Got socks? Rocket them over to Many Moons

Emily from Many Moons Trading Company in The Junction e-mailed a message to share with you:

Hello! The homeless in White Center need SOCKS! We are collecting socks for the White Center Regina House Clothing bank. They need used and new socks, as long as they are in good condition.

Bring socks to Many Moons, on the alley side of the breezeway south of the liquor store in The Junction – 4517 California SW, Suite B (map); call 206-937-3481 if you have questions. They’re open tomorrow – Tuesdays through Saturdays, 11 am-6 pm.

4 Replies to "Got socks? Rocket them over to Many Moons"

  • Cheryl January 11, 2010 (9:09 pm)

    Just adult sized socks? Or can they use kids (toddler, etc.) socks as well?

  • DLP January 12, 2010 (7:52 am)

    “White Center Regina House”? I know of a Regina House in South Park, but not White Center. Is there a new one, or are you referring to the one in SP?

    • WSB January 12, 2010 (8:18 am)

      White Center is what the note said but South Park is the only one I can find evidence of online – not sure if they have a WC outreach or if it’s a location error, am following up.

  • MAS January 12, 2010 (8:14 am)

    Uh, not to be disrespectful, but do they need to be matching socks? Honestly, we just did a round of sock mahjong and now I have 20 or 30 socks without mates that I would ordinarily throw away or hand to my niece to make puppets from.

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