day : 06/05/2012 9 results

Followup: Neighbors’ post-fire fundraiser brings $2,000

If you don’t know her already – that’s Martha Mallett. She’s the Highland Park resident who along with her son survived a fire at their home last Tuesday (WSB coverage here). On Saturday, she stopped by to see neighbors Lisa and Randy Leininger, who organized a benefit to sell hot dogs and lemonade:

Tonight Lisa shared these photos along with an update on the community’s outpouring:

We had an amazing turnout for our fundraiser on Saturday. It was great to see so many of you come out to show your support for Martha and Brian. Even some of the guys from Fire Station 11 showed up! Because of all your generosity, we were able to raise $1,452 the day of and have received two more donations since then bringing the total to $2000! I know the family is overwhelmed and so grateful, as are we. I feel so fortunate to live in a community that really supports one another. Thank you and big hugs to everyone who donated.

Here’s some of Martha’s family and friends:

We had mentioned on Saturday night that Highland Park Improvement Club‘s annual “Wine for Our Times” fundraiser was planning to donate raffle proceeds to Martha and Brian, since she has been their longtime “raffle queen.” One other donation – look again at the top photo – Lisa says Nicole from HPIC gave Martha the corsage to let them know they were thinking of her though she couldn’t make it to this year’s event!

More West Seattle weekend scenes: WS Food Bank, SLHS, WSHS

May 6, 2012 10:18 pm
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Mike shared that view from the Lincoln Park waterfront path tonight, as a beautiful weekend came to a close. Not everyone got to spend the weekend lazing around in the sun … dozens of volunteers worked hard on a variety of fundraisers. We’ve already reported on the ones for White Center Jubilee Days, for West Seattle Montessori (WSB sponsor), and for the Highland Park Improvement Club (and a family near and dear to their hearts) … here are shoutouts for a few more.

FIGHTING HUNGER: Keri DeTore and Ron Angeles were part of a full house of volunteers and supporters of the West Seattle Food Bank on Friday night at The Hall at Fauntleroy. The “Instruments of Change” dinner/auction was a hit once again, with the night including a keynote speech by former County Executive Ron Sims.

Saturday night, sports was in the spotlight at two fundraising dinners:

SEATTLE LUTHERAN FOOTBALL FUNDRAISER: In the kitchen at Seattle Lutheran High School on Saturday night, Julia, Shawne, Kerri and Holly worked to help make sure everybody got fed at the benefit dinner raising money for the football program. Two guest speakers were scheduled, as noted in our preview earlier in the weekNesby Glasgow and Deacon Demetrius Duke Devers. P.S. The Saints have reason to be excited about baseball too – their undefeated team is off to postseason play.

WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL/SOFTBALL DINNER: This all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner, also on Saturday night, included lots of donations – check out the dessert dash lineup:

Thanks to co-chair Kim Gearon (right) for sharing news about this event:

(added) The team’s postseason play starts Monday. Meantime, lots of other great events on the calendar as spring continues, of course!

Bike Month kickoff: Westside School’s two-wheelin’ Sunday

(Photos by Preston Poythress)
Thanks to Astrid Klopsch, a Westside School (WSB sponsor) parent who along with fellow parent Carmel Schimmel led a Bike Month workshop at the school today, for sharing this report on how it went:

Today from 10 am – 12:00 pm, Westside School, with the support of the Cascade Bicycle Club, hosted a Bike Month Kick-off where children of all ages received assistance with bike adjustments, practiced skills and rode through obstacle courses.

More than 35 students participated – everyone showed improvements and one student even was able to get rid of their training wheels. It was a big success and everyone is looking forward to more great biking.

Bike Month includes Bike to Work Day, coming up on May 18th, a week from Friday; once again this year, there’ll be a commute station by the west end of the “low bridge,” co-sponsored by Alki Bike and Board (here’s a list of the commute stations around the region).

West Seattle workouts: Stroller Strides’ anniversary on Alki

(Photo courtesy Stroller Strides)
Good thing the forecast says the sunshine is sticking around – tomorrow morning, a crowd is expected for Stroller Strides‘ 3-year anniversary class on Alki. It’s been a bigger-than-ever year for franchisee Athena Frederick, who received the company’s Franchise of the Year award last December. The program is a workout for moms that allows them to bring their little ones along (dads are welcome too); if you want to participate tomorrow, Athena says the first class is always free and they’re offering free classes all week as part of the celebration. They’re also offering “numerous raffle prizes for moms; free running shoes, baby items, and many more from our numerous sponsors” – goodie bags for all, too. The celebratory class is planned for 9:30 am tomorrow (Monday) by the Alki Bathhouse.

West Seattle weekend scenes: Seeing the sights @ low tide

Thanks to Greg for sharing photos from south of Alki during this morning’s low tide (even lower the next two afternoons). Above, his daughter Lillie carefully checks out a purple sea star. Next, a great blue heron snags a snack:

And of course, Lillie, Greg, and the heron did not exactly have the beach to themselves:

While the very low (and very high!) tides continue for the next few days, the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar will have information about both the tides and opportunities to talk with beach naturalists. We also have tide information on the WSB Weather page year-round.

SIFF to feature West Seattle photographer Bob Venezia’s film

(Photo copyright Bob Venezia – Puyallup Fair, 2011)
The schedule is out for the Seattle International Film Festival, and it includes an award-winning short film by West Seattle photographer Bob Venezia, who shares this announcement:

“Animated Amusements,” a short film by West Seattle photographer Bob Venezia, is an official selection of the Seattle International Film Festival. It will be shown on May 26th at 9:30 pm at the SIFF Cinema at the Uptown as part of the program, “Animation for Adults.”

