(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
7:20 AM: The fire call at 12th/Cloverdale in Highland Park is wrapping up, so we’re moving on with today’s traffic coverage.
Notes for this week include:
JUNCTION BUS SHELTERS: If you’ve seen the notices on the south side of SW Alaska near 44th, here’s what they’re about. Watch for our followup later today.
EARLY DISMISSAL WEDNESDAY: Seattle Public Schools get out two hours early on Wednesday (October 26th).
WASHINGTON STATE FERRIES MEETING THURSDAY: 5-6:30 pm Thursday (October 27th) at The Hall at Fauntleroy (in the historic schoolhouse at 9131 California SW), WSF comes to Fauntleroy to talk with you, open-house-style, about the latest round of traffic challenges related to the terminal.
ADMIRAL TRICK-OR-TREAT FRIDAY: The sidewalks and crosswalks in The Admiral District will be extra-busy 3-6 pm Friday (October 28th) for the annual business trick-or-treating event.
7:55 AM: Just spun through the live cameras; the low bridge is moving a little slower than the high bridge, but otherwise, no incidents.
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