South Park Bridge update: “Things are moving very quickly”

(Tuesday photo by Bruce Trotter)
That’s the word from Chris Arkills in King County Executive Dow Constantine‘s office. We checked in with him as part of a series of followups to last week’s intense South Park community meetings (WSB coverage here and here) on the county’s plan to close the deteriorating South Park Bridge as of June 30. He says the Executive “has tasked a budget office team with developing a concrete funding proposal,” that a “stakeholders’ group of interested parties” is forming “to help lobby for funding,” and also that meetings with multiple agencies affected by the bridge situation (including the fire and police departments) will start next week. Wednesday night, we talked briefly with City Councilmember Sally Bagshaw, who had gone to South Park last week to offer help; as reported here, she told us she’s exploring an idea to see if boats downstream from the SP Bridge could be moved upstream temporarily so that it could refrain from opening and closing, and remain in service for vehicles and pedestrians. Meantime, for those interested in the bridge situation, a Facebook page (citizen-run, not government) has been set up – find it here.

5 Replies to "South Park Bridge update: "Things are moving very quickly""

  • dsa March 19, 2010 (11:02 pm)

    Getting stakeholders together to start taking action is truly good news.

  • CB March 20, 2010 (7:28 am)

    And again, no mention of Mayor McGinn doing anything to help South Park.

    • WSB March 20, 2010 (11:48 am)

      CB, fwiw, I have not checked in yet with the mayor’s office, specifically deputy mayor Darryl Smith, who was at the second meeting. That’s on my list for next week. I talked with CM Bagshaw Wed night because she was here and I chased after her as she left the Delridge District Council meeting, and checked in with the County Executive’s Office Friday because they’re where the buck ultimately stops. But on the other hand, the South Park community leaders and citizens who communicate via a fairly busy e-mail group we’re now monitoring do not seem to have gotten any direct updates from anyone involved, either – TR

  • Geronimo March 20, 2010 (7:36 am)

    Doesn’t Bagshaw mean that boats upstream would be moved downstream until the bridge is fixed?

  • South Park denizen March 21, 2010 (11:41 am)

    CB: What do have against the mayor that you don’t also have against the city council?

    It seems to me the council was more responsible for the controversial Mercer project getting federal funding.

    The mayor wrote a letter urging funding for the bridge.

    So far, I’m finding McGinn to be the best mayor we’ve had in my lifetime. He is pushing to get the seawall rebuilt while the city council is pushing for it to be held off until the controversial viaduct tunnel is ready to open. The council’s credibility on putting safety ahead of payoffs to Building Trades is pretty much shot.

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