West Seattle Weather Watch update: Snow debuts, briefly

12:41 PM: Moving up from the south – we were just in White Center, where it started to snow; headed back toward West Seattle and now it’s a pretty good shower in Westwood.

12:53 PM: We’re in Highland Park and the snow shower has just stopped … no, wait, flurrying again … Speaking of Highland Park, if you didn’t see this in the WSB Forums, by the way, Zippy’s is closing at 2 pm just in case.

1:02 PM: Sunny in Fauntleroy! Seriously. So we’re moving on with the rest of the news and will bring snow coverage back to the top as warranted.

4:19 PM: Still no snow sightings since then, though the clouds have grow a bit darker.

20 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch update: Snow debuts, briefly"

  • clark5080 February 23, 2011 (12:55 pm)

    And now it’s not

  • WSMom February 23, 2011 (12:57 pm)

    It’s like a blizzard in Kent. My husband says the flakes are huge and visibility is diminished.

  • clark5080 February 23, 2011 (1:05 pm)

    and now the sun is shining

  • Cheryl February 23, 2011 (1:16 pm)

    Not one snow flake in Fauntlee Hills today. Not even ice pellets. Or that other icy rain stuff, sleet, grauple, hail, etc.
    I’m SO disappointed.

  • Kristina February 23, 2011 (1:48 pm)

    We were at the Museum of Flight this morning, and left just before 1pm when the snow started coming down fast and furious (but not sticking). Then it stopped, and the clouds broke, and blue sky is appearing everywhere.

    I had to tell my very disappointed daughter that I don’t think we’ll get to play in the snow after all.

  • OP February 23, 2011 (1:49 pm)

    The “blizzard” in Kent ended 3 minutes after WSMom’s post. Get up here and it’s sunny and dry. Weird. (Glad I chose to leave, though. No way am I tempting fate or lousy Seattle drivers.)

  • ad February 23, 2011 (1:51 pm)

    ….wait for it, wait for it….


  • LR February 23, 2011 (2:05 pm)

    It nice and HOT HOT HOT at Cafe Rozella the mochas are melting the Snow away :)

  • A February 23, 2011 (2:34 pm)

    I don’t think it’s going to snow. It’s beautiful out there today!

  • Scott February 23, 2011 (2:44 pm)

    From my perch in a downtown skyscraper it looks like the snow is skirting around just to the south of West seattle and then heading up the east side of lake WA, heading East from Factoria.

    Love the view!

    If you are sick of the weather, check out my web site. Couldn’t resist the plug.

  • Eddie February 23, 2011 (3:09 pm)

    Made you look!

  • onceachef February 23, 2011 (3:27 pm)

    Look…it either snows or it doesn’t…end of story.

    • WSB February 23, 2011 (3:31 pm)

      Which is why we’re setting parameters before we so much as mention it again. Hmm. Five minutes of sustained snow? Ten? Fifteen? Haven’t seen a flake since the noontime excitement but there are dark-ish clouds moving in from the southwest …

  • bsmomma February 23, 2011 (3:42 pm)

    It got dark very fast down in Sodo………. fingers crossed…….. :)

  • Steve Russell February 23, 2011 (3:57 pm)

    Nice and sunny on Alki beach.

  • thee February 23, 2011 (5:05 pm)

    hey scott, any fly fishing near there?

  • WSMom February 23, 2011 (5:19 pm)

    Folks…the big threat for central Puget Sound…the one suggested by the model’s last night is coming up now.

    According to Cliff Mass, weather god, at 4:45.


  • Paul February 23, 2011 (5:28 pm)

    I say the meteorologist owe us all a zippy burger

  • Violet February 23, 2011 (5:32 pm)

    5:31 and no snow in White Center = (

  • N.Y. Vinnie February 23, 2011 (7:05 pm)

    Eight to Ten inches here in Pittsburgh if you need a snow fix that bad!

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