month : 08/2016 296 results

City projects with budget overruns & delays: Would a new oversight committee help?

A tumultuous City Council meeting this afternoon (Seattle Channel video added above) included a passionate packed house at City Hall opposing the proposed Seattle Police North Precinct project, currently proposed at $149 million, $61 million over a previous estimate (page 10, here), nicknamed “The Bunker” by those who want it scrapped. The council didn’t kill it, but didn’t give it final approval, either. Earlier in the day, this and other recent overbudget and/or behind-schedule projects led our area’s Councilmember Lisa Herbold and one a colleague to propose a new oversight committee. Here’s their announcement:

Councilmembers Rob Johnson and Lisa Herbold called for creation of a special Council committee to oversee City-funded capital projects following recent capital expenditures that exceeded initial budgets, including the North Precinct Police Station, the downtown waterfront Seawall, and the New Customer Information System which handles billing issues at the City’s utility departments.

Councilmember Lisa Herbold (District 1, West Seattle & South Park) said, “It’s been frustrating when large projects go millions over budget, or are years behind schedule – such as Fire Station #32 in the West Seattle Junction. In creating this committee, Councilmembers can more closely monitor large projects, so we’re not faced with no-win options when presented with updates late in the process.”

The Council Capital Projects Oversight Committee would share characteristics with capital oversight best practices, such as the Sound Transit Capital Committee oversight process, which creates a series of systematic check-ins as projects progress, both through planning and construction. The Council committee’s oversight work would establish a baseline level of transparency to help ensure City capital projects remain on budget and the public remains informed along the way.

Councilmember Rob Johnson (District 4, Northeast Seattle) said, “‘Transparency’ should be the name of the game as we develop our capital facilities. As Sound Transit develops their projects, staff seeks Board authorization at eight points throughout the process, including for preliminary engineering, final design, and baseline budget, which includes total project costs and construction. As a Seattle City Councilmember, I expect the public to hold me accountable for delivering our capital projects on time and within budget, but we need the tools necessary for proper oversight. If City facilities are projected to run over-budget, the Council should have plenty of lead time to develop alternatives or contingencies.”

The Council receives annual reports on all City capital investments, but they can be of limited utility because of the volume of information provided. A Council Capital Projects Oversight Committee would likely identify characteristics of projects they wanted to review, including large projects or projects that are at least 10% over initial budgets.

Councilmembers will work with their colleagues to develop oversight committee legislation for introduction at a later date.

Herbold’s comment refers to the new West Seattle fire station that, as we first reported last fall, is running more than 9 years behind the original schedule. Construction of the new Fire Station 32 in The Junction finally began with demolition four months ago; the original estimate, with the 2003 fire levy that funded it, was for a 2007 completion – now, it’ll be 2017.

DOWNTOWN TRAFFIC UPDATE: Police response wrapping up by Columbia entrance to Alaskan Way Viaduct

4:49 PM: If you’re heading toward the southbound Alaskan Way Viaduct downtown – you’ll want to avoid the Columbia entrance. Seattle Police report that they’re talking with “an armed man in crisis, currently barricaded in the 800 block of Post Ave” and @jhewiz points out via this Instagram image that this is happening right alongside the Columbia onramp [map].

5:11 PM: Police confirmed via Twitter the man was taken into custody “peacefully.”

P.S. Here’s a recap via SPD Blotter.

SUCCESS! West Seattle High School musicians get new tuba by busking for bucks

We published that video on the first day of this year’s West Seattle Summer Fest, as band members from West Seattle High School played another streetcorner gig to raise money for a new tuba. Today, Maxwell Lemke – at right in the clip – e-mailed WSB to share the good news: They reached their $1,100 goal and got the tuba!

