West Seattle Weather Watch: ‘Wind advisory’ till 9 pm

(Photo of wave vs. rocks by Harbor West on Beach Drive, by Stephanie Brownfield)
A few hours after the wind kicked up in a big way (as we noted on Twitter), the National Weather Service finally declared a “wind advisory” that’s in effect till 9 pm tonight. The NWS warns of gusts up to 50 mph. There’s already been one outage in West Seattle, fewer than 100 homes/businesses in Arbor Heights, just south of Roxbury and mostly east of 35th, recently restored according to the City Light tracker.

7 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch: 'Wind advisory' till 9 pm"

  • M. February 12, 2011 (4:12 pm)

    Oh that wind.

  • d February 12, 2011 (4:36 pm)

    Premium beach walking weather!!

  • CB February 12, 2011 (5:10 pm)

    I love a good wet/windy storm in Seattle.

  • LeeT February 12, 2011 (5:20 pm)

    Glad to hear it, CB. Does that mean you’ll come change the turn-signal and brake lights on my wife’s car when she gets home? ;^>

  • Beth February 12, 2011 (6:29 pm)

    Coming your way! On the coast…and dang! Windy is an understatement. I’d say 50 mph on the beach. It was awesome.

  • Paul February 12, 2011 (11:33 pm)

    Those apartments don’t look very safe and I bet they cost a fortune

  • marty February 13, 2011 (10:36 am)

    They must be safe, they have been there since 1968. Great place to experience a storm. Bad place to carry groceries if you live on the outside end.

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