Four West Seattle food notes to share:
FATBURGER’S TIMELINE: Lots of questions about when the first Fatburger within the Seattle city limits is opening; as first reported here in August, it’s in the heart of Alki, in the former Bada Bistro/Beachside CafĂ©/Alki Bakery spot at 61st and Alki. Today, an answer from its owners: The restaurant is expected to open in two to four weeks. Hours are likely to be 11 am-9 pm for starters, but given that it’s the offseason at the beach, that might evolve once they’re open and see how it goes. If you’ve been to a Fatburger on the Eastside, note that this one will come with something extra – two things extra, actually – wings and a full-service bar. (Photo: Illuminated sign visible through Alki window.)

(Photo added 7:41 pm – sign’s up at the new West Seattle location)
ZAW PREVIEW FREEBIES: As noted here two months ago, Zaw Artisan Pizza – which is a take-and-bake shop – is opening a West Seattle store in the for-sale strip mall on the northwest corner of 35th and Fauntleroy. Via its Facebook page, it’s offering “sneak preview” freebies this Wednesday-Friday, by advance reservation.
TERRA COLE BUTCHERY OPENS IN THE JUNCTION: The new meat-and-more shop in the former Coffee to a Tea spot in The Junction, featured here last month, has soft-opened. (Don’t go today, though – they’re closed Mondays.)
COPPER COIN’S ANNIVERSARY: Proprietor Aaron Shepherd says they’re celebrating the Admiral District restaurant’s first anniversary tomorrow (Tuesday, October 15th) with a special that incorporates a taste of political advocacy as the November election approaches:
Four seasons and Seven menu designs ago we opened the doors of The Copper Coin to our friends and neighbors in West Seattle. It’s been your standard first year for a restaurant. That’s to say, it’s been exhilaratingly bonkers. At the one year mark it’s a good time to take a moment to both celebrate and to remember why we come to work every day. In fact, we’ve decided to combine the two. Our menu states ‘our food is not grown, harvested, or cooked in a factory. We work with farmers who say yes to grass and no to drugs, and with fishermen who believe in being sustainably wild,’ and within those words you’ll find our opinion on Initiative 522. This Tuesday, October 15th, in support of I-522 and in celebration of the support we’ve received from our neighborhood over the last year, we are running our Deluxe Burger paired with an exclusive 1-year anniversary “Two Coins” Double Copper Ale by Two Beers Brewery for $5.22. Hopefully the $5.22 price for a burger and beer can serve as a thank you to our friends and as a catalyst for healthy conversation about an important topic for our community.
REMINDER: WSB maintains the West Seattle Restaurant Guide as a quick, basic reference to info on local eateries; we check from time to time to see if hours (etc.) have changed, but if you happen onto outdated information, please let us know – any time – so we can fix it. Thanks!