Happening now: Rally north of West Seattle ‘low bridge’

(Photo by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand, added 10:30 am)
As of about 9:30 am, our crew estimated the crowd at the rally by the fishing bridge north of the West Seattle “low bridge” at about 100 people. Police are there to monitor in case of traffic road effects, but none are reported so far. The rally is a show of support for independent port truckers who are off the job in protest of safety and other concerns. More to come. (Added) Turnout was up to about 200 by 10 am.

EARLY TUESDAY: Here’s a closer look at the rally and the ongoing dispute, from our partners at the Seattle Times.

10 Replies to "Happening now: Rally north of West Seattle 'low bridge'"

  • bada-bing February 13, 2012 (9:58 am)

    Correction on traffic effects: The crowd is blocking the pedestrian/bike path.

    • WSB February 13, 2012 (10:03 am)

      Thanks for the update. Will amend to “not affecting the roadway.”

  • CB February 13, 2012 (10:10 am)

    They’re protesting safety rules?

  • skeeter February 13, 2012 (10:43 am)

    WSB – I’d love it if you could talk to some of the protesters and figure out exactly what they are protesting. Clearly these folks are upset. We’re just not sure why.

  • Jiggers February 13, 2012 (11:33 am)

    I couldn’t see them or hear them….)

  • stb February 13, 2012 (1:01 pm)

    Can we keep them off the job? Made the low bridge commute this morning a breeze.

  • Jiggers February 13, 2012 (1:38 pm)

    No stb.. the homeless shelters are at full capacity. We need to get them back to work…:)

  • overload February 13, 2012 (7:37 pm)

    most these people chanting,”yes we can”, haven’t a clue what a trucker does. they were told to show up to rally by change-to-win organizers with a media scrip package in case questions are asked. sadly the majority of truckers here don’t know they’re being used. the drivers protest over pay & bad container chassis has now been hijacked by the coalition of environmental labor communistic agenda to socialize the trucking industry. no thanks, i don’t want to give up my truck for a company driving job, i’ll just keep my truck that’s paid for and demand more money from the company or go elsewhere. saying NO to Cheap freight is easier than dealing with support from folk who are clueless what we do as owner-operator truckers..

  • Sage February 13, 2012 (8:02 pm)

    @overload: presumably the 300 truck drivers at the town hall on saturday also don’t know anything about driving a truck?


  • overload February 14, 2012 (5:25 am)

    truckers are there to try figure ways to stop the abuse of the motor carriers, not hand over the keys to our trucks. don’t be fooled by lies of the green coalition groups who want to ban the owner-operator trucker entirely from being able to do business at the ports. we have no intention of giving up our right to ownership. most drivers take your word when you say your here to help but after a little research the true meaning of what the teamsters & the group change-to-win wants to do is disgusting. brave men & women are being taken advantage of by people who have their own agenda to get rid of the owner/operator trucker. once this is out we’ll see how many rally behind taken away the freedom of choice or ownership.

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