TRAFFIC ALERT: Road work on eastbound West Seattle Bridge


12:21 PM: Thanks to everybody who’s tipped us about backups on the eastbound West Seattle Bridge. It turns out to be unannounced road work – stripe-painting near 99, according to what we’re seeing on the cameras. We haven’t been able to get SDOT to reply on Twitter (where they usually have 7-day-a-week staff) with information on how much longer this will last, so for now, be forewarned of eastbound backups TFN.

2:22 PM: Just checked again on the video camera and it appears this has ended – the eastbound bridge looks to be flowing normally again.

6 Replies to "TRAFFIC ALERT: Road work on eastbound West Seattle Bridge"

  • ttt July 10, 2016 (12:45 pm)

     thanks blog, I was wondering why I have been sitting in the same spot for 20 minutes now. 

  • ttt July 10, 2016 (12:52 pm)

     it is not line painting, they have two holes opened up in the pavement in the right-hand lane going towards I five. You have to use the bus lane to get by them. Took me over 30 minutes. 

    • WSB July 10, 2016 (12:55 pm)

      Thanks, TTT – when the camera was zoomed in, that’s what the sign appeared to say. We’ll go back to “unscheduled road work.”

  • bolo July 10, 2016 (9:54 pm)

    Yes the sign did say painting but they were working on some square holes cut out of the concrete surface. Emergency patching maybe? Quite a backup for a Sunday morning. I passed it (slowly) at 11:30am. Of course several hot dogs racing down the bus only or even 99 lanes to cut back in at the last possible moment.

  • Joanne Brayden July 11, 2016 (6:45 am)

    we got caught in it ;-(

  • wetone July 11, 2016 (9:25 pm)

    Yes SDOT was doing repairs to the newly rebuilt roadway. Wonder who’s paying for this ? has needed many repairs since finished. A very substandard job by a private contractor, hopefully their getting billed for the cost spent  repairing. 

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