West Seattle Weather Watch: Thunder!

Just heard thunder here at WSB HQ in Upper Fauntleroy; the National Weather Service called for a chance of thunderstorms in this “short-term forecast” (possibly even “small hail”).

7 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch: Thunder!"

  • onceachef June 8, 2012 (4:06 pm)

    Heard it but it went away!

    • WSB June 8, 2012 (4:11 pm)

      Cameo appearance, apparently. You just never know.

  • HAIL June 8, 2012 (4:14 pm)

    Okay it is JUNE and it is HAILING in highland park.

    • WSB June 8, 2012 (6:01 pm)

      When we set out an hour and a half ago, there was a bit of ice in the rain hitting our windshield. Now it’s cheerily sunny, at least in The Junction where we’ve been hanging out for a couple coffee shop meetings – TR

  • miws June 8, 2012 (6:13 pm)

    Maybe it was intended for Howard Schultz? ;-)



  • WestSide45 June 8, 2012 (8:00 pm)

    You should have heard the screams of the kids on the playground at Lafayette. Quite impressive and annoying at the same time.

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