County reports potential measles exposure at two West Seattle-area stores

The latest measles-exposure alert from King County Public Health involves someone who, before being diagnosed, was at two stores in West Seattle the afternoon/evening of March 30th. From the announcement:

Local public health officials have confirmed a measles infection in a traveler who was at Sea-Tac airport and two locations in Seattle during his contagious period. The traveler is a resident of California and was likely exposed to the measles while on a flight with an earlier confirmed measles case on March 21, 2014.

What to do if you were in a location of potential measles exposure

Most people in our area have immunity to the measles through vaccination, so the risk to the general public is low. However, all persons who were in the following locations around the same time as the individual with measles should:

*Find out if they have been vaccinated for measles or have had measles previously

*Call a health care provider promptly if they develop an illness with fever or illness with an unexplained rash between April 7th and April 21st. To avoid possibly spreading measles to other patients, do not go to a clinic or hospital without calling first to tell them you want to be evaluated for measles.

Locations of potential exposure to measles

Before receiving the measles diagnosis, the traveler was in West Seattle and at Sea-Tac Airport. Anyone who was at Sea-Tac Airport or the locations listed during the following times was possibly exposed to measles:


Safeway, 9620 28th Ave SW, 03/30/2014, 4:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
Marshall’s, 2600 SW Barton Street, 3/30/2014, 4:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.


Sea-Tac Airport, 03/31/2014 , 4:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.: terminal B

If you were at one of the locations at the times listed above and are not immune to measles, the most likely time you would become sick is between April 7th and April 21st.

The county webpage that features this announcement includes more background information about measles, if you need it.

40 Replies to "County reports potential measles exposure at two West Seattle-area stores"

  • 22blades April 8, 2014 (3:43 pm)

    Please clarify Concourse B as opposed to “terminal b” which does not exsist. The names of airlines serving that Concourse would be of better help as well. Thanx…

    • WSB April 8, 2014 (3:55 pm)

      This is the exact wording from the county – I apologize but I can’t follow up right now, working on breaking news. Will look around later if nobody else comes forward with something more … Tracy

  • soosan April 8, 2014 (4:15 pm)

    @22blades, from Seatac’s website: Concourse B serves Frontier, Southwest, and Virgin America.

  • It's just me April 8, 2014 (4:44 pm)

    If you went to the Kings of Leon concert as well… Saw this today on NPR’s website.

  • Honesty April 8, 2014 (5:34 pm)

    Get vaccinated already. This shouldn’t be an issue.

  • K April 8, 2014 (6:03 pm)

    Vaccinate your kids! If you don’t, you don’t deserve to take them outside to give others diseases. Ridiculous.

  • Seattlite April 8, 2014 (6:50 pm)

    It’s the 21st Century. Please get your kids vaccinated. Vaccinations serve an important purpose in protecting children from disease and illness.

  • JanS April 8, 2014 (7:46 pm)

    There is a massive movement out there where parents don’t vaccinate. I don’t get it. They bought into hype that was proven to be untrue. And it doesn’t just affect their child. It affects us all. I am on immune suppressants, and even a bad stomach virus can land me in the hospital for days. They really don’t think how this will affect other people. Measles can cause serious problems even blindness. Vaccinations are a good thing.

  • Breezy April 8, 2014 (7:46 pm)

    Yes, vaccinate your children, on schedule and get boosters as recommended.
    I don’t know about Washington public schools, but parents/guardians in California may waive the requirement for immunization based solely upon their signature requesting it to be waived. Babies who are too young to have had their vaccines are one of the highest groups at risk.
    Do it for the babies. Please.

  • A April 8, 2014 (7:50 pm)

    Oh there are plenty that don’t vaccinate. It’s insane. What happened to the days when you couldn’t go to school until you were up to date? Not anymore. No vaccinations needed.

  • Danico April 8, 2014 (8:43 pm)

    Vaccinate!!! My baby is too young to be vaccinated against measles and I have to worry about this because people listen to Jenny McCarthy instead if the cdc and their health care providers. Ugh!

