West Seattle, Washington
02 Sunday
(WSB photo from Admiral Treats and Treasures 2011)
A quick note from tonight’s Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting, with a full-length report to follow in the next 24 hours or so: ANA president Katy Walum announced dates for two things you might want to get onto your calendar. First, this year’s Admiral Treats and Treasures trick-or-treat (and more) event in the business district is set for 3-6 pm on Friday, October 26th. Second, next year’s Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series is set for another six consecutive Thursdays, running July 25th (2013) through August 29th. (We’ll have all of those dates in the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar shortly in case you need to refer back!)
A last-minute location change for the North Delridge Neighborhood Council on Monday night led to a gathering at a nearby playground’s picnic shelter. Five council members discussed topics including:
Read More
(WSB photo from then-Superintendent-to-be José Banda’s tour of Arbor Heights in May 2012)
This afternoon, Seattle Public Schools sent the district’s families and community an update on the newest proposal for what to send to voters in the BEX (“Building Excellence”) IV levy next February. To get right to the point, here are the three toplines for West Seattle:
Arbor Heights Elementary: Replace existing building with new/expanded facility by 2019
Fairmount Park: Open this existing building with necessary upgrades, add classrooms and a lunchroom by 2014
Schmitz Park: Replace existing Genesee Hill building with a new/expanded facility on the Genesee Hill site; relocate Schmitz Park to the new facility by 2015
The Arbor Heights community was unhappy with the previous plan (here’s our report from May) for a 2018 opening for a new school; now, it’s been pushed back another year.
Also of note: The former EC Hughes Elementary campus – currently leased to independent Westside School (WSB sponsor) – is not mentioned in the announcement (nor is it on the accompanying draft slide). We may not be able to confirm until tomorrow whether that means the prospect of reopening it as a public school is off the table.
Read on for the complete announcement sent districtwide, including the list of public meetings ahead (in West Seattle, the meeting’s at Madison Middle School at 6:30 pm September 24):Read More
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
When last we checked in on “The Hum,” after a spate of complaints around Labor Day weekend followed mostly by quietude except for news-media outlets around the region/country/world picking up on it (seriously!), the city had started to investigate, while two researchers were heading out to the Duwamish River to see if the midshipman fish might be to blame (as reported by KING 5 last Thursday night).
So, is it the fish’s fault?
Says the lead researcher, Joseph Sisneros from the University of Washington, who went out that night with a graduate student to investigate:
We contacted him today to follow up on what they had done and found:
We placed a hydrophone (underwater microphone) in the Duwamish river (eastside of West Seattle), Alki Beach (northside of West Seattle in Elliott Bay) and near Lincoln Park (west side of West Seattle in Puget Sound). We did not hear any calls that night; we were out until about 11:30 pm. Thus, we have no evidence or data that the midshipman is present in West Seattle waters right now.
We were very interested that night in discovering new nest sites for these fish to study close to home/university. The mating season for the midshipman is typically late spring to summer. September is rather late in the summer but not necessary unheard of for the midshipman mate call to be heard, since in California, midshipman nests have been found sub-tidally during the fall months. For your information, the midshipman fish is a common fish found from Alaska to southern California. Very abundant on the west of the US.
After hearing about the strange reports of the hum in West Seattle, we were intrigued that perhaps the midshipman might be heard near shore if the calls were possibly transmitted via tanker or boat hulls. There was a famous story from Sausalito, CA in the 1980s when the mating calls of midshipman were heard to resonate through the houseboat hulls and drove the resident community crazy. There were all kinds of theories back then what the strange hum could be. Later the local fish biologist determined it was the midshipman’s mating call that was the source of the hum.
With that said, it would be impossible for the resonating hum to be transmitted very far inland into West Seattle, especially to places in the center of West Seattle where some of the “hums” have been reported on the West Seattle Blog! My guess is the sounds that are being heard are man-made.
So then, what are/were they? We checked back today with Bryan Stevens, spokesperson for the city’s Department of Planning and Development, which has jurisdiction over noise complaints/investigations. His update:
No new information at this point. Staff have been looking over possible construction projects in the area, but haven’t found anything that would have occurred in that vicinity or during the noted timeframe. Usually we hear from someone that can narrow it down to at least a couple blocks, but the comments we’ve received up to this point have been much more broad. That coupled with the limited duration of the noise (once a month maybe) will make this a difficult one to resolve.
So if you hear it again – note as much descriptive information as you can, record it if you can, and contact the city’s noise inspectors: (206) 684-7843 or (206) 615-1760.
