Signal 88 Security: Welcome, new WSB sponsor

Signal 88 Security is a new WSB sponsor; here’s what they want you to know about what they do:

What does community look like?

Your community is made up of many people: your neighbors; the local kids; the early morning dog walkers; your fellow shoppers at the local grocery store. It can include the sidewalks, bike lanes, park paths, and residential streets. Community can be comprised of many different people and places, but most importantly, a community is safer.

Signal is more than a security service — we are your neighbors, a part of your community, devoted to prioritizing your community’s safety.

The world has changed since Signal was founded in 2003. But for nearly two decades, we’ve been a leader in world-class and industry-leading security services for residential, commercial, and retail customers. We believe that safety is a basic human right and need — and shouldn’t come at the cost of disrupting your community.

Peace of mind, not policing

Signal provides peace of mind where you, your neighbors, dog-walkers, and fellow grocery shoppers can feel safe and secure. Employees are hired locally — we’re your neighbors and are deeply invested in seeing our community thrive.

We believe we have a responsibility to the residents we serve. Our tagline “We’re here” speaks to the trust, transparency and accountability placed in us. Rapid and non-lethal responses, regular patrols, and priority orders in the case of critical events. These are just a few ways we serve our residents.

Employees are trained on non-lethal responses with the goal to de-escalate and maintain safety for all bystanders. This includes having a regular presence on-site through nightly patrols, having dedicated and regular staff able to recognize regular members of the community, and technology that has built-in accountability measures like body cameras. Transparency, honesty, and integrity are front of mind as we serve your community.

By the community, for the community

The courage to lead by humility and mutual respect is what sets Signal apart. We do more than provide security: we are an additional tool to achieving a safer community that is directly accountable to the community we serve. Devotion to service is at the very core of our business.

Signal is proud to offer a special deal for West Seattle residents looking to ensure the safety of their community. Learn more at

We thank Signal 88 Security for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

14 Replies to "Signal 88 Security: Welcome, new WSB sponsor"

  • Lagartija Nick January 27, 2022 (6:13 pm)

    Hey Signal, for the sake of transparency, why did you choose the number ’88’ to be part of your name? 

    • WSB January 27, 2022 (6:31 pm)

      From the company history: “Signal 88 Security was founded in 2003, in Omaha, Nebraska. The term ‘signal 88’ is Nebraska police code for ‘situation secure’. “

      • Lagartija Nick January 27, 2022 (7:23 pm)

        Thank you, I figured it was something like that but these days you never know.

  • 935 January 27, 2022 (6:28 pm)

    What a strange question.

    Why are you Lagartija Nick?

    • Yeah January 27, 2022 (6:33 pm)

      It’s a common white supremacist symbol.  It can have benign meanings too, but I’m guessing that’s why he asked.

      • WSB January 27, 2022 (6:41 pm)

        And this would be a “benign meaning,” part of the company’s history. Anyone interested in the rest of the Nebraska police code:

        • 935 January 27, 2022 (7:07 pm)

          Thank you WSB – guess it’s easy to assume the worst.

          • Hau January 27, 2022 (10:35 pm)

            I’m grateful for the clarification. We need to ask these questions. Bigotry has gone unquestioned or swept under the rug for a long long time. It’s ok to clarify if something may be off. Also good for this company to know that part of their name is a known hate symbol. 

          • aa January 28, 2022 (6:14 am)

            Assuming the worst is a choice.

    • Lagartija Nick January 27, 2022 (7:26 pm)

      I asked precisely because I didn’t want to presume the worst.

  • Meeeee January 27, 2022 (6:42 pm)

    So this company is a franchise you can buy to provide security patrol services.  No experience necessary.The website is pretty short of contact information, owners names, and any other of the usual information you’d find when looking to hire private security.WSB, I love what you’ve created and want to support you.  But this company doesn’t seem to have the local flavor of the usual WSB sponsors.  Who are the local named individuals who have bought this franchise?  There’s no address or phone # for them.

    • WSB January 27, 2022 (6:58 pm)

      Hi. The company is licensed with the state of Washington, and its local offices are on Airport Way, from which they serve West Seattle. We have other sponsors who serve West Seattle from offices based in other Puget Sound communities. Unlike most other news outlets, we don’t use Google Ads or other ad networks, nor do we sell space to the “24 ways to fight ear wax” type sponsored content you’ll see on most other websites. The ads you see on WSB are ads bought by area businesses that have contacted us directly. – TR

      • Spicy Eight Piece January 27, 2022 (7:12 pm)

        And we all sooooooo thank you for your news site design choices! I see elsewhere that pop ups are making a come back in a HUGE way….CNBC even automatically restarts it’s video now if you mute, or raise/lower the volume during their compulsory advertising videos. Next will be the eyelid speculums, I’m fairly certain. All this and more is why WSB is the daily resource for me!

  • LivesInWS January 27, 2022 (7:08 pm)

    Hmmm. Looks like hired ad agency didn’t really know what they do or copywriter’s style is … aerated.“able to recognize regular members of the community”As opposed to irregular? Occasional? Your relative visiting from Oregon? The teen regularly checking for unlocked cars? And just how do they recognize these people? “Neighbors! Line up and get photographed!”“special deal for West Seattle residents looking to ensure the safety of their community.”“Community,” eh. So they should be pitching their services to community groups and not individual households. Well, good on them for buying space in a neighborhood e-newspaper. 

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