Tuba 1

Maxwell sent that photo of himself (with the tuba) along with his fellow fundraising musicians – Ellie Monroe on trombone, Maximillian Czerwinski on alto sax, Ben Schuh on trumpet, and WSHS music director Ethan Thomas. He also mentioned they had purchased the tuba from Steve Twitchell, who Maxwell met last spring via the West Seattle Community Orchestras:

I sat next to him at rehearsals and one time he mentioned that he had a tuba that he’d been trying to get off his hands; when I asked about it he said that he’d be willing to lend it out to the school for use until we’d have enough money to properly buy it from him. In the back of my head I knew I wanted to get the tuba and I also knew that the way to get it should be through busking (playing music out on the street for money). So in total we went out 19 times; for the first couple times it was just me playing the school’s sousaphone on my own down on Alki, but one day one of my friends that played french horn, Connor Deidrich, passed me and said, “We oughta play together and make a whole band out of this”(paraphrasing).

So I recruited my trumpet and alto sax players and we ran over some of the marching band music we already know and decided that that music would be the key to our success, but a big issue for use was having a reliable trombone player. There were always a couple people here and there that were willing to pitch in for a day or two; we had a tenor sax player, Kevin Corona, that played with us for a long bit before his instrument broke, leaving him unable to play with us for a good chunk of the summer. Overall the first couple weeks were the sketchiest, and it wasn’t until after the first baseball game we busked at that I really felt comfortable and sure that we could make this happen; that was also around the end of the school year, about the same time our first permanent trombone player Ellie Monroe joined us.

Since then we’ve also bought a few marching band songs for the school, arrangements of “Seven Nation Army” by the White Stripes and “Superstition” by Stevie Wonder. I’m going to be a senior this next year and I was thinking that I’d use this as part of my senior project but I’m not entirely sure how I’d present it yet. The goal of the tuba was to accommodate for an expanding low brass section that didn’t have the proper funds to get a tuba in the first place (did you know that the school only gives $300 a year to the music department to spread across 4 different classes? I want to say that MOST of the money at the school’s music department is made through fundraising). The only real “donations” [outside the busking fundraisers] were from two of my family members, my mom and my sister, both giving $50 each even though they live out of state and might never be able to hear us play.

As you know if you are a regular WSB reader, the same dilemma is faced by other extracurricular programs including some sports, and we often bring you word of fundraising events and donation requests. None quite like this one, though.

P.S. Maxwell says you can donate to the WSHS Music program by going here (scroll down the page).

West Seattle schools: Portables on the move


Thanks to Paula for the tip and the photos – Seattle Public Schools confirms they’re moving portables out of Schmitz Park Elementary, including the one taken away just before 4 am today. None are going to other schools in West Seattle. We asked SPS spokesperson Tom Redman for details on what’s happening, and here’s his response:

· Tuesday, Aug 16th, 4-6 a.m.: one portable will be moved from Schmitz Park to North Beach Elementary

· Aug 18th thru Aug 23rd, 4-6 a.m.: four portables will move from Schmitz Park to Hamilton Middle School. There will be a total of four separate morning moves during this time period.


· One portable from Schmitz Park to Maple Elementary

· One portable from Schmitz Park to Mercer Middle School

· One portable from Schmitz Park to Viewlands Elementary

We also noticed a portable last week at Sanislo Elementary on Puget Ridge – Redman says Sanislo has “received two portables, one from the portable manufacturer and one from Loyal Heights Elementary.” Sanislo is expecting 275 students this fall, five more than last fall; according to this recent letter to families from new Sanislo principal Erika Ayer, the campus now has three portables, “which will house our two second grade classrooms and a third grade classroom.”

UPDATE: Driver hits pedestrian, parked car in The Junction


10:37 AM: Thanks for the tip – 42nd SW is blocked in The Junction just south of SW Oregon because of a crash. We just checked out the scene; police say a driver hit a pedestrian and a parked car – the pedestrian was taken to a hospital by private ambulance. Police and fire are still on scene so the road likely will be blocked a while.

11:05 AM: SPD just tweeted that Traffic Collision Investigation detectives have been called out – the woman who was hit has serious, but not life-threatening, injuries – so that likely means the closure will be longer than first thought. We’ll check back around noon.

11:40 AM: SDOT has the 42nd/Alaska traffic camera (see it here) focused on the scene, still blocked as of right now.

1:13 PM: The investigation scene has cleared and 42nd SW is open again.