Scenes of carnival rides at night are set to the music of the late Rebo Flordigan. Shot in time-lapse and moving at hundreds of times their normal speed, the rides take on a life of their own and display brilliant patterns in colored lights.

Tickets for the program are now on sale.

Originally shot in 3D, this movie won the Artistic Achievement Award at the 2011 convention of the National Stereoscopic Association. SIFF will be presenting the 2D version.

Read more about the movie here.

Bob Venezia is a stereoscopic (3D) photographer and Photoshop expert. His love of 3D photography started in childhood with his first ViewMaster but it wasn’t until 1995 that he began creating these images on his own. Bob has been listed in the “Who’s Who†of the Photographic Society of America every year since 2006 and has a 4 Star rating with the PSA. He has had more than 220 acceptances in PSA recognized Exhibitions since 2003, and has won numerous awards, including a dozen Gold medals.

In 2009 Bob was the top exhibitor worldwide of digital stereoscopic photography according to the PSA. In 2010 he ranked number two worldwide in two categories (digital and slides). His long exposure of the Brooklyn Bridge took first place in the Electronic section of the Stereo Photo of the Year Competition for 2009 and his image of gondolas at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas was named Stereo Photo of the Year for 2010.

SIFF side note – though several films were scheduled at the Admiral Theater in the past few years, the festival is not coming to West Seattle this time around.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2012 countdown! 6 days

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgYes, we know the extended forecast is tough to rely on this far out, BUT we have to say we’re excited that the projection is for SUNSHINE next Saturday – the 8th annual edition of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, with 245+ sales of all sizes, all over the peninsula! Have you seen the map yet? It has its own page here on WSB again this year – note the tab (with purple text) at the top right of WSB pages. The online version – with a right-side list of addresses, each of which you can click to go to that specific sale and find out more (via an info-bubble) – is there now. The printable version, with all 245+ listings plus numbered map sections, will be linked from that page (among other places) once it’s ready to go. Whether you’re a seller or a shopper, thanks in advance for joining in the person-to-person-recycling, meet-your-neighbors, explore-West-Seattle fun, next Saturday! And keep an eye on the WSCGSD Facebook page, where sellers are welcome to post photos/more info about their sales – we suggest using the sale #, now that it’s available via the online map (numbers will be the same on the printable version), to make sure everybody knows WHICH sale you’re showcasing.

5:40 PM UPDATE: The printable map is available now too – get it here, or any time from the aforementioned page on which you’ll also find the online map.

Maintenance work Tuesday at Murray Pump Station

May 6, 2012 9:07 am
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 |   Utilities | West Seattle beaches | West Seattle news

Quick note for the Lowman Beach area – the county Wastewater Treatment Division will be doing “some planned maintenance work” at the Murray Pump Station this Tuesday. County spokesperson Annie Kolb-Nelson says it’s NOT related to the combined-sewer overflow control project across the street from the pump station and park, but since you might wonder about that if you see the work crews on Tuesday, she’s sharing the heads-up. Crews will be there 8 am-2 pm; the county’s flyer has more details on exactly what they’ll do and what they’ll use.

West Seattle Sunday: On the beach, at the Market…

May 6, 2012 8:37 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

Sunny Sunday highlights here:

(Photo courtesy Port of Seattle, taken after Oosterdam docked this morning)
CRUISE SHIP SEASON BEGINS: The Port of Seattle’s first ship of the season is here. Holland America Line’s Oosterdam is docked in Magnolia, but visitors are still everywhere, reports a WSB team member just back from the other side of the bay. (The port’s cruise-ship schedule for this year is here [PDF].)

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Here’s their announcement of what’s new today:

Wine and Cider Sampling: Rockridge Orchards & Cidery
Kids’ Tent: The WS Junction Association w/a crafts, giveaways, and a workout routine!

Welcome new creamery Mountain Lodge Farm with FRESH CHEVRE!!

10 am-2 pm at 44th/Alaska in The Junction.

ALSO AT THE MARKET – BRING YOUR MUGS/GLASSES: Sustainable West Seattle‘s mugs/glasses collection drive – to have a set of reusable dishes for events – is scheduled to be part of their booth at the market today (here’s our original story).

LOW/HIGH TIDES, AND TWO CHANCES TO SEE THE BEACH WITH NATURALISTS: Just after 11:30 this morning, the tide will be minus three feet – one of the lowest tides of the year. A naturalist-led walk is scheduled for 10:15 am across from Me-Kwa Mooks (Beach Drive) and Seattle Aquarium volunteer beach naturalists will be south of Alki Point and on the Lincoln Park beach (usually near Colman Pool) starting at 10:30 am.

FAMILY FRISBEE: West Seattle Ultimate Family Frisbee (here’s the WSUFF Facebook page) plays at Fairmount Park, 11 am.

GIRLS ROCK MATH OPEN HOUSE: 2-6 pm today, you’re invited to come find out more about Girls Rock Math (WSB sponsor) at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW) – details in the calendar listing. (Also, check out GRM’s new coupon on the WSB Coupons page.)

‘HIPSTER BLUES’: That’s how PK Dwyer‘s music is described in the announcement we published in the calendar; catch PK at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) 3-5 pm today.

WSUU CONCERT: The Westside Unitarian Universalists‘ Chamber Choir performs at 4 pm today at WSUU’s church (7141 California SW), all invited; admission by donation. Details in the calendar listing.