West Seattle In Motion: First community progress report!

July 29, 2011 7:19 pm
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 |   Environment | Transportation | West Seattle news

We’ve added a new page to WSB that you’ll see on the line of “tabs” underneath the sunset header (each of which takes you to a different “inside section” of the site) – over to the right, by the Forum tab, it’s WS In Motion, for the West Seattle In Motion program that we’re co-sponsoring this summer/fall. WS In Motion invites you to sign up to get incentives for driving a little less and walking/biking/bus’ing/etc. a little more – free bus tickets, deals at local businesses, and more. Plus, you get to contribute to a communitywide progress report that shows the results of participants’ combined efforts and adventures; the first one is what you’ll see on the new page right now. Haven’t signed up yet? Go here!

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