West Seattle Monday: From the orchard to the stage …

August 15, 2016 9:45 am
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(Caspian Tern – photo by Mark Wangerin)

Here are some possibilities for your mid-August Monday, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

ORCHARD MEETUP: The Community Orchard of West Seattle on the northeast side of the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus welcomes your visit 5-7 pm – learn about the orchard, lend a helping hand or two; details in our calendar listing. (6000 16th SW)

FAMILY STORY TIME: 6:30 pm at High Point Library – stories, songs, and rhymes. (35th SW/SW Raymond)

WEST SEATTLE QUILTERS: All quilters welcome, 7 pm at Senior Center of West Seattle. (California SW/SW Oregon)

BUDDHIST MEDITATION: 7 pm class at Sound Yoga (WSB sponsor) – no meditation experience required; details in our calendar listing. (5639 California SW)

CABARET AT ARTSWEST: Jimmie Herrod is tonight’s featured performer in the “After Hours: Origins” series, 7:30 pm at ArtsWest Playhouse in The Junction – details in our calendar listing. (4711 California SW)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Early-morning car theft

If you see an unfamiliar gray 2006 4-door Honda Accord in your neighborhood, it might be the one stolen early today outside Joshua‘s house on Tillicum Road SW near Lincoln Park [map]. License plate AKV4815; “slight dent with paint chip on the top front of the hood.” The key was mistakenly left inside another vehicle nearby; the thief/thieves found it and stole the Accord. Call 911 if you see it – could be anywhere; WSB readers’ recently reported stolen vehicles have turned up near and far.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Monday updates; road work; bus reroutes

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)

6:57 AM: Good morning and welcome to Monday. No incidents in West Seattle or on the major outbound routes so far. We do have long-term Metro reroutes to mention:

ROUTES 125 AND 128: Today through mid-November, these routes will not include the northbound South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) bus stop. Here’s the official notice.

C-LINE, 21E, 55, 56, 57, 120, 125: The downtown bus stop on westbound Columbia at 2nd is closed until mid-October. Here’s the official notice.

SPOKANE ST. WORK, EAST OF THE LOW BRIDGE: This project continues today. Here’s our most-recent update on where crews are working.

9:04 AM: No SFD dispatch, but SDOT is reporting a crash at Delridge/Trenton. And if you’re heading out on the Fauntleroy/Vashon/Southworth ferry route any time soon – fog has moved onto the water, east to west.

9:31 AM: Just went over to Delridge/Trenton – whatever happened there has completely cleared.

READING THE FINE PRINT: One city notice, covering 65 possible changes in zoning

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Twice a week, the city’s Land Use Information Bulletin (LUIB) goes out to subscribers via e-mail, and appears online.

Much of its contents are land-use-related notices – formal applications for projects, decisions, notices of Design Review.

But you’ll also find policy changes announced in the bulletin – which technically qualifies as official public notice, so that could be the only place you’ll hear about them until and unless you happen onto the results.

One of last week’s LUIBs included a single notice that points to 65 proposed changes in the city’s land-use code, aka zoning, saying the city doesn’t think any will have environmental impact. If any of these proposed changes interest you, the notice explains, you have until August 18th to comment, or August 25th to appeal. So we decided to read the “fine print” and found 11 of potential interest – addressing topics including offstreet parking, marijuana growing, tree preservation, and more: Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Roxhill bus-stop police response; 5 reader reports

In West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:


ROXHILL BUS STOP RESPONSE: Thanks for the messages about a big police response in the Roxhill bus-stop area across from Westwood Village this past hour. Here’s what SPD told us at the scene: A man tried to hit a Metro bus driver. The driver wasn’t hurt, but the suspect was so intoxicated, he couldn’t stand up, and he’s being taken off by private ambulance to be checked out.

We also have five reader reports:

ALKI VANDALISM: Sometime overnight Friday into Saturday, SU writes, at least three cars in the 1300 block of Alki and vicinity had “small rear windows” bashed in, including this one:

It did not seem to be an attempt to break into the cars, just to damage them, the e-mail says.


