Photos: West Seattle (and vicinity) block parties during record-setting Night Out

6:00 PM: Seattle Police say more Night Out block parties are registered for tonight than the city’s ever seen before – 1,427, a five percent increase from last year. We’re on our way to check out some of them.

We’d also love a photo from yours – – thanks – updates to come!

6:21 PM: We’re starting in White Center, which is throwing a party in the downtown business district.

Several businesses have outdoor tables set up, Center Studio (WSB sponsor) has an outdoor workout going (photo above), and there’s a $2 food walk – here are Matt and Delia from Caffé Delia serving up Proletariat Pizza:

Speaking of pizza – West Seattle’s Pagliacci Pizza tells us they’re making surprise visits to block parties again this year too. Meantime, next – we head back north into Highland Park!

6:48 PM: That’s the group at Mary‘s block party on 17th SW in Highland Park. VERY bright sunshine tonight, as one young participant was all too aware of! From there, we headed into Westwood:

WWRHAH Community Council president Amanda Helmick invited us to stop by the party on 23rd SW – she’s at left in our photo with Joni Buckner (whose Head-to-Toe Day Spa in the Admiral District is a WSB sponsor). Amanda noted that they invited 22nd, 24th, and 25th SW neighbors too! Next WWRHAH meeting is a week from tonight, by the way. On to Arbor Heights:

7:06 PM: On 34th SW in AH, Block Watch captain JoDean Edelheit is proud of a great turnout tonight for their block party (above) – which is what we’re finding just about everywhere so far, good turnouts on a perfect night to be outside.

Also from 34th SW in Arbor Heights, where police stopped by (SPD and SFD were in circulation around the city), Christi shared this photo:

7:29 PM: Thanks to Marcia for sending that photo from Ocean View – which also had visitors from the Southwest Precinct. Our most recent stops, meantime, included two in Fauntleroy – neighbors of all ages are having a grand time by Fauntleroy Community Association board member Gary Dawson‘s house off upper Fauntleroy Way by the ferry dock:

A few blocks south of the ferry dock, Marty Westerman (left) and Gordon Wiehler, also from the FCA board, ponder the meatballs:

Thanks to everyone who is e-mailing us photos, too – we’re adding them from the mobile newsroom. Here’s one – from Genesee, at 40th and Andover, Jonathan French shared this photo:

He says the musical entertainment is being supplied by local home inspector Don Hartman and band.

7:59 PM: Only one hour to go! Thanks to Midge for the bouncy-house photo from 42nd SW in Fairmount Springs:

Midge says Pagliacci made one of their random surprise deliveries to their party! Meantime, from Rutan Place west of The Junction, John shares a group photo:

8:39 PM: Had to stop down to get the election links together, but we’ve continued to visit parties and we’re getting lots more photos in – we’ll keep adding past 9 pm. Another of our Highland Park stops was by invitation of Christie, who’s with husband Mike in our photo below:

Mike made “genuine Louisiana ribs” – that’s an exact quote – for the block party:

From 36th/Brandon/Findlay, Jenny shares this summer-evening scene:

Kathleen sends the next photo from SW Grayson, reporting, “We are rockin’ it in N. Admiral!”

8:57 PM: Minutes to go in the official window for Night Out, though some parties wrap up earlier, some last longer. One of the biggest ones we visited – in the Hansen View neighborhood, home to West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network leaders Karen Berge and Deb Greer:

In their neighborhood, we also found Buddy the dog …

Also at the party, Chris Dormaier from Sound Yoga (WSB sponsor), photographed with Tim Law:

Block Watches work, you’ll hear Deb and Karen and other leaders say, because of all the neighbors – and that’s really what Night Out is about:

If you don’t have a Block Watch but are interested in starting one, watch for the WSBWCN meetings – and check out this page on the SPD website. Still more party scenes to come – we’re back at HQ now.

10:03 PM: The first person to send us an invitation to her neighborhood’s Block Party this year was Nicole, from 52nd and Charlestown:

Nicole’s chicken played a big part in the Night Out event’s centerpiece, which you might call “chicken poop bingo”:

Half the proceeds were going to the West Seattle Food Bank. Meantime, the neighborhood you might describe as Upper Luna Park had a playful Night Out too, with water balloons:

Thanks to Erik for the photo. Meantime, from 16th and Trenton, Steve reports, “We had an awesome night with neighbors including those from up the street at Station 11 who came by with their truck for all the kids to explore. Perfect evening for it.” Here’s the photographic proof:

41st and Graham got a Seattle Fire Department visit too – thanks to Jenny for the photo:

From Gatewood, Tony‘s block party at California and Portland:

Frequent WSB contributor Long Bach Nguyen just sent a photo from that same party:

Music at 46th and Dakota – Cheryl says The Spyrographs were playing (and will be at Summer Concerts at The Mount [WSB sponsor]) two weeks from Friday, on August 23rd:

From North Admiral, Karyn tweeted her block-party scene:

Getting back to Gatewood, Mark Ahlness reports, “A great gathering at 39th SW and SW Elmgrove. Wonderful food and conversations with neighborhood regulars and many newcomers! In the picture, Grace welcomes everybody and gets things organized!”

From the 7100 block of 44th, Dan reports, “25 people out for the block party. Met a ton of great neighbors that we didn’t really know before.”

