Request for you, as ‘Cory’s Story’ is about to come to an end

Earlier today, we mentioned the happy ending to the search for a West Seattle yellow Labrador Retriever named Toby. Tonight, the story of another West Seattle yellow Lab – which is about to come to a different kind of ending. We heard from Jayson DeMers, who has a website called Cory’s Story at He explains that Cory is “a 13.5 year-old yellow Labrador Retriever with an amazing story – he conquered canine epilepsy, and his story serves as an example for how all dogs can live happier, healthier lives. … Unfortunately, he is old and at the end of his life. After a heartwrenching family meeting last night, we have decided that the time has come to put Cory down. It will take place tomorrow at 3 pm.” Jayson asked if we could share the word, “so that as many people can pray for him as possible while he transitions into the next life.” Jayson’s website isn’t the only place Cory’s Story is being told – he says his mom Sandra DeMers, also a West Seattleite, has written a book about it that is weeks away from publication. Jayson says that his mom “spent years of her life figuring out exactly how to not only cure epilepsy in Cory, but help him live to be 13.5 years old (far beyond the expected age range for a yellow lab, especially one with epilepsy).” He concludes, “I hope other West Seattleites find Cory’s Story touching and learn from it so that their dogs can live longer, happier, healthier lives.”

22 Replies to "Request for you, as 'Cory's Story' is about to come to an end"

  • Fellow Citizen September 16, 2010 (9:48 pm)

    A hard thing to do. A loved family pet is family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I am so glad you will be with him to the end.

  • MsEvelyn September 16, 2010 (10:34 pm)

    My heart goes out to the owners of this wonderful dog! Until you have loved a pet you just have no idea how hard it is to make a life & death decision for them. I have an 11 year old golden retriever who has cost us a fortune in healthcare costs for seizures, bone cancer (causing her the loss of her rt leg!)etc… What she has given us back is beyond dollars…God Bless you Toby and your family…

  • lenguamor September 16, 2010 (11:33 pm)

    My thoughts are with the family, and I wish Cory a good journey and a happy afterlife.

  • 3dogslater September 17, 2010 (12:03 am)

    Cory will run free over the Rainbow Bridge. His legs will be strong once again and he will never know what a seizure was. Happy times once again Cory:)

  • sassy September 17, 2010 (7:59 am)

    I will most definitely pray for Cory today, and especially in the 3 o’clock hour.
    This touched my heart so very much, as we lost our big boy kitty last Saturday, very unexpectedly. It has been a really tough week for us, but I’m overjoyed to be able to help someone else with this transition.

    Cory is clearly such a blessing to you & your family, and how lucky he’s been to be surrounded by love all these years. God speed.

  • nc September 17, 2010 (9:05 am)

    I had to put my 13.5 year old dalmation down 3 weeks ago. It’s hard, it’s painful. The Pet Care Center on Avalon was awesome as they walked my 16 year old daughter and myself through the process with the greatest of care. A few days later, we received a sympathy card in the mail signed by all the staff and a personal note from the vet. Inside the card was his paw print, which we now get to frame. I am so grateful for their thougtfulness and the tender touch they gave us. I miss my big guy so much, the house is empty without him but now he is running with the wind again, it was the best gift I could give him. And as I had his paw print tatooed on my foot, he walks with me everyday still.

  • onceachef September 17, 2010 (10:18 am)

    Sad to read this…I dread the day I have to make the same decision. Cory, I hope you land in a great. wide open space with lots of other happy dogs and endless treats! Woof!

  • Norma Berube-Adler September 17, 2010 (10:31 am)

    It breaks my heart to hear about Cory but know that so many people will be thinking about you & your family. I have 2 dogs & know that there will be a time for them as well. Just lay down with him as he goes through the process. I did that with my dog Clowey as I didn’t want her to feel that she was alone. God bless you.

  • luckymom30 September 17, 2010 (10:55 am)

    This is very sad to learn that Toby who was just found after wandering West Seattle will be put down.

    • WSB September 17, 2010 (10:59 am)

      No, no, not the same dog. I mentioned the other one as a sort of context thing (sorry, spent too many years writing TV newscasts and trying to transition from one story to another by finding some point they had in common) but they’re different dogs.

  • Kayleigh September 17, 2010 (11:09 am)

    This made me cry. What a beautiful boy.

  • luckymom30 September 17, 2010 (11:20 am)

    Sorry, now I understand which dog your talking about. I so feel for this family, this is a terrible hard thing to do and go through. We had to say goodbye to our beloved Molly a brittany-springer 3 years ago. She was our faithful and loving friend for 15 1/2 years and we miss her each and everyday. Our family will be saying some extra prayers for the family and especially Cory. Pets are truly a member of the family.

  • Cory/Toby?? September 17, 2010 (11:53 am)

    Sad story

  • wolfbain September 17, 2010 (11:54 am)

    i,m so glad he was found. my thoughts are with you. seems like cory`s been blessed with a good life filled with love. when he`s put to rest he will still be in good hands-forever.

  • kevin September 17, 2010 (12:52 pm)

    Cory will join Bean dog, our yellow lab that we had to say goodbye to in january. It was the day after her 14th birthday. Our thoughts are with Cory and our hearts are with you.

  • Denise September 17, 2010 (12:54 pm)

    I am thinking about Cory and his family today….

  • Ella Sharp September 17, 2010 (1:34 pm)

    Definitely a sad day, but I can’t help but be happy for this wonderful dog who had such a loving and dedicated family behind him all the days of his long life. Though he overcame so much during his time on this Earth I’m glad he didn’t have to go through it alone – right until the very end! All animals should be this lucky to live a full life like Cory has had. This beautiful story is truly awe-inspiring! Peace and prayers be with the family today and for as long as it takes to grieve the loss of their much treasured companion.

  • A Pet Lover September 17, 2010 (2:16 pm)

    My heart will be with you during this time. Animals are family members and just remember all the good times you had with Cory. It is not an easy decision to make, but you know it is the best for Cory. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • iml September 17, 2010 (3:53 pm)

    Sounds like Cory had a great family and a good life. My thoughts are with you on this difficult day.

  • maude September 17, 2010 (9:41 pm)

    I spent some time today thinking about Cory and his family. It’s a painful decision to carry through.

  • morcaffeineplease September 18, 2010 (6:23 am)

    Sitting here on my bed reading these entries with my two dogs curled up by my feet and tears streaming down my face.
    I’m so sorry for the loss of Cory; what a beautiful dog and what a wonderful family he had. My heart goes out to you.
    Good boy, Cory.

  • Sandra DeMers September 18, 2010 (9:31 am)

    Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts and support. You all provided our family with such comfort to feel the loving embrace of our community at a time when our grief seemed overwhelming. We had a vet from Lien Animal clinic come to our home. He had read this blog and our website and so, even though he didn’t know us before yesterday, he was familiar with who Cory was, and he helped us with the transition with so much kindness and compassion, we felt like we were in the presence of a friend. Sandra DeMers

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