READER REPORT: Slide concern at Lincoln Park

April 6, 2022 10:31 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle parks

Sent by Maggie:

I wanted to let you and other park users know about what looks like the beginnings of a landslide along the beach trail at Lincoln Park. I walk frequently at the park and took the (photo above) the other day (perspective is from the beach during low tide, looking back at the hillside). Nothing is on the trail, seems to be held back by blackberry and other plants. I’ve let the Parks Department know, but wanted to make sure other walkers and park users were informed as well.

Location: walk north from the pool building along the beach trail a few hundred yards. Past a few benches and then there’s a bunch of blackberry bushes and other plants that hang low over the trail. You can see it when standing on the trail and looking up, but easier if the tide is out and can view from the beach.

As shown on a map in this city document, West Seattle has many areas at risk of slides. Here are some warning signs to look/listen for.

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