This afternoon we discovered that someone had slashed a front tire on one of our cars. The car was parked in our off-street space in the alley, in back of the house. We live near 45th and Hanford, two blocks from where The Great Tire Slashing took place a couple weeks ago, so perhaps the same perpetrators are at it again.

GARGOYLE THEFT: M says, “Sometime last night a gargoyle was taken from my front yard on 34th between Barton and Henderson. It’s an Orc-like guy, crouched, with 10 years of patina. Attached is a similar photo (but with horns, less ears and a snaggle tooth). If anyone sees someone with something like that I”d LOVE to meet them.”

STOLEN HOSES: On Saturday, Danny reports, “a tall late 30s male on cruiser bicycle in bright red t-shirt and yellow trucker cap (was) riding on Alki (at 54th) stealing garden hoses. Just watched him take our neighbor’s and has several more on front of his bike.”

And some good news:

TRUCK FOUND: On Saturday, we published Janice‘s report about the theft of her Toyota Tacoma work truck from the Beach Drive area. Today, she got word it was found – in Tukwila.

Seen off West Seattle: USS John C. Stennis, homeward bound


Thanks to JayDee for the photo from Upper Alki. That’s the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74), seen making the turn around south Bainbridge Island this afternoon, due home in Bremerton tonight after a seven-month deployment. We reported on its departure January 15. The Navy says the Stennis and its strike group were deployed to the “Indo-Asia-Pacific region,” including two months in the South China Sea.

SOCCER SIGNUPS: Play ball this fall with the West Seattle YMCA

August 14, 2016 3:35 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | WS & Sports

You don’t have to be a West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) member to get your kid(s) into the Y’s fall soccer league – here’s the announcement:

Take the fun outdoors! The Y soccer league provides players with skill-building activities in passing, dribbling, shooting, and defense. Appropriately-sized soccer balls and fields are used for each age group. We emphasize sportsmanship, skill building, participation, friendship, and fun. For ages 3 to 10.

Practices start the week of September 12 at High Point Fields. Games are on Saturdays, September 24 through November 12 at Roxhill Park or Lincoln Park. Facility Members $85, Community Participants $132.

Register in person at Member Services, or online here.

ALKI BEACH 5K: Two weeks until your strides and steps help Northwest Hope and Healing

August 14, 2016 12:54 pm
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 |   Health | How to help | West Seattle news

(WSB photo from 2015, right before the Alki Beach 5K)

Two weeks from today, start your Sunday morning by gathering with friends, family, neighbors in and around Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza, right before you run, walk, and/or roll the waterfront route of the Alki Beach 5K! It starts at 9 am Sunday, August 28th, with a waterfront route on Alki Avenue SW, to Luna/Anchor Park and back.

The Alki Beach 5K is a major fundraiser for West Seattleite-founded and -led Northwest Hope and Healing, which helps hundreds of breast-cancer and gynecologic-cancer patients every year deal with the fact that everyday life doesn’t stop while they deal with diagnosis and treatment. Here’s how to sign up; you can do it online any time, or if you happen to see this before 2 pm today, we noticed that NWHH has a table toward the north end of the West Seattle Farmers’ Market.

Reunion time! West Seattle HS Class of 1971, next Saturday

August 14, 2016 12:24 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

Last call for the West Seattle High School Class of 1971 reunion! Jim Biava sends the reminder that it’s happening next Saturday:

Fun is Ageless; We are Timeless! Don’t Miss Out!

West Seattle High School’s Class of 1971’s 45th Reunion is rapidly approaching! Our “Throwback to 1971” is Saturday, August 20 at West Seattle Golf Course Clubhouse from 4 pm to 10 pm.

We’ll be celebrating with ’70s Music, Cocktail Food, a Photo Booth, Friendship, Nostalgia, and so much more! Several from our Class will be speaking in the program, which starts at 6:00 pm.

