DEVELOPMENT: 4508 California SW’s downsized site; 5011 Delridge Way SW comment period opens

Two development-related notes:

(4508 California SW “preferred option” rendering by Caron Architecture)

4508 CALIFORNIA SW DOWNSIZED: One week from tonight, 4508 California SW goes to its first Southwest Design Review Board meeting. The packet is now available online, and we noticed a big change from when we originally reported on this project back in March: It’s proposed for a smaller footprint. The original early-stage filing described the site as stretching from the former West Seattle Cyclery storefront all the way to West Seattle Windermere; now it’s covering three current storefronts – ex-Cyclery, plus two restaurants, Lee’s and Kamei. As is standard in the Early Design Guidance stage of Design Review, the project packet proposes three possible “massing” configurations – they would each include more than 70 apartments plus 19 offstreet-parking spaces (city rules do not require any parking in this area) as well as ~11,000 square feet of retail (ground floor) and lodging. The SWDRB meeting next Thursday (6:30 pm August 2nd, Senior Center/Sisson Building, 4217 SW Oregon) will as usual include a public-comment period; if you can’t be there, you can send comments via e-mail to to get them to assigned city planner Holly Godard.

5011 DELRIDGE WAY SW: Comments open today and continue through August 8th on the streamlined design review for this six-townhouse, six-offstreet-parking-space project replacing a triplex. You can see the design packet here. The notice explains how to comment – this type of design review does NOT include a public meeting.

4 Replies to "DEVELOPMENT: 4508 California SW's downsized site; 5011 Delridge Way SW comment period opens"

  • Junk July 27, 2018 (10:32 am)

    This was seriously in the Delridge proposal, ” Multiple parks,
    stores and restaurants are situated along Delridge Way
    SW which promotes walkability and makes it convenient
    for residents to contribute to neighborhood economics.”Where exactly are those businesses and restaurants that make Delridge so walkable? Do you mean the mini-marts where shootings constantly happen? Please re-zone for commercial use!! They keep building condo after condo, but there’s not even one grocery store on Delridge. To build a community, we need an anchor business district!

  • Paul M. July 27, 2018 (10:49 am)

    Oh no, not Kamei… I love that restaurant and the family that runs it. Hopefully they have plans to reopen somewhere else?…

  • Katie August 2, 2018 (5:09 pm)


Sorry, comment time is over.