ELECTION 2022: The one that’s not on the ballot you got in the mail

checkbox.jpgSeparate from the school-levies vote, there’s another election happening right now. Tuesday’s also the deadline for voting. And it’s even easier – for this one, you can vote online. It’s the King Conservation District‘s election for one of its three supervisor positions. From the most-recent reminder:

King Conservation District (KCD) is holding its annual Board Supervisor election through February 8, 2022. The 2022 election has attracted four candidates for the position. Kirstin Haugen, Barbara Roessler, Dominique Torgerson, and Tripp Williams are all vying for the seat. Candidate statements can be found at kingcd.org/elections. …

Ballots will be available to eligible voters online … through February 8, 2022, at 8:00 PM. Voters may return ballots electronically through the online ballot access system or print and mail ballots to King County Elections at 919 SW Grady Way, Suite 200, Renton, WA 98057. Mailed ballots must be postmarked by February 8, 2022, and received by February 17, 2022, to be counted. Ballots may also be dropped off at King County Elections at 919 SW Grady Way, Suite 200, Renton, WA 98057. King County Elections will tabulate all ballots and report all results.

KCD is a special purpose district committed to helping people engage in stewardship and conservation of natural resources, serving over two million people in 34 cities and unincorporated King County (excluding the cities of Enumclaw, Federal Way, Milton, Pacific, and Skykomish). KCD assists private residents with forestry management, streamside and shoreline restoration, farm conservation planning, and other environmental efforts. It works with cities and community organizations to support community gardens, urban forest canopy, and local food systems. KCD is funded primarily by a per-parcel assessment fee.

An all-volunteer, five-member Board of Supervisors is responsible for overseeing KCD operations, budget, and setting policy. Voters elect three supervisors and the Washington State Conservation Commission appoints two supervisors. Supervisors serve three-year terms.

For more information about the election and candidates, please visit kingcd.org/elections.

The link for voting is at the bottom of that webpage. Considering very few have voted so far, your vote could count in an outsize way.

P.S. As far as we can tell, none of the four candidates for this position are West Seattle residents, but one of the other two elected KCD supervisors, whose position is not up for election this year, is – Chris Porter.

4 Replies to "ELECTION 2022: The one that's not on the ballot you got in the mail"

  • Jay February 6, 2022 (4:11 pm)

    Not a fan of the online voting since it requires you to draw your signature which almost always results in a “signature verification” letter to be sent to you. 

  • NoNoNo February 6, 2022 (5:45 pm)

    I just put NO because it is easier to say NO ….Is that okay ???

  • ws_suzanne February 7, 2022 (1:26 am)

    The election for King Conservation District’s Board of Supervisors is important! Want to emphasize Tracy’s description — 

    “KCD is a special purpose district committed to helping people engage in stewardship and conservation of natural resources, serving over two million people in 34 cities and unincorporated King County (excluding the cities of Enumclaw, Federal Way, Milton, Pacific, and Skykomish). KCD assists private residents with forestry management, streamside and shoreline restoration, farm conservation planning, and other environmental efforts. It works with cities and community organizations to support community gardens, urban forest canopy, and local food systems. KCD is funded primarily by a per-parcel assessment fee.”

    It should be part of our regular ballot and hopefully will be someday. But in the meantime, read up on the four candidates. Kirsten Haugen is the incumbent. I cc’d her when I wrote to their staff to let them know I hadn’t received their postcard mailer letting voters know about this upcoming election. (another friend received one, which is how I learned about it.)  She responded quickly and let me know that it’s a priority of hers to get it on our regular ballots.  

    ***PLEASE VOTE!!***

  • Auntie February 7, 2022 (11:16 am)

    By having an online-only vote, a certain number of people without computers/internet are totally left out of the process. This includes low-income people, seniors and others without access to computers (or who don’t know how to use them – yes, there are people out there that are not computer-savvy, believe it or not). 

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