For more details and how to join us, please see our Facebook page “West Seattle High School Class of 1971” or contact Jim Biava at

West Seattle Sunday: Music, games, theater, more…

August 14, 2016 9:40 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Fog on the Sound this morning, looking toward the Olympics – photo by James Bratsanos)

Good morning! Some of what’s happening for your West Seattle Sunday:

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Last night, the WSFM had a rep on hand at West Seattle Outdoor Movies, and when asked what’s fresh right now, she replied, “Everything.” You can go see for yourself 10 am-2 pm in The Junction. (California SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska)

OPEN HOUSE: Holy Family School invites you to an open house today for its Early Education program, 10 am-1 pm. (9615 20th SW)

PLAY GAMES! Between 11 am and 10 pm today, a variety of game groups meet at Meeples Games (WSB sponsor) – join in and have fun! See the schedule on the right sidebar of the Meeples home page. (3727 California SW)

ALKI LIGHTHOUSE TOURS: Just a few more weekends for free tours of West Seattle’s historic lighthouse – the US Coast Guard Auxiliary welcomes your visit today between 1 and 4 pm – be there by 3:40. (Alki SW/Beach Drive SW)

COFFEEHOUSE MUSIC: Relax at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) and listen to singer-songwriter Eryn Bent, 3-5 pm. (5612 California SW)

‘LIEDER AND MELODIES’: 3 pm concert at First Lutheran Church of West Seattle with sopranos Sarah Dolan and Jordan McClellan and pianist Jane Harty – details in our calendar listing. (4105 California SW)

‘HAIRSPRAY’ MATINEE: 3 pm at West Seattle High School, the first weekend of the new Twelfth Night Productions show concludes – the Tony-winning musical comedy “Hairspray.” Ticket info in our calendar listing. (3000 California SW)

‘MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG’ MATINEE: 3 pm, musical-theater students’ summer production at ArtsWest in The Junction. Ticket info in our calendar listing. (4711 California SW)

‘BLOOD WEDDING’/’BODAS DE SANGRE’: 6 pm at Roxhill Park, as previewed here earlier this week and shown in our followup early today, a bilingual drama/dance/theater performance with audience participation, free, for all ages! (2850 SW Roxbury)

SEE MORE … on our complete calendar.

UPDATE: ‘Heavy rescue’ response for crash in High Point

August 14, 2016 2:27 am
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 |   West Seattle news

2:27 AM: A “heavy rescue” Seattle Fire response is on its way to the Forest Lawn Cemetery (WSB sponsor) area in High Point for a reported flipped car.

2:31 AM: The response is being scaled back; apparently no one needs to be extricated from the car.


2:49 AM: At the scene, we confirmed that extrication wasn’t necessary because whoever was in the car ran away before police arrived. (Not checking as stolen so far, though.) It’s upright now, visible through shrubbery on the cemetery side of Sylvan Way [map].

West Seattle weekend scene: First ‘Blood Wedding’ performance @ Roxhill Park

August 14, 2016 2:06 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle parks | WS culture/arts


If you missed “Blood Wedding/Bodas de Sangre” Saturday night at Roxhill Park – you have another chance to see it Sunday night. And “see it” doesn’t go far enough, as it involves audience participation – in our top photo, those in attendance learned a dance they would get to do during the show. (As the announcement we published last week explained, “Each performance will preclude with a professionally-taught latin dance lesson, the learning of a song from the show, and an an invitation for the audience to participate in the wedding scene.”) We were only able to stay for a few minutes, but they included the opening moments of the play:


This bilingual drama/dance/music production is the first by 1-Off Productions, “a joint venture between Seattle theatre artists Tina Polzin, Ana Maria Campoy, and Matt Sherrill“; Polzin is the director. The second and final West Seattle presentation is tonight (Sunday, August 14th), 6 pm at Roxhill Park (29th/Barton), free; it will also be performed in nearby South Park at 6 pm, Saturday, August 27th, in Duwamish Waterway Park (7900 10th Ave. S.)

UPDATE: West Seattle Outdoor Movies’ final night in Hotwire Coffee’s courtyard

As of just before 7, a crowd was already building in the Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW; WSB sponsor) courtyard for tonight’s West Seattle Outdoor Movies showing of “The Lego Movie.” It may seem like just another fun Saturday night for most people there, but for the folks behind the scenes, it’s a momentous occasion:
Hotwire proprietor Lora Swift has been movie maven for 11 years … and is handing the baton (and the projector) over to the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) after tonight – the new “festival street” next to the Y will become home of WSOM. With Lora in the photo above is Gareth Kenee, who’s been technical guru (projection, sound, etc.) for WSOM for the past few seasons … all on a volunteer basis. They set up long before the moviegoers start arriving, and stay to clean up long after the courtyard has cleared out.

