West Seattle towing-company driver’s killer pleads guilty

(Flowers and a flag on the victim’s truck at the GT yard on Harbor Avenue last fall)
Just found out from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office that the woman who hit and killed 51-year-old GT Towing driver William “Tony” Padilla pleaded guilty this afternoon. Shavelle Lewis was charged with vehicular homicide and felony hit-and-run for the crash on I-5 last September 24th (the police narrative of what happened is contained in our original report on the charges), and KCPAO spokesperson Dan Donohoe says that’s what she pleaded guilty to (in other words, no plea bargain). She will be sentenced on May 20th, and is facing what Donohoe describes as a range of “41 to 54 months in prison.”

13 Replies to "West Seattle towing-company driver's killer pleads guilty"

  • luke April 28, 2011 (4:33 pm)

    Four years for hit and run homicide!?! Seems pretty light to me. I know it’s not premeditated, but it’s somebody’s life. That should carry a heavier sentence.

    “When asked why they left the scene of the collision, Lewis stated they were ‘scared and had to pee.’ “

  • Kat April 28, 2011 (4:43 pm)

    And she’ll probably only serve a year and a half to make room for non-violent drug offenders – that’s just a shame.

  • ConcernedHedonist April 28, 2011 (5:37 pm)

    I don’t know about this state but in CA 4 years is about right for something like this, with the guilty plea. The priors make it interesting though and while I won’t say “light”…certainly surprising.

  • Mookie April 28, 2011 (6:33 pm)

    Laws need to change to make a murder like this “premeditated” — she chose to drive while messed up. Any way to find out what the blood draw results were?

  • MKM April 28, 2011 (7:02 pm)

    This is rediculous! how horrible… Yhis girl should be locked away for life. I feel so bad for Tony’s family. Shame on the court systems

  • MargL April 28, 2011 (7:34 pm)

    In Idaho you can get up to 10 years for vehicular homicide.

  • Paul April 28, 2011 (10:19 pm)

    so what’s the moral here, I guess go ahead and drink and drive. and you won’t get much more time for hit and run,,,,so run!! So sorry the tow driver had to die in vein.. and so sorry that drinking is so tollarable in our society

  • Sande April 29, 2011 (9:59 am)

    Should I say “At least she saved the cost of a trial?” All I know is that she stole the life of a good,sweet,man,and no matter how long she’s locked up………it won’t bring Tony back.I only hope that she feels some remorse for killing him,and changes her outlook on life and how precious it is………We all miss you,Tony…Sande@GT

  • Leona April 29, 2011 (10:09 am)

    3.5-4.5 years for killing someone is an absolute joke. No doubt this person will get out even earlier than that for some reason or another. This woman decided to drive while impaired and cost Tony his life – the punishment does not fit the crime. My heart goes out to Tony, his family, and his friends.

  • DWHJ April 29, 2011 (10:32 am)

    very sad not even close to long enough the law is so lite on drinking and driving murder its no difrent than any other form of murder a choice was made and now a life is ended its no difrent than picking up a gun and shooting someone people dont always die when they get shot so maybe the law should hold the same sentence so so sad hope his famly finds peace.

  • jenn April 29, 2011 (4:37 pm)

    I’m not too sure why it is that this pile of a human being is facing such a light sentence. She pleaded guilty because she was! She chose to get high get drunk and get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Obviously she did this repeatedly until she killed someone. Not just someone but tony the sweetest man you could ever be blessed to know. She chose to take him away and now all ‘LAW” can do is put her away for 41-54 months? This is so sad. All I can hope for is that next time she does it and there will be a next time, that she only kills herself with her choices!

  • Taylor April 30, 2011 (12:39 am)

    I didint know tony that well but my dad and sande did know him to what i hear he is a great guy and did not deserve to die that woman should deserve to be in jail R.I.P tony.

  • samantha April 30, 2011 (12:39 pm)

    wow this woman killed someone she did not still a candy bar from the corner store .I see no justice in this case at all. one of my life long friends was really good friends with tony and she fells cheated so there for i can only imagine how his family fells this is just wrong and i will never understand our justice system .

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