The environmental-advocacy group People for Puget Sound says it’s not able to raise the money it needs to stay afloat, so it’s shutting down. Here’s the announcement from its website today. Its many years of work has included various initiatives involving West Seattle, such as the biennial Duwamish Alive! cleanups. The group’s executive director Tom Bancroft – who took over when founder Kathy Fletcher retired a year ago – says some of its programs will be taken over by other groups, including EarthCorps and the Washington Environmental Council.
(8/14 note: To check whether a business is still a current WSB sponsor, please go here)
Today we welcome a new WSB sponsor, Seattle Wellness Programs. Here’s what they would like you to know about their practice: Dr. Elissa Mullen, a board-certified naturopath, is dedicated to helping patients enhance and improve their health. Her patients appreciate her attention to detail, continuous research for the newest treatment options, and constant monitoring of medical conditions to ensure the best possible outcomes.
Patients rely on Dr. Mullen for her experience and services. She has a consulting practice in several states with nine companies for weight loss and sleep apnea; she has extensive knowledge of the biochemistry of metabolism and weight loss; she is nationally recognized as a specialist in MS and other autoimmune diseases and the use of LDN (low-dose naltrexone); she is contracted with most insurance companies. More than 75 percent of Dr. Mullen’s new patients come from current patient referral – patients tell their friends/colleagues that with her guidance, they have changed their health and their lives.
Over the past 6 years, Dr. Mullen has been actively involved in West Seattle Rotary, actively participating in the Eradicate Polio Campaign, Children’s Holiday Shopping Spree, West Seattle Kiddie Parade and 5K Float Dodger. Dr. Mullen is also an accomplished vocalist performing in Breath of Aire and Musica Sacra Chamber Chorale. You’ll find her online here – you can even book an appointment online! – and on Facebook here, and by phone at 206-388-2929.
We thank Dr. Elissa Mullen of Seattle Wellness Programs for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.
(Seattle Parks file photo)
2:34 PM: After 17 years, the wooden “castle” at Roxhill Playground is now closed forever – awaiting renovation of the playground site and construction of its successor. That word comes from Mat McBride, who is leading the “community build” plan for the new structure – which, like the old castle, will be made by Leathers and Associates. McBride says West Seattle-based Grindline, which is both building the adjoining Roxhill Skatespot and preparing the playground site for the new structure, will dismantle the old one soon; its plaques, he says, have been saved. The dates for the volunteer “community build” are now set for October 17th-21st, according to McBride, and you’re invited: “Still lots of opportunity to roll up sleeves for this park and community.” He is starting a website about and for the project – see it here; there’s history for starters, with information coming soon about other aspects including signing up to help build the new “castle.”
4:05 PM UPDATE: The dismantling already has begun; we went over for a photo and found that the north side of the play area had been taken apart, though the main part of the old “castle” is still standing:
Since the Alki Statue of Liberty has been a touchstone on 9/11 ever since that first night-after in 2001, we visited late this morning to look for tributes. On the side visible from the street, a few bouquets had been placed, plus a small creation from stones; on the water side, a note, and stones arranged in the shape of a heart:
The note is a prayer, reading in part, “Help us to live with love rather than hate. Help us to forgive.” Meantime, we’ll check back this evening. While there was an organized, well-attended vigil last year (WSB coverage here) on the 10th anniversary of the deadly East Coast attacks, we haven’t heard of any official plans this year (please let us know if you have).
(WSB photo from 2011 Holy Rosary WestFest)
Good thing the sunshine’s not over yet because the late-summer fun isn’t either. In addition to the West Seattle Junction Car Show (co-sponsored by WSB) 8 am-4 pm Sunday, the weekend also brings Holy Rosary School‘s annual WestFest – on the 42nd/Genesee campus, 6-10 pm Friday and 10 am-10 pm Saturday.
We are gearing up to host the season’s premier event for the West Seattle community; come see great local music and talent, eat delicious food, dob a round of bingo, race down the rides, try your luck at the cake walk, climb a rock wall, play games galore, and so much more. There’s a beer garden for adults too — there is truly something for all ages!
Bring your young children early Saturday morning, from 10 am to noon, for “Toddler Time” at WestFest. Avoid the crowds and lines! They’ll enjoy better access to the blow-up rides and games with kids close to their age and ability.