Meantime, tonight’s big pre-show feature is the fifth annual free barbecue cooked up on the east side of the courtyard by volunteers from West Seattle Christian Church:


And if you’re coming to the movie – or already there – say hi to one of tonight’s spotlight sponsors, Carol from Dream Dinners-West Seattle (WSB sponsor):


She can tell you all about how Dream Dinners bridges the gap between cooking from scratch and picking up takeout … lots of solutions for your dinnertime dilemmas, with just a little advance planning. Her table’s in the back of the courtyard, next to the Southwest Seattle Historical Society‘s fundraising concessions (cool deals for water, soda, candy, popcorn, etc.), and if you can spare a few more $ you can buy tickets for the nonprofit-benefiting raffle.

WSB has been the proud media sponsor of West Seattle Outdoor Movies for many years now and while we’re getting a little misty about moving from the cozy courtyard, the big new digs by the Y will be exciting to experience, starting next Saturday night (August 20th) with “Princess Bride.” But first – tonight’s movie at Hotwire! It should start just after sunset, around 8:30.

10:34 PM: Started closer to 8:45, and now it’s over – cleanup time. See you at the Y next week.

COUNTDOWN: 2 weeks until West Seattle Car Show

August 13, 2016 4:15 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do | West Seattle news

A reminder if you haven’t signed up yet … the 2016 West Seattle Car Show is open to a wide variety of vehicle types, and it’s exactly two weeks away: 10 am-4 pm Saturday, August 27th, on the north side of the South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor).

Here’s how to sign up. It’s presented again this year by West Seattle Autoworks and Swedish Automotive (WSB sponsors), who moved it up into August for this year’s show, which benefits the SSC Automotive Technology program. If you plan to show off your vehicle but haven’t registered yet, please send in the form ASAP! If you’re planning to go as a spectator – see this preview for the rundown on all the activities planned in addition to car-viewing.

VIDEO & PHOTOS: Delridge Day 2016!

August 13, 2016 11:34 am
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 |   Delridge | West Seattle festivals | West Seattle news

(Los Mixtecos on the Delridge Day cultural stage – schedule here)

11:34 AM: We’re in the park outside Delridge Community Center in the first hour of this year’s Delridge Day festival, presented by VIEWS, happening until 11 am, with music, cultural performances, giveaways, treats, skateboarding demonstrations and contests, more. Local groups and businesses are here, as are Seattle Police, since the annual “Picnic at the Precinct” is melded into this again this year (police horses and K-9s will be presenting demonstrations).


West Seattle’s own Ellis Brothers (below) are the first musical act – at noon, it’s Widowed Cactus; 1 pm, The Slags; 2 pm, Valerie Cavell.


Get down to Delridge/Genesee and enjoy yourself – the festival runs until 3 pm – more updates to come.

11:50 AM: Be sure to roam around and check out all the giveaways while you’re here. Free water and ice cream (courtesy of the Seattle Police Foundation) in the SPD area on the west side of the festival zone; free backpacks with school supplies inside the community center:

FullSizeRender (36)

Many of the groups here have tchotchkes – we’ve brought a few leftover WSB-branded ice scrapers from festivals past; you never know when actual wintry weather might return, and it’s a cooling thought here on another summer day going into the 80s. Cool things for sale, too – in the Delridge Day info booth, right next to us, you can buy Delridge Day T-shirts, $10 kids, $20 adults. And don’t miss Davin the emcee at the Cultural Stage!

12:29 PM: So much going on. In the clip above, that’s MC Davin with SPD Officer San Miguel and Pele the K-9 in training.

(The officer informed the emcee, not like Pele the soccer player, but rather, Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire.)

