ELECTION 2023: Burien Mayor Sofia Aragon becomes second candidate for King County Council District 8

The first declared candidate for King County Council District 8 is currently on the Seattle City Council; now we have a second candidate, who’s currently on the Burien City Council. We’re frequently checking the state list of people registering election campaigns, and this afternoon it had an addition: Burien Mayor Sofia Aragon, registering a campaign for the County Council seat that Joe McDermott is leaving after a decade-plus. Burien’s mayor is chosen by fellow councilmembers; Aragon has held the title since last year, and has been on the council since 2020. Two years before that, she ran for 34th District State Senator, finishing fourth in a primary field of 11. The City of Burien website describes Aragon as “a registered nurse and attorney (who) worked in Olympia for over a decade to advocate for affordable and accessible health care, protecting public health, workplace safety, and ensuring differing opinions are included when developing public policy.” She currently is executive director of the Washington Center for Nursing (Burien city councilmembers serve part time). The field for the County Council race won’t be final until the official filing week in mid-May; the August 1st primary will send the top two finishers to the November primary.

9 Replies to "ELECTION 2023: Burien Mayor Sofia Aragon becomes second candidate for King County Council District 8"

  • Question Authority February 3, 2023 (7:36 pm)

    Again another activist throws their hat in the ring, take a look outside the Burien City Hall/King County Library complex and/or Burien at large and you’ll quickly see how she is soft on crime and condones squatters.  Not the vision the area needs more of.

    • Question Authority February 3, 2023 (7:47 pm)

      In addition she voted for the new and under construction DESC facility which will loom large over the treasured and historic “Old Burien” and will bring nothing but additional issues to the City core.

      • Charles Burlingame February 3, 2023 (9:34 pm)

        Perfect encapsulation of the full-on cognitive dissonance represented by so many in our region. “I don’t want to see visible homelessness…nor do I want the city to be doing anything to actually address it.”

    • Derek February 4, 2023 (10:39 am)

      “Tough on crime” doesn’t work. You just move the crime classes. There’s hundreds of years of data on this, putting people in cages because they steal your package because they’re poor doesn’t make society better. It is increasingly a fascist police state. Everyone posting Ring camera footage and funding the panopticon. No thanks. Sofia is a fine candidate.

      • Canton February 4, 2023 (7:07 pm)

        So all the crimes recently, just in WS, are confirmed crimes of poverty??? The hug a felon mentality?

  • Alf February 3, 2023 (8:44 pm)

    My kingdom for a moderate candidate who is compassionate but believes in accountability 

  • The truth February 4, 2023 (2:49 am)

    I hope Kevin Schilling jumps in the race. He is very pragmatic and and great to work with. The first two out of the gate are not my top choices.

  • Lauren February 5, 2023 (8:20 am)

    Really interested to me how “activist” seems to be a bad word on the blog comments recently. 

    • Question Authority February 5, 2023 (3:09 pm)

      It comes from the fallout from “activist” actions in regards to the local government and current state of the City.

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