COLMAN POOL: Renovation work planned (updated)

(Photo by Vlad Oustimovitch, who explains that ‘butterfly stroke practice’ was happening there today)

ORIGINAL TUESDAY REPORT: West Seattle is home to the city’s only beachfront public saltwater swimming pool, Colman Pool on the Lincoln Park shore. Seattle Parks has announced that renovation work is planned, and it’s hosting an info session at the pool this Sunday:

Seattle Parks and Recreation invites the community to Colman Pool on Sunday, July 17 from noon to 2 p.m. to learn about and provide input on an upcoming maintenance and improvement project at the pool. Colman Pool is in Lincoln Park at 8603 Fauntleroy Way SW in West Seattle.

Colman Pool, originally constructed in 1941, is one of only two public outdoor pools in Seattle and the only public salt-water pool in King County. Its scenic location on the beach of Lincoln Park offers a unique experience that boasts 50-meter swim lanes and occasional orca sightings. The pool is regularly used for practice by swim teams as well as by recreational lap swimmers.

The current locker rooms remain largely unchanged since their original construction and numerous accessibility barriers have been documented, which prevent potential users of all abilities from easily accessing the pool. Many of the cast-iron pipes and components of the sand filter system that draws water from Puget Sound for swimming are also original, and the main bathhouse building is unreinforced masonry (URM).

The goal of the upcoming maintenance project is to renovate the locker rooms to increase access for people of all abilities, provide family and non-gender-specific restrooms and changing areas (none currently exist), improve the caretaker residence, and provide several other improvements throughout the bathhouse and on the pool deck that will increase access to all users. This project will also provide general much-needed updates to the unique operation-critical filter equipment essential for drawing and filtering water from Puget Sound, and reinforcement to the walls to ensure that building occupants can safely withstand an earthquake. These improvements will allow Colman Pool to continue to serve new generations of users into the future.

We have followup questions out about when this work would start, how long it would take, and what’s budgeted for it; we’ll add answers when we get them. It’s been a decade since the pool’s last major renovations.

ADDED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON: Parks spokesperson Karen O’Connor answered our followup questions:

If the proposals for the new Park District are approved, we plan to have Park District funding of $3 million or more for this project to begin planning and design in 2023. We have been awarded a grant from King County for an additional $1.8 million and are working to secure additional funding through Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office grant. Projects that show community involvement are rated higher from the RCO office and generally give projects a better chance of receiving funding. This is primarily a major maintenance project. The scope will include accessibility improvements, renovation of the locker rooms and restrooms, reinforcement of the unreinforced masonry, renovation of the caretaker’s quarters, and replacement and update of some of the mechanical equipment. Additional funding through grants and other sources would allow us to accomplish more. Our goal would be to do the work in the off season and be open for the summer. We anticipate work occurring in 2024 or 2025.

A public hearing on the Park District spending plan is set for tomorrow night – we have a separate story coming up on that later this afternoon.

23 Replies to "COLMAN POOL: Renovation work planned (updated)"

  • JOrt July 12, 2022 (1:56 pm)

    Oh, boy! If Parks is in charge of it, then I imagine we’ll see a 17 year construction period during which the pool must remain closed and all residents will need to stay out of Lincoln Park’s waterfront, entirely, so that they have “construction access.” I have said it before and I will say it again: in a city that barely manages basic competency in governance and administration, the Parks Department manages to somehow do the worst job while receiving the least amount of public criticism. 

    • Joe Z July 12, 2022 (2:52 pm)

      Let’s just hope they don’t use a custom steel roof like they did for the Alki bathroom that took half a decade to finish! 

    • Duh July 12, 2022 (3:27 pm)

      You know,  instead of complaining about everything the city does,  why don’t you just move if you are so unhappy.  You never have anything good to say about much,  just critical of the City.  If you read the story,  doubtful,  this is maintenance and most likely be a contractor doing the work. Why not go to the meeting and comment. 

