DEVELOPMENT: 30 townhouses proposed for upper Luna Park area

(Added: WSB photo of project site)

An early-stage proposal has appeared in city files for a 30-townhouse development in the upper Luna Park area, at 3101 SW Bradford [map]. Documents describe the site as “vacant”; a collection of what’s listed on the city website as “site photos” shows a greenbelt at the end of SW Bradford, downslope from the approach to the West Seattle Bridge. Also in the file: A city letter to the site owner saying the project will have to go through Design Review, so they need to arrange for Early Community Outreach to neighbors. The information available online so far suggests the townhouses would have 34 parking spaces in an underground garage.

10 Replies to "DEVELOPMENT: 30 townhouses proposed for upper Luna Park area"

  • JayDee September 24, 2018 (7:16 pm)

    The site is in an Environmentally Critical Area 1 (ECA1) for having a steep slope (>40% slope).

  • Wendy September 24, 2018 (8:18 pm)

    Steep slope, slide area. In other words, DON’T BUILD.

    • John September 25, 2018 (8:11 pm)

      There are thousands of homes built in what is now defined as ECA Steep Slope.  Most hillside view homes built over the last century would qualify as ECAs under the recent (2015) code changes.

  • Tire September 24, 2018 (8:25 pm)

    Doesn’t matter.  City planning skips over those concerns when developer money is waved infront of it.  I am just surprised that there will actually be an offstreet parking space for each unit.  Some one in city planning is  acknowledging the reality of cars.

    • JVP September 25, 2018 (2:23 pm)

      Fun conspiracy theory, but not grounded in the reality of how the city does things.  The city definitely throws on a lot of requirements and oversight in a steep slope area. It ain’t cheap or easy. You should have seen what they made me do just on a modest size deck that’s only 6′ above the sidewalk in what is barely an ECA. Had to hire a geotechnical engineer (plus the usual structural engineer) first to design the footings, then  to watch (yes, just sit there and watch) the construction guys drive pin piles (aka 2″ pipes) into the ground with a jackhammer.  Probably 5 different inspections for a very simple thing.  This was just for a deck footing on a remodel.  

  • phil dirt September 24, 2018 (9:06 pm)


  • Geronimo Jones September 24, 2018 (9:09 pm)

    Oh no!

  • HappyCamper September 24, 2018 (9:34 pm)

    To my knowledge the city has to allow someone to build on a piece of land that has been delineated and identified as a parcel. The caveat is that there are lots of restrictions and addition mitigation processes that have to happen in order to build in something like an ECA.

    • John September 25, 2018 (8:05 pm)

      Not true.  There are hundreds of legally identified parcels  that  Seattle City Council  has  voted to make  not buildable.  I know this from personal experience.  It is the result of a DCI ( then DCLU)  Directors Rule from 1996 after the  big slides.  It is DR  25-96.More recently in 2015 our city council passed another law adding more stringent lot size requirements that’s  disallowed building for hundreds more legal parcels.Unbelievably, the same year they made my lots worthless, the King County Assesor increased the tax value from $16,000 to $69,000  vastly increasing the tax burden!!!I met with Mike O’Brien  councilman and offered to donate these  undeveloped lots to the City of Seattle.   Seattle City  and Parks would not accept  them!I went so far as to offer them to the Green Space Coalition, but that group turned me down  because the new $69,000 tax value was too much for them to pay taxes on!

  • wsn00b September 25, 2018 (1:36 pm)

    Who would want to live in a townhouse to be right next to the garbage piled up shoulder of West Seattle Bridge?Right now that “ECA” is just a dumping ground that citizens can’t access safely to clean and SDOT just ignores. They recently razed some weeds and left the garbage all behind. Nice job.

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