6:29 PM: Been out on tonight’s West Seattle Art Walk yet? Artist receptions are happening all over the peninsula:
Jessie Summa Russo is tonight’s featured artist at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor), where you can stop in until 9 pm. She explains:
My recent work is inspired by my life as a musician as well as the lives of my relatives. My grandfather was an Abstract Expressionist painter in the late ‘50s and early ‘60s, and I feel like his paintings both defined him and I understood him through them. My mother went to art school when I was a toddler; some of my earliest memories are of the printmaking studio with giant black press wheels taller than people.
And as we mentioned in our Wednesday preview, some stops tonight are hosting art markets, including Jet City Labs (upstairs at 4546 California SW):
It’s a collaboration with Clay Cauldron. Above are Misty and Anna, and some of Misty’s beach-glass (and more) art; below, Chas, with “melted-crayon art”:
And roaming The Junction, you just might find Santa:
Find tonight’s venue list – for art and/or food/drink specials – on the Art Walk website. (The Art of Music performances are happening until 7:40 pm, too – that info’s here.)
7:14 PM: We stopped for a little video of Jim Page playing at Great American Diner (4752 California SW):
And thanks to Eddie for this artist photo – Lorrie Brogan at Wild Rose’s (4529 California SW):
Her new paintings, a series titled “Ladies…All,” will be on display at Wild Rose’s all month.
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