West Seattle/White Center protest highlights Cambodia/Thailand dispute

You’ve heard a lot about what’s going on in the Middle East – but have you heard about what’s going on in Southeast Asia? A border clash between Cambodia and Thailand is about to come to a head in front of the United Nations, and today Cambodian-Americans came to West Seattle and White Center for a demonstration aimed at bringing it to your attention and demanding the U.S. government get involved. West Seattle Blog/White Center Now contributor Deanie Schwarz noticed the protest, took these photos and talked to spokesperson Sokmakara Hang, who explained that the demonstrators came from all over the state, and came here because this area has the state’s highest concentration of Cambodian-Americans. They stood on corners all around 16th/Roxbury:

Also on hand was Meach Sovannara from the Khmer Post Media Center in Long Beach (Calif.). The dispute is over a border area near the Preah Vihear Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage site that is more than a millennium old. The Cambodian-Americans say the most recent skirmishes killed Cambodian soldiers, and are demanding that the Thai government stop what they call an “invasion.” They want United Nations intervention as well as President Obama and the rest of the international community. According to this story from the Bangkok Post, this issue will be brought to the UN Security Council on Monday, and reportedly Cambodia will claim it’s at war with Thailand. There’s more background on the century-long conflict over the temple in this Jakarta Post story.

9 Replies to "West Seattle/White Center protest highlights Cambodia/Thailand dispute"

  • MacJ February 12, 2011 (7:01 pm)

    The Thai claim is pretty lame, largely based on borders promised to them for collusion with the Japanese during WWII. A lot of this has to do with Thailand’s current internal political turmoil, which has turned the claim to the land near Preah Vihear into a nationalist issue. I don’t mean to bag on Thailand; I think both sides need to resolve this peacefully and the Cambodian government under Hun Sen hasn’t done much to de-escalte the situation.

    Great to see the White Center Khmer community come out, though!

  • Sathey February 12, 2011 (7:19 pm)

    Dear Compatriots,
    The map that Thailand use to claim the so-call 4.5km2 of the Cambodian land was drawn by Thailand itself and not recognized by the International community particularly by the International Court of Justice. Like Hitler in the Second world war. During that period Hitler drawn the German map by himself and start to attack the European countries.

  • Thailand February 12, 2011 (7:56 pm)

    I am also Thai and i am agree the first comment… Anyway, There are many things that Cambodia did not know about the back ground of Thailand. I can say that it is not about the Thai Citizen. This Government has Somebody to back up or support them and They think that the location which was belong to Them, They want it back. It can be the coup d’etat in the future. This Govt try to hide sth that people did not know but Red Ppl know. And If the situation is continuing like this and if UN can not solve the problem. The boycott will be occur and All of them will be happy (I can not say… I can be dead) They dont care Thai citizen but They care what they can get the money from the Thai citizen… That why Red Shirt ppl try to stop them!

  • Fidel February 12, 2011 (8:22 pm)

    Thai still, have some gut to go there to explain to the world heritage. What if the world heritage agency say, O.K we agree with you that, the temple can be deregistered of the world heritage list, but still the temple is in Khmer land, what you are going to do, because the world map does show that the temple is in the Khmer land and your very own king Ram V did sign the agreement between Franc-Siam document already more than 100 year, can you read or need some somebody to show how to read the world map. You have not complied with the world order your country to repair the damage you have done yet, and you bomb and damage even more. You never respect the world court anyway. In 1958 when Thai knew they would never get the temple, they used elephant to pull the whole columns on the walk way, the main columns and tried their best to destroy the whole temple. 1962 the world court agreed to award the temple to Khmer. 6 April 1966, 100 Thai soldiers invaded the area again and kill 5 of Khmer temple guard, have Thai ever respect the Sovereignty of other nation around their borders. The land of the Smile, 500km border line with Malaysia, Thai went to war with Malaysia, 2096km border line with Burma, Thai went to war with Burma, 800kg with Lao, Thai went to war with Lao 1984, and now it has been Three times with Cambodia, for the same spot. UN will not something about it, because it is a policy of 2015 free weapon in South Asia. Today the world shift their respect with Indonesia, because the Bully characteristic of Mr land of the smile.

  • Fidel February 12, 2011 (8:38 pm)

    If the war with Khmer drag on within 6 months, I can guarantee, the new war will occurs within Thailand itself, because the rural red Thai does not support the policy of war, The Thai Muslim wants their Three province back because they want to be led by The baddish government and joint back with Malaysia, and notes!!!!! most of The Black jacket Thai soldiers is Khmer Surin blood line of Khmer race, The Thai general want their power too, because they do not wants the civilian rule in Thailand, what happen after the one eye past away?. Khmer must have time to sit down and watch this cartoon, the story of Siam killing Thai and The Thai killing Siam.

  • Thailand February 12, 2011 (9:02 pm)

    I Strongly Agree with you Fidel. The upper class of Thai Social class is not respect the rules… Many people in Thailand Think that it is occur in the past just finish in the past… The war is not about Thai people but it is about a group of people that want to gain benefit… And war will be occure for sure not more than 10 year if the K. is dead… At that Time I hope that I can escape from Thailand >< I love Thailand but not the leader of Thai… I can not say it but I hope you know who is the leader of Thailand

  • Fidel February 12, 2011 (9:05 pm)

    Machine and technology can not win the war, human mind and human determination, will win the war, the only technology to win the war is a Nu bomb, or Vacuum Bomb.
    I am not surprise, even the UN rule out tomorrow that, Thai soldiers and all of its equipment has to move out from their border within 500m and the blue helmets will base within the buffer zone, and concrete wall will be built to separate the two, particularly the area in front of the temple, the Thai soldier still snake through and causes even more problem. The only way to stop them>>> is to fine them in a million dollar each time soldier cross the border. The Thai said, Khmer soldier shoot first. I can tell you that “Yes”, because in battlefield we mark the line, anything move to within the “mark up line” just shoot it, and it is an order. 300 Thai soldier with half dozen of bulldozer head toward the mark up line, one shot in the air to warm of and you still coming forward I will shoot you the same, I respect my order

  • Fidel February 12, 2011 (9:23 pm)

    To love your nation, it is not a duty, but as human being, culture and nation is what human made up of.

    To love your nation, you do not need to go to battlefield to sacrifice your life for it, because your nation still needs you indirectly, if you are a disability or other reasons, you can do it from you own home as individual.
    1. Talk nicely to every body and when people ask you where you came from originally, you said, I am from a Land Called Cambodia or Khmer,
    2. keep your place tidy and when someone visit your place they will see it is nice and they respect you as a Khmer
    3. Before you buy any food from Asian grocery or any other stores, just roll over to find out where the products came from, keep away from who Khmer does not like, does that to also the restaurants
    4. Notes each cent you pay for it, it will benefit their country, not our Khmer land and your brothers and sisters will suffer from it.
    5 Introduce others to see our land, tell them we have a bigger temple in the world

  • Neighbor February 14, 2011 (6:56 am)

    What an interesting thread!

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