Meantime, our final stop of the night was at another Gatewood gathering – Paula had invited us to visit her neighbors’ gathering on SW Rose between 35th and 37th:

ADDED EARLY WEDNESDAY: More party photos received overnight – one from 12th SW between Barton and Henderson, where the party included breakdancing and live music: “Hosted by Danny and Marie Figgins in Highland Park! We love Night Out and hanging making new friends!”

Diane says her Night Out party in the Belvedere neighborhood brought together five blocks!

Edward photographed the neighbors in the 6700 block of 41st SW, where it’s a tradition to display “flags from countries, states neighbors are from”:

AND ANOTHER: Carrie Ann reports from the 42nd/Dakota-Andover block party: “This is a photo of our neighbor, Brad, a wonderful fiddle player and singer. One of the best parts of our annual block party is that, every year, we’re treated to a musical serenading by many of our extremely talented neighbors”:

Carrie Ann continues: “We even managed to lure in passersby who saw how much fun we were having, and invited them to join us in singing, dancing, and marshmallow roasting. I highly encourage everyone to reach out to their neighbors on this night, because you’ll learn so much and create priceless memories!”

P.S. Next year will be the thirtieth anniversary of Night Out!

21 Replies to "Photos: West Seattle (and vicinity) block parties during record-setting Night Out"

  • West Seattle Hipster August 6, 2013 (7:35 pm)

    Great pictures, love to see our neighborhoods come together.

  • coffee August 6, 2013 (8:11 pm)

    The White Center food walk was amazing! The best 26.00 ever spent for 2 people and we came home with extras! Tried 3 places we have always wanted to go to. I was amazed at the turnout, and it would be wonderful if they could do it again before next year!

  • HP gal August 6, 2013 (8:12 pm)

    We are having a great night here on 13th and Henderson! You jist can’t beat Neighborhood Night Out- so much fun!! Thanks WSB for all the pics- looks like everyone’s having a great night out with their neighbors :)

  • Paul August 6, 2013 (8:39 pm)

    Our neighborhood would like to thank the North Highline Fire and Burien Police Department for visiting our block watch party and for all they do to make our communities safer! It is greatly appreciated.

  • Lisa August 6, 2013 (8:53 pm)

    Our street does not participate in Night Out, so we headed to White Center and enjoyed a $2.00 bite Proletariat Pizza, Zippys, ice at Full Tiilt. My husband and daughter enjoyed Zippys, 3.14 Bakery, and Big Al’s Brewing. Thanks to tonight we now have more places to eat out at, and we made some great new friends.

  • AJP August 6, 2013 (9:56 pm)

    I want to live on Mike’s block.

  • trickycoolj August 6, 2013 (11:06 pm)

    Bummer High Point postponed to September due to Ramadan looks like tonight would have been perfect weather!

  • miws August 6, 2013 (11:18 pm)

    Long Bach Nguyen’s photo wasn’t an aerial? ;-)



  • Christie August 7, 2013 (12:02 am)

    thanks for stopping by West Seattle Blog – the ribs were awesome!! Love my block and our block party.

  • DM August 7, 2013 (12:13 am)

    We had a lovely neighborhood potluck in the 7500 block of 15th Ave SW! I love my neighbors!

  • Clairelbc August 7, 2013 (7:19 am)

    West Seattle Rocks! West Seattle Blog Rocks as well! I can proudly say that Tony & Long were a part of our great evening! I can’t wait for next year !

  • Silly Goose August 7, 2013 (10:16 am)

    Thanks to Officer Flores for stopping by our block party!

    I love the flags that pictures is awesome, says so much without speaking a word!!!

  • BretM August 7, 2013 (10:24 am)

    I love living here.

  • Arbor Heights Nghbr August 7, 2013 (11:38 am)

    I wish we would’ve gone to White Center :( The pizza looks soooooo good.

  • HelperMonkey August 7, 2013 (11:50 am)

    White Center was a great party – way to go WC! Especially since no one in my hood wanted to throw a night out party – it was nice to have an alternative and a great way to hang out in WC. Hoping next year they’ll close 16th down as part of the celebration!

  • modern city dweller August 7, 2013 (12:48 pm)

    hey folks when blocking off the roads for these events please put up very clear tape or signage to indicate the street is closed. I drove past what appeared to be SDOT equipment covering a bad patch of road only to discover it was the neighborhood night out, with people in the middle of the block. If you want to avoid cars coming up that street the signage ( fluorescent yellow or orange) does a lot better than what I saw on my particular part of the neighborhood.


  • modern city dweller August 7, 2013 (12:51 pm)

    it’s a shame we don’t have that in our neighborhood but that’s what you get for living on 35th Ave.

  • Bulldog Dad August 7, 2013 (3:40 pm)

    Jo Jo!!!!

  • Carrie Ann August 7, 2013 (11:21 pm)

    Bummer, was hoping to see our block represented here. Guess I sent the photo too late! We had an excellent time, as always, and with all the new families moving in, babies being born, and just ever-changing scene, it’s so nice to come together like this and really connect. Already looking forward to the 30th annual, next year!

    • WSB August 7, 2013 (11:22 pm)

      I have a couple to add but haven’t been able to yet. Somewhere in the next couple hours. I thought I was done around 7 am and then a couple more arrived. Thanks!

  • Carrie Ann August 7, 2013 (11:26 pm)

    Gotcha. Thanks, TR!

    And I love that flag idea. Really cool.

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