2 notes for this Sunday – Daylight Saving Time; Democratic caucus

Over the weekend, we published news on partner site White Center Now that the Democratic caucus for the 34th Legislative District is coming up next Sunday, March 14, at Mount View Elementary School in WC. (See the announcement here.) In comments on that story, Highland Park’s Blair Johnson points out an important reminder – this Sunday is also the start of Daylight Saving Time – at 2 am Sunday (aka Saturday night), your clock goes ahead one hour (the “spring forward” half of “spring forward/fall back”).

4 Replies to "2 notes for this Sunday - Daylight Saving Time; Democratic caucus"

  • anonyme March 11, 2010 (10:01 am)

    Rant: I really, really hate daylight savings time. Does it even serve a real purpose any more, aside from causing more accidents and less productivity at work? Does it really make sense to disrupt an entire population for the sake of golf? People who routinely go to bed at 11 to midnight might think it’s just fine, but for those of us who must rise early (or at a reasonable hour) it’s a nightmare. Ever heard of circadian rhythm? Human bodies are not machines to be re-calibrated twice a year.

  • KBear March 12, 2010 (11:28 am)

    I hate the change too, but I wish we could have Daylight Saving Time year-round, instead of Standard Time in the winter. I’d rather have sunlight at the end of the day than an earlier sunrise.

  • ja March 13, 2010 (9:38 pm)

    I hate being corrected about saying Daylight Savings Time. It really doesn’t matter if I say “savings” or “saving”. There is no confusion about what’s being said.

  • rewinn March 13, 2010 (11:02 pm)

    DST may have made sense back when nearly everyone worked the same hours but now? it’s pure waste. Changing school hours to follow the shifting sun makes a lot more sense, and keeps control local.

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