West Seattle weekend scene: Sleepy seal gets a serenade

As noted here previously, including this report yesterday, seal-pup season is at its height, on beaches all around West Seattle. Wildlife watcher/writer/photographer Trileigh Tucker saw this one today – and mentions this sweet encounter:

There was another seal pup on a West Seattle beach this morning, and a kind passerby named Barbara was caring enough to wait with it until Robin Lindsey of Seal Sitters arrived. I was so touched by how respectful and considerate all the Sunday morning walkers were of this little seal’s need to rest.

I was particularly moved by a little girl, accompanied by her parents, who spontaneously sang to the pup, a wake-up song just like her mother apparently sang to her. If her parents see this, they should know that their daughter gives me hope for our future!

Trileigh’s website Natural Presence tells a longer version of the tale.

1 Reply to "West Seattle weekend scene: Sleepy seal gets a serenade"

  • Noelle September 26, 2011 (4:40 pm)

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! So cute! Seems kind of rough to sleep on rocks and not soft sand!

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