  • Gatewood mom April 8, 2014 (8:56 pm)

    Don’t assume that the person wasn’t vaccinated. Vaccines can fail and so can immune system responses.

  • Emmyjane3 April 8, 2014 (9:10 pm)

    It bothers me that people think vaccinating is a personal choice. No, it’s a choice made that impacts us all, especially those most vulnerable in our society.

  • Paul April 8, 2014 (10:12 pm)

    Ever read any vaccine side effects from the pamphlet? Guess not! Go ahead google it.. I’ll wait! Anything where possible death is a side effect is something I think we should have a choice to choose if we want to pump this stuff into our kids. Over use of vaccines, antibacterials, and antibiotics are creating new auto immune disorders. That’s the problem. Not the unvaccinated. And if the vaccines do work what are you scared of, go ahead and force it on your own kids!

  • m April 8, 2014 (10:23 pm)

    This is not a black and white issue. There are many legitimate reasons why some people do not get some vaccines.

  • nothingsblackandwhite April 8, 2014 (11:09 pm)

    As a parent it’s worth doing some research – vaccines save lives. Educate yourself…and your kids!

  • Mike April 9, 2014 (12:03 am)

    Paul, you’re lucky to live in a country that has been able to eradicate multiple contagious diseases with vaccines. You think the side effects of specific types of vaccines outweighs death or being paralyzed? There’s a reason vaccines come in multiple forms. Flu shot, allergic to eggs…there’s an alternative version for you! Don’t post false Jenny McCarthy garbage which has proven to KILL children due to lack of scientific understanding of vaccines. It’s pathetic. Here, I’ll make it simple for you. My kids are vaccinated. My youngest is still at risk since she’s still young enough to not be fully vaccinated and body immune to certain diseases which people can be vaccinated for. If my kids were to get ill due to your negligence, I’ll sue you. That make your decision easier?

  • rob April 9, 2014 (12:10 am)

    @gatewood mom – very true. i got the measles when i was 13 despite having been vaccinated.

  • Paul April 9, 2014 (5:39 am)

    @Mike, wow! I’m lucky to live in this country huh? You’d sue me! Your liberal entitlement disgusts me! It’s all about freedom my man, and those who sacrifice freedoms and liberty for safety deserve niether! On what grounds would you sue me just curious, you’re probably the type to sue your mother for tripping down her stairs. Pump your own kids full of that poison and keep feeding them GMOs I’m sure they’ll be fine..

  • JT April 9, 2014 (6:38 am)

    Glad to see the majority of people posting here are smart. This issue has gotten out of hand thanks to quasi celebrities, mommy bloggers and people “educating” themselves at University of Google. This isn’t a debate. Vaccinations exist for a reason.

  • pagefive April 9, 2014 (8:01 am)

    I encourage folks to refer to scientific, peer-reviewed articles if they have questions about vaccines and the diseases they prevent. CDC’s MMWRs are an excellent, fact-based resource.

    Of course not all vaccines are created equal, but MMR has been shown to be a safe and highly effective vaccine. Consider that prior to licensure of the first measles vaccine in 1963, virtually EVERY PERSON in the U.S. got measles by age 20. Since the vaccine became available, there has been a 99% reduction in the incidence of measles.

  • Lauri April 9, 2014 (8:23 am)

    JanS, thank you for that link.

  • Halyn April 9, 2014 (8:32 am)

    There are people with legitimate medical reasons to avoid vaccines. Because they are unable to get vaccinated they are at a higher risk of contracting vaccine-prevented diseases. Because we live in a society, those of us who are able to be vaccinated should be, in order that those who cannot will be safe. The eradication of fatal childhood disease benefits us all, but cannot be done if people choose not to get vaccinated because they’ve chosen to believe garbage science.

