West Seattle Crime Watch: Tagging vandals strike again

If you routinely drive along Fauntleroy near 35th, just west of the entrance to the West Seattle Bridge, you might have noticed a more-visible-than-usual burst of tagging vandalism earlier this week. Part of it is shown above (with the tags themselves blurred, as is WSB policy). Tagging is always a double crime – not only has someone’s property been vandalized, but the owner is usually expected to clean it up, and that can cost. Bob Heinemann knows this firsthand, since the vandalized building is the place where he’ll soon be moving his SIMA Martial Arts studio (it’s currently in the 42nd/Alaska building that will come down when the Conner Homes project starts going up). Just after we took the photo, we met him there, talking to someone about getting it painted over. (By the way, the city has a new paint-out program this summer – check it out here.)

2 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Tagging vandals strike again"

  • marketgal July 8, 2011 (3:33 pm)

    Thank you for blurring the tag. I am always alarmed at the amount of tagging that goes on and the threat that it really represents. I am happy to sign up for the paint crew!

  • kc July 10, 2011 (12:20 pm)

    What scumbags! I hope the taggers will soon realize how stupid it is. It looks so dumb.

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