day : 08/12/2009 14 results

West Seattle biznotes: Wax Bar to Triangle; Wing Dome update

WAX BAR TO THE TRIANGLE: Not every day you check the latest list of liquor-license applications and discover one for a skin-care business – but that’s what happened today, when we noted The Wax Bar has applied for a “snack bar”-class license at the storefront above in The Triangle, 37th/Fauntleroy (map), between the new shoe repair shop and West Seattle Brake Service. We called The Wax Bar’s current location in Ballard to confirm. They told us they’re hoping to open in West Seattle in February, but that depends on how permits go. So what’s the liquor license for? we asked. Answer: To serve beer, as they do in Ballard (here’s a feature our partners at the Seattle Times published last year). This is part of the Triangle’s ongoing business boom, just as its first major mixed-use project (Link) begins construction (bringing 200 residential units in 2011) – Mountain to Sound Outfitters just opened at 3602 SW Alaska (and they’ve just joined the WSB sponsor ranks – more on that tomorrow); Cycle University opened 2 months ago at 4550 Fauntleroy; the aforementioned shoe-repair store is about two months old; Lien Animal Clinic just opened a brand-new building. (Wednesday afternoon note: The Wax Bar has now announced the expansion on its own website – here’s the item.)

JUNCTION WING DOME UPDATE:Villagegreenasked in the WSB Forums whether Wing Dome was still coming to The Junction, as first reported here two months ago – wondering whether the “for lease” sign that’s still in the window was, so to speak, a bad sign. We checked today with Colleen O’Leary of Consolidated Restaurants (Wing Dome’s parent company) – she said they have not yet finalized the lease but still expect to; since it’s not finalized yet, they don’t have a timetable for opening the restaurant. She also said they’re not planning to take the entire ex-CAPERS space.

West Seattle scene: WS Food Bank celebrates its volunteers

December 8, 2009 10:16 pm
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They’ve helped keep thousands from going hungry — and their only reward is knowing what a difference they’ve made in all those lives. But