In the shade under a big tree, martial-arts demonstrations with Coach Sonia Sillan and others from Elite Brazilian Jiu-jitsu of Seattle (WSB sponsor), headquartered here in Delridge, just blocks away.


In the field in the center of the festival zone, sack racing for anybody who shows up:

On the music stage, Widowed Cactus is performing:

Chas Redmond from VIEWS, the music coordinator (for this and so many local festivals!), points out that many of the performers are local youth. Meantime, over at the skatepark, mini-contests are getting going. And on the Cultural Stage, the Arabaka Trio is performing:


The wading pool’s open too, if you’re coming with little ones who would like to splash around (stick your toes in too).

1:03 PM: Midway through the festival … if you’re hungry, note that Yummy Box, which bills itself as “Seattle’s #1 Asian fusion food truck,” is here.


So are a tamale vendor and a shave-ice stand. And as we mentioned, you’ll find free ice-cream treats over in the SPD zone. Meantime, on the music stage, The Slags have just started to play.

And come say hi to all the volunteers and organization/agency reps who are here – cool people we know from so many meetings and events – they do a lot for the community, and that includes the festival-coordinating VIEWS folks – consider buying a T-shirt (info above) and/or poster to support the festival.

1:26 PM: Here’s a walk-around of some of the booths here:

On the Cultural Stage right now – Van Lang Vietnamese Cultural School.

1:56 PM: The Cultural Stage also is featuring announcements from time to time, including information from some of the organizations who are here – right now, the Delridge Grocery Coop is talking about its ongoing effort to get to the point where it can open a grocery store; in the meantime, you can catch up with them every Thursday, 4-7 pm, at their farmstand next to the Delridge P-Patch. The West Seattle Democratic Women had the microphone for a while too, talking about their new focus, climate change. Emcee Davin Stedman asked them for recommendations of where to get accurate information online and they said they’ve been adding links to their website.

2:12 PM: We’re into the last hour – it’s warm but there’s lots of shade, in tents and other trees, if you haven’t been here yet. … We’re hearing that Mayor Ed Murray is expected to stop by around 2:30 pm. He visited the festival last year too.

Last act on the Cultural Stage is Dance Brazil:


2:39 PM: The mayor is here now and Pete Spalding of VIEWS, and the Delridge Neighborhood District Council – one of the groups the mayor recently decided to cut off from city support – is asking him to rethink the decision, pointing out that this event is coordinated by people from DNDC and community councils, “the lifeblood of the neighborhood.”


“We’ll work with you, we’ll work with you,” Murray was heard to tell Spalding.

Murray was subsequently seen at the West Seattle Food Bank booth (an organization Spalding long served as a board member), buying a fundraising raffle ticket, according to WSFB’s Judi Yazzolino, who sent the photo below:


2:46 PM: The mayor just offered a few words onstage, where MC Davin urged him to drop the mic, as he had done with SW Precinct Operations Lt. Ron Smith earlier (Lt. Smith really did literally drop the mic). And now the mayor’s back over at the festival info booth, buying a Delridge Day T-shirt.

3 PM: Festival’s over! Thanks to everyone who came to Delridge Day, and a special shoutout to the nice folks who stopped by our table to say hi.

P.S. West Seattle’s next summer festival is Nature Consortium‘s Arts in Nature Festival next weekend at Camp Long.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Pickup truck stolen

August 13, 2016 11:13 am
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

Out of the WSB inbox: Janice‘s 2003 white Toyota Tacoma is missing in the Beach Drive area; she says it “has a foot-long scrape on back, driver’s side; cab in back with missing door, loaded with tools and a sheet of plywood.” Call 911 if you see it.

YOU CAN HELP: Barbecue, music, dancing @ ‘Moonshine Shimmy’ to benefit Senior Center

Last night, The Haggis Brothers were at The Mount … this Thursday, they are headlining a one-of-a-kind benefit for the Senior Center of West Seattle.

Here’s the story: Remember the $60,000 in United Way funding the center is NOT getting this year? The residents of Brookdale West Seattle heard about it and wanted to do something. So they organized a fundraiser, and you’re invited. It’s happening at Brookdale WS (4611 35th SW) this Thursday (August 18th) – “Moonshine Shimmy,” a big barbecue buffet, “moonshine,” and live entertainment with, as mentioned above, the ever-popular Haggis Brothers. Dancing too (that’s where the shimmying comes in).

