SUMMER FEST: 2 things you need to know about next Sunday

July 7, 2019 6:51 pm
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 |   West Seattle Farmers' Market | West Seattle festivals | West Seattle news

That sign represents one of two things you need to know about next Sunday, which will be the third day of West Seattle Summer Fest 2019: The West Seattle Farmers’ Market will be back in its original location, the lot behind KeyBank/Bin 41/Pharmaca, since festival booths will be occupying its usual space. Same time, 10 am-2 pm.

Speaking of time, the official Summer Fest start time will be 10 am on Sunday, not 11 am as in past years – people start showing up at 10 am anyway, because of the Farmers’ Market, so the festival-presenting West Seattle Junction Association decided to go ahead and make that the official Sunday start time (as it is for Friday and Saturday, both with 10 am-8 pm festival hours and music running later, though on Sunday everything wraps up at 5). WSB is a Summer Fest co-sponsor again this year and we look forward to seeing you again in the heart of The Junction, starting Thursday night for Summer Fest Eve once the streets close!

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