    As far as I’m concerned, if you choose not to be vaccinated, you choose not to vaccinate your children in the absence of legitimate medical reason, you’re a criminal, and should be treated as such. You don’t want to vaccinate your kids? Fine, they aren’t allowed in schools, churches, stores, parks, public pools, etc. Exercise your right not to vaccinate, but don’t endanger the rest of us. If you have the freedom and the liberty to sacrifice your safety and that of your family, then certainly, I have the freedom to demand that you be kept at a safe distance from me and mine.

    (By the way, “Jenny McCarthy says it causes autism and IT’S POISON, YOU CAN’T PUT POISON IN MY BABY!!” is not a legitimate medical reason, it’s an indication of your complete mental incompetence)

    Like all things, vaccines are not perfect. Sometimes they fail, sometimes immunity doesn’t last for a lifetime. The more vaccinated people you surround yourself with, the safer you are if your immunity wanes. Measles had almost vanished in this country 20 years ago. Whooping cough was nearly gone. Now they’re both back with a vengeance.

    It makes me sick to think of my great-grandmother, who lost two children to whooping cough, one to measles and THREE (THREE!!!!)to diptheria. Can you imagine? Can you imagine burying five children? If the anti-vax people keep up their propaganda, you won’t have to imagine it. You’ll be living it.

    **Comment edited by Halyn, to eliminate “wall of text” appearance**

  • enough April 9, 2014 (9:32 am)

    “Glad to see the majority of people posting here are smart. This issue has gotten out of hand thanks to quasi celebrities, mommy bloggers and people “educating†themselves at University of Google. This isn’t a debate. Vaccinations exist for a reason.”

    YUUUUUUUP! Totally agree JT!

  • junctioneer April 9, 2014 (9:33 am)

    What people posting are failing to realize is that 1: vaccinations are mostly effective, but not entirely effective 2: most vaccinations are for diseases that are, in the vast majority of cases, quite harmless. And, while I think vaccines are safe, I don’t mock those who aren’t sure. There’s a lot about science we really don’t know. The human body is a mystery. There are plenty of toxins today that people just didn’t worry about 100 years ago. Can you really fault people for thinking that there vaccines could also have effects that we really don’t understand?

    Again, the most important thing, if you actually look up most diseases (I’m referring to all vaccines, not just MMR), most are harmless for the majority of people nowadays (with hospitalization). Think chicken pox. The comments here are downright hateful and I’m ashamed to live in a society where there is such a fear of those who exercise their right to live in freedom.

  • KBear April 9, 2014 (10:03 am)

    Don’t be ridiculous, Junctioneer. Chickenpox may be one of the least-deadly diseases we have a vaccine for, but I would hardly call it “harmless”. What about polio? Sorry if you feel the comments have been “hateful”, but American society seems to be plagued by an increasing ignorance of science. Your individual “right” to avoid vaccines is trumped by others’ right to live free from the threat of deadly disease.

  • Sarishah April 9, 2014 (10:45 am)

    “There are people with legitimate medical reasons to avoid vaccines. Because they are unable to get vaccinated they are at a higher risk of contracting vaccine-prevented diseases. Because we live in a society, those of us who are able to be vaccinated should be, in order that those who cannot will be safe. The eradication of fatal childhood disease benefits us all, but cannot be done if people choose not to get vaccinated because they’ve chosen to believe garbage science.”

    Well-put, Halyn. I know a few people who had bad reactions when they were vaccinated and they’re big supporters of vaccines to protect those who can’t be vaccinated.

  • miws April 9, 2014 (10:50 am)

    What is so hateful about scientific evidence and logic?



  • datamuse April 9, 2014 (12:01 pm)

    Anything where possible death is a side effect is something I think we should have a choice to choose if we want to pump this stuff into our kids.
    Measles kills far more people than the measles vaccine ever did.
    Also, automatic fail for linking to Natural News. The guy who runs that site thinks that germs don’t cause disease, for god’s sake.
    Being told you’re wrong isn’t hateful, it’s being told you’re wrong. I suggest getting used to it if you’re going to participate in these kinds of discussions.

