7:43 PM: Parents concerned about the Seattle Public Schools teacher cuts/shuffles (first reported here last Thursday) rallied outside district HQ this afternoon.
And they got some encouragement in their cause – a letter signed by legislators asking the School Board to put the changes on hold. Thanks to Amy King for sharing this scan of the letter:
(Here it is as a PDF if you can’t read the Scribd embed above.) The parents who are organizing under the name Kids Not Cuts plan to be at a school board Committee of the Whole meeting at district HQ at 4:15 pm tomorrow to directly make the request, though the issue is not on the agenda. The meeting is open to the public.
ADDED 8:39 PM: The board has already responded to the legislators’ letter, saying basically, sorry, they can’t. Thanks to Robin Graham for sharing their letter:
The afternoon protest, by the way, was the second of the day outside SPS HQ, after the “Half-Baked Sale” at midday.