The announcement posted by the Fauntleroy Creek overlook (across the street and up the embankment from the ferry dock) trumpets the happy news: Home hatch! Creek steward Judy Pickens mentioned this the other day and now we have details – volunteers who recently surveyed the creek spotted up to 200 coho fry resulting from last fall’s spawning (18 spawners were seen). As the flyer notes, they’ll have company soon: Local schoolchildren will release about 2,000 more baby coho into the creek this spring. This is a good time of year to visit the overlook, before all the bushes and trees grow their leaves back:

Big event in Fauntleroy next week, by the way – area residents are invited to the annual Fauntleroy Community Association Membership Meeting and Food Fest, during which they can either join FCA or renew their membership (all memberships expire at this same time each year). 6-8 pm Tuesday at The Hall at Fauntleroy; more details at fauntleroy.net.
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