      • Carole July 12, 2022 (6:31 pm)

        If you want help getting Jort, try watching ”Pretend It’s A City” by Fran Liebovitz and Martin Scorcese.  Complaining is a city thing and if you don’t complain you ain’t alive or paying attention.  I think Jort is always right on.  It’s a CITY…’s not uncommon for people to complain about it.  Move  on to another city?  Really?  Oh, such a common response.  No.

        • Morgan July 13, 2022 (8:21 am)

          I like this comment…it’s true. Good to demand higher standards.

      • Robert J Schmidt July 14, 2022 (9:40 pm)

        Nothing to complain about is a standard that will never be met by a good well intentioned government let alone this one. The only realistic way to improve any government jurisdiction is to complain. Or to put it into their double speak terms “offer input”.

    • My two cents July 12, 2022 (5:34 pm)

      Jort – is there anything you actually like about this city or have you ever seen anything done correctly? All of your comments seem to indicate dissatisfaction all around.

  • swell July 12, 2022 (2:27 pm)

    Lets hope they start AFTER the season and manage not to completely block access along the waterfront walk  for the next 2 years.  

  • Lucy July 12, 2022 (2:29 pm)

    The Parks Department also decided to take the heavy metal fire pits away from the north part of Alki Beach.  When I asked why, I was told it was to encourage folks to have their fires only towards the southern end of the park.  When I said, this isn’t working, all that is happening is people are having fires on the sand and burning a ton of driftwood and leaving burning embers and charcoal everywhere…. My answer was a shrug of the shoulders.  

  • Lagartija Nick July 12, 2022 (2:45 pm)

    Wait, there’s a caretaker residence on site?!?! Oh man, I want that job!

  • James July 12, 2022 (3:20 pm)

    Why does everyone complain about maintenance. They’ll never be convenient or please every single person. My god you guys complain about every single thing in this neighborhood. Relax.

    • Carole July 12, 2022 (7:51 pm)

      Recall Jane Jacobs.  Without her opening her mouth and ”complaining”, Robert Moses would have plowed thru lower NYC/Greenwich Village/Washington Sq Park with roads for fast cars….a highway.  And James, we don’t complain about everything…..You can relax and complain.  You can do both.  She organized and said NO.   Open a book. There is always somthing to be fixed in ”the city”.

  • Azimuth July 12, 2022 (6:02 pm)

    I wish we had several more outdoor and indoor pools in West Seattle. Gotta keep up with the growing population!

  • Kyle July 12, 2022 (8:11 pm)

    I mean the big questions are when and how long. Coleman open season is so short. Surely they would plan to do locker room work during the 9 months of the year it’s closed to the public.

    • WSB July 12, 2022 (8:32 pm)

      I asked those questions immediately after this came in. I’m told I’ll get answers tomorrow.

  • StopCuttingDownTrees July 12, 2022 (8:36 pm)

    I’ve been walking, running, and riding by there day and night for over 30 years and I’ve never seen anyone at the “residence” or any lights on inside. I’d love to tour it.

  • WSB July 13, 2022 (2:36 pm)

    Answers to my followup questions have just been added above. The big one is the timeline – they’re not expecting this work to be done before 2024. – TR

  • Gina July 13, 2022 (4:31 pm)

    My sister worked at Colman in the ticket window in the mid ’60s.  Every Friday after closing the pool employees would have pizza upstairs provided by the caretakers! 

  • BigB July 13, 2022 (11:39 pm)

    It’d be great if the upgrades provided extended operating hours and year round access.

  • Patty July 14, 2022 (7:59 pm)

    I was there today and it looks amazing, but I was sad to see the two historic painted wood benches gone. They were re-painted and there in 2019 on my last visit. I hope with the renovation they will keep the historic elements, like the front entrance, Art Deco men and women signs, wood phone booth, etc. 

Sorry, comment time is over.