WEST SEATTLE SATURDAY: Shredding, donating, painting, more…

(Photo by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)

What’s up for your Saturday:

SHREDDING: John L. Scott Real Estate-Westwood (WSB sponsor) offers free shredding today, 10 am-noon, NW lot at Westwood Village. Bring food/money to donate to White Center Food Bank if you can.

FREE LUNCH: West Side Presbyterian Church (3601 California SW) is serving a free bag lunch (turkey, ham or beef sandwiches plus other goodies) noon-1 pm. All are welcome.

DROP-OFF FOOD DRIVE: Admiral Church has a no-contact setup so you can bring nonperishable food to donate (4320 SW Hill), 1-4 pm.

PAINT WITH HPIC – ONLINE! Highland Park Improvement Club invites you to a 2 pm online painting event. Free. Register ASAP here.

NEW WINE RELEASES: Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) has three of them, and you can stop by to buy, 5910 California SW, 2-5 pm.

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE SATURDAY: Shredding, donating, painting, more..."

  • Riomama July 11, 2020 (10:22 am)

    There’s getting to be quite a queue for the shredding.  Two lines seem to have formed – one for cars with large amounts to shred and another for people carrying a bag or two. White Center Food Bank is accepting food, cash, check, and credit card donations. 

  • emcat8 July 11, 2020 (10:48 am)

    Thank you to John L. Scott! It’s taking me years to get through my dad’s estate and these events are incredibly helpful.

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