A truck break-in that brought an unpleasant “welcome” to a new West Seattleite is one of two break-ins that are among the newest West Seattle Crime Watch reports we’ve received. Details after the jump:
From Katie:
I just moved to West Seattle over the weekend, and I had my moving truck broken into between Sunday night 2/20 and Monday 2/21. Lost a lot of valuable and sentimental property. One of my co-workers mentioned that you have this West Seattle blog, so I wanted to put the word out there to warn others. We did report the theft to the police. Very disappointing considering it happened right in front of my friend’s house in a residential neighborhood right off California Ave. [near Holgate; map] …
If the person who took our stuff has any remorse – they will realize they took irreplaceable property that was absolutely devastating to lose!
And from Todd, a home break-in on SW Hemlock Way near Lincoln Park (map):
Our neighbor … was broken into (Wednesday) sometime in the afternoon. They took electronics (tv, stereo, computer, etc) and left other things (paintings, liquor) undisturbed. He thinks it was sometime after 3:00. He’s not sure of how they got in.
Please keep watch around the neighborhood for any suspicious activities, and set your alarms!!!
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