Wristbands for Blow-up Rides
Take unlimited turns on our wide selection of rollicking rides on Friday, 9/14 and Saturday, 9/15 with an activity wristband. Bands are available at for purchase at WestFest on Friday (9/14) for $10 and Saturday (9/15) for $15, or $25 for both days. To allow everyone a safe and fun experience, unsafe or disrespectful behavior on or around the rides may result in loss of ride privileges, up to and including loss of wristband.Admission to the Cake Walk and Kids’ Games are not included with the wristbands. Blow-up rides are $1 each without a band.
The official WestFest website is here.
(WSDOT photo, via Flickr)
Our day-by-day list of road closures for the week includes one this weekend for part of northbound 99 just north of the West Seattle Bridge. Today, WSDOT confirms it’s so they can get the new northbound Highway 99 bridge open by Monday morning – which means more room for vehicles on that section of 99. Here’s the official announcement:
This weekend the Washington State Department of Transportation will close another chapter in the replacement of the State Route 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct.
WSDOT crews will close a section of northbound SR 99 through SODO Friday night to put the finishing touches on the new highway that replaces the viaduct’s south end. Unlike the double-deck viaduct, this new section of SR 99 features twin, side-by-side bridges. By 5 a.m. Monday, Sept.17, northbound traffic will use the newly completed east-side bridge, while southbound traffic remains on the west-side bridge, which was completed in October 2011.
9:03 AM: Police are blocking at least part of the area because of a crash that’s hurt at least one person. More shortly.
9:14 PM UPDATE: From co-publisher Patrick Sand at the scene, someone crossing 35th was hit by a vehicle. Since they’re being transported by private ambulance, injuries aren’t life-threatening. Eastbound Thistle and southbound 35th are most affected. Photo added.
(Seals off the western WS shore this morning, photo by J&R)
Besides the chill in the air, another sign of fall: One night, five community meetings. They are among the highlights on the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar:
TONIGHT’S TRAFFIC ALERT: Another southbound overnight closure of 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct.
‘SCHOOL YOUR PARENTS’: Students, parents, and caregivers are all invited to the High Point Library (35th/Raymond) 4-7 pm to find out how it can play into school-year success as well as family fun. The calendar listing has details.
FIDO MAKES A SPLASH: Again today (and daily through Saturday), Arbor Heights Swim and Tennis Club opens its pool to dogs only, since human-swimming season is over. 5-7 pm. Details here.
CITY HEARING ON LOWMAN BEACH SEWER-OVERFLOW PROJECT: The million-gallon tank planned across the street from Lowman Beach Park is a county project, but it can’t proceed without city permits. Before deciding on those permits, the city Department of Planning and Development has a hearing tonight to take public comments. 6:30 pm, The Hall at Fauntleroy (9131 California SW). Here’s the official notice, which notes that you can provide your comments by spoken or written word.
WEST SEATTLE SEE DOGS: Find out about raising a future-guide-dog puppy! 6:30 pm, The Kenney (WSB sponsor; 7125 Fauntleroy Way SW) – check out the story of the club’s latest graduate.
DESC DELRIDGE SUPPORTIVE HOUSING ADVISORY GROUP: Concerned about safety, once the 66-unit housing complex is up and running? That’s on the agenda tonight, along with updates on when construction will begin, and the retail space expected to be occupied by the Delridge Produce Cooperative. 6:30 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW).
ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: Live in the Admiral area? Come meet your community council and see what’s ahead for fall – 7 pm, Admiral Church lower-level meeting room (California/Hill).
FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Monthly board meeting, including a look ahead to the 10th annual Fauntleroy Fall Festival (October 14th). 7 pm, Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW).
NIGHTLIFE: Tuesday Tune-Up time at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor), 6:30-8:30 pm … Trivia That Rocks at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 8 pm … Baby Ketten Karaoke at Skylark Café and Club, 9 pm …
FIRST REPORT, 7:31 AM: If you’re following the SODO arena story, you are probably more than well aware of reports late last night that City Councilmembers and arena backers reached a deal (here’s what our partners at the Seattle Times wrote). This morning, word’s just in that three councilmembers plan “an announcement” at 9:30 am – if you want to watch live, they’re planning to stream it online (here’s the link). The councilmembers (President Sally Clark, Tim Burgess, Mike O’Brien) were among the eight who sent the arena contingent a letter in late July expressing concerns about the proposed deal.
ADDED 9:58 AM: The briefing’s still under way, but the city has already sent a news release summarizing what’s happened – including the proposed creation of a Port Overlay District – and two links to related documents, including an FAQ. We’ve added those after the jump (also added, 10:31 am, King County Executive Dow Constantine‘s comments):Read More