It’s happening 5-7:30 pm on Thursday – here’s the official flyer with more details. Important – while it says last Thursday was the reservation deadline, we’ve checked and there’s still room, so go ahead and do it now – there’ll probably even be tickets available at the door. $15 includes one mug of moonshine. Free shuttle available from the Senior Center – ask about it when you make your reservation.

West Seattle Saturday: Delridge Day; WS Outdoor Movies’ Hotwire finale; musical theater x 2; HPIC garage sale; more!

August 13, 2016 7:50 am
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Thanks to Greg for last night’s vivid sunset scene; before we get to a potential encore tonight, so much fun to be had! Including, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

HIGHLAND PARK IMPROVEMENT CLUB’S GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE: 9 am-3 pm, a “one-stop shopping experience” at Highland Park Improvement Club – hot dogs, chips, beverages available too. (12th SW/SW Holden)

NORTH SHOREWOOD PARK NEEDS YOU: Just south of West Seattle, just west of White Center, North Shorewood Park could use some helping hands for TLC today 9 am-1 pm – details are on our partner site White Center Now. (10061 21st SW)

RIVERSIDE WALKING TOUR: 10 am-noon, walk around the historic Riverside neighborhood with an expert guide, Riverside native Frank Zuvela. The Southwest Seattle Historical Society presents the tour, and you’ll find details in the preview we published Friday. (Meet at W. Marginal Way SW and SW Marginal Place)

DELRIDGE DAY: 11 am-3 pm (and maybe a bit beyond), it’s eastern West Seattle’s biggest festival of the year, with lots going on in Delridge Community Center Parkhere’s our final preview, published last night. We’ll be reporting live from the festival, which we’re co-sponsoring again this year, so check WSB for updates on what’s happening and who’s there. (4501 Delridge Way SW)

COMMUNITY PIZZA OVEN: The wood-fired masonry oven at Barton P-Patch will be up and running today and you’re invited to stop by, 11 am-4 pm, to visit the garden and enjoy fresh-baked pizza. Bring favorite toppings; donations and volunteer help welcome. Details in our calendar listing. (34th SW/SW Barton)

ALKI LIGHTHOUSE TOURS: Free tours of West Seattle’s historic lighthouse between 1-4 pm with the US Coast Guard Auxiliary – be there by 3:40. (Alki SW/Beach Drive SW)

BLOOD WEDDING/BODAS DE SANGRE: 6 pm at Roxhill Park, as previewed here earlier this week, a bilingual drama/dance/theater performance, free, for all ages! (2850 SW Roxbury)

‘HAIRSPRAY’: 7:30 pm at West Seattle High School, it’s Night 2 for the new Twelfth Night Productions show, the Tony-winning musical comedy “Hairspray.” Ticket info in our calendar listing. (3000 California SW)

‘MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG’: 7:30 pm, musical-theater students are ready to entertain you at ArtsWest in The Junction. Ticket info in our calendar listing. (4711 California SW)

RAT CITY BRASS: They’re big, bold, and brassy, and they’re at Kenyon Hall tonight, 7:30 pm. Ticket information is in our calendar listing. (7904 35th SW)

LAST WEST SEATTLE OUTDOOR MOVIE @ HOTWIRE: Tonight is more than a movie – it’s the end of an era! “The Lego Movie” is on screen for the fifth of this year’s six West Seattle Outdoor Movies, and it’s the last WSOM presentation in the series’ longtime home, the courtyard by Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor). Next week, the series ends this season with the start of a new era in a bigger new space at the “Festival Street” by the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor). But tonight, come celebrate at Hotwire – the movie’s free as always; bring your own chair/blanket, and $ for raffles and concessions benefiting local nonprofits. Also – first-come first-served free community barbecue, courtesy of West Seattle Christian Church. See you there! (4410 California SW)

EVEN MORE FOR TODAY/TONIGHT/BEYOND … on our complete calendar page!