  • zark April 9, 2014 (2:31 pm)

    Vaccines aren’t effective?
    SO misleading, it’s irresponsible to say. In a measles outbreak statistically 100% of non-immunized people contract it, compared to ~1% of immunized people. Please, I beg you, just stop telling people stuff that is blatantly misleading.

    Vaccines are mostly for non-dangerous diseases? Like chicken pox? So woefully misinformed it’s actually scary – I assume you think nobody ever dies from the pox? You’d be very, very, wrong.

    Chickenpox vaccine was made publicly available in 1995.
    In the early 90’s ~150 died each year form chicken pox.
    In the early 2000’s that number was reduced to ~50.
    100 DEATHS a year eliminated by the introduction of one vaccine. A vaccine for a disease that people here ignorantly claim is “harmless for the majority of people nowadays (with hospitalization). Think chicken pox.”

    There have been zero, ZERO, deaths reported as adverse effect from the varicella vaccine.

    Junctioneer – you really need to read this:
    and this:

  • i'mcoveredinbees April 9, 2014 (6:31 pm)

    Nicely put, zark

    I will say, that I disagree with the way we immunize infants. Mine got really sick, so I postponed them a bit. He needs a few more and now I am motivated to get them all done.

    It is a shame these diseases are coming back. I’m also not clear on booster schedules. I think I need to get some too!

  • pagefive April 9, 2014 (7:11 pm)

    i’mcoveredinbees, check out CDC’s adult immunization schedule or speak with your medical provider. Adults need vaccines, too! Depending on your age, you may be due for Tdap. Also MMR (and varicella if you never had chickenpox). Zoster for adults over 60.

  • Andi April 9, 2014 (7:22 pm)

    I’mcoveredinbees, (holy crap that scares me just to type) most definitely check with your doctor about possible booster shots, especially for MMR and tDap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis). Due to a change in the contents of the tDap, it’s believed not to last as long anymore.

    The two stores in the link Tracy posted are in my neighborhood. The Safeway is my regular grocery store. I don’t like the idea that my family and neighbors might have been put in danger by someone who either decided not to vaccinate (or is the child of anti-vaxxers), or was infected by someone who chose not to vaccinate. Refusing vaccinations without legitimate medical reasons not to is selfish.

  • Paul April 9, 2014 (7:26 pm)

    Sheeple will be sheeple… Survival of the fittest!

  • miws April 9, 2014 (8:08 pm)

    Sheeple will be sheeple… Survival of the fittest


    Paul, if you are the same “Paul” that made the anti-vax comments above, is this the best you can do to challenge the scientific data, supporting vaccination, that others have linked to?



  • Mike April 9, 2014 (9:07 pm)

    “Sheeple will be sheeple… Survival of the fittest!”

    better to be a sheeple than a dead goat.

    Paul, do you like to eat Rainier cherries?

  • Brian April 10, 2014 (9:43 am)

    Herd immunity is so so so important. People who don’t vaccinate their children and themselves are a danger to society and are the most selfish, self-centered and myopic citizens we have.
    Get vaccinated. Think about someone other than yourself for once.

  • junctioneer April 11, 2014 (2:30 pm)

    Arguments here quickly break down when I say “vaccines are mostly but not entirely effective” and it is quoted as “Vaccines aren’t effective”.

    Additionally, I stand by my earlier statement that chicken pox is mostly harmless. 150 deaths down to 50? Really? The common cold kills thousands of people annually from complications. Here, I’ll say it: the common cold is mostly harmless, too. I never said it didn’t kill anyone.

    Also, I never said all vaccinated diseases = chicken pox, either. Polio completely different, and very hard to argue against (I think, at least).

    Lastly, I happen to think vaccines are a good thing. I have them. But I have some patience for those who don’t think that, and I don’t think our nation is worse off because of them.

Sorry, comment time is over.