Happening now: West Seattle Runner’s 3rd anniversary sale, and WS 5K registration party

(Photos by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
Happy 3rd anniversary to Lori and Tim McConnell and their business West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor), celebrating with a sale through tomorrow! (That’s Hombre the greyhound with them in our photo.) When we first reported on their plan in February 2010, it was the most-commented-on new-business report ever – with WSB’ers enthusing that the area really needed this kind of shop, not just for the retail, but also for a coalescing point for the running community. Their milestones along the way have even included co-launching a brand-new event, the Float Dodger 5K preceding the West Seattle Grand Parade; the second annual FD5K is in the works for July 20th. Speaking of 5K’s, if you make it to West Seattle Runner before 4 pm today, it’s one last chance at an earlybird-discount signup for the West Seattle 5K, which is coming up May 19th:

(WS5K race director Jeff Mensing at left with WSHS PTSA president Tracy Burrows and Jim Donovan)
The WS5K is a benefit for the West Seattle High School PTSA, and will kick off a doubleheader of Alki events again this year, with Seattle Summer Streets following the run/walk. (WSB has been a proud sponsor every year since it launched in 2009.) If you can’t get to WS Runner before 4, you’ve got plenty of time to sign up online, at the regular rate

4 Replies to "Happening now: West Seattle Runner's 3rd anniversary sale, and WS 5K registration party"

  • Bonnie April 6, 2013 (2:58 pm)

    Ahhh…what a cute photo of you two! Congrats! I’m glad you opened your shop.

  • Stacy April 6, 2013 (6:35 pm)

    Congratulations Lori & Tim!

  • al April 7, 2013 (1:38 pm)

    I have a question for you what is your number. Al

  • Tim April 7, 2013 (2:35 pm)


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