Surprise! Last leg of Delridge Way repaving zone reopens early

Thanks to longtime WSB’er Mike (aka “miws”) for the tip – Delridge Way is detour-free from Roxbury to Orchard for the first time since January, when repaving work began. The southernmost stretch has reopened with no announcement, and no update on the project website, which as of two weeks ago projected the south end of Delridge would remain a detour zone until the end of the year.

This last leg of work included pedestrian-safety upgrades, such as the permanent closure of a stub of 17th SW between Cambridge and Delridge; 17th/Delridge is now an all-way stop.

While Delridge is completely clear, cones, signs, and some equipment are still in evidence here and there; we’ll check with SDOT on Monday to see what finishing touches remain and how long they’re expected to take.

7 Replies to "Surprise! Last leg of Delridge Way repaving zone reopens early"

  • happy November 29, 2013 (4:30 pm)

    Glad the finished early; thanks, miws, for the tip!
    (I enjoy your contributions to WSB.)

  • miws November 29, 2013 (5:04 pm)

    Thanks, happy! :-)



  • helridge November 29, 2013 (5:36 pm)

    I thought all of Delridge would be repaved.

  • Sunny.206 November 29, 2013 (7:01 pm)

    Hopefully fixing the bump at the Henderson- Delridge intersection going east. I can’t imagine a fire truck or ambulance going thru thru there with any speed, seems dangerous to me.

  • AJP November 30, 2013 (2:55 pm)

    Thank goodness it’s an all-way stop. That was a weird and dangerous intersection.

  • LyndaB December 1, 2013 (10:23 am)

    I don’t recall any signs indicating a traffic revision. I know it looked different but it would have been helpful to clue in. I slow rolled through that intersection Thanksgiving night.

    • WSB December 1, 2013 (10:35 am)

      Certainly would have. We wouldn’t have known if not for Mike’s tip. Will be checking with SDOT tomorrow on why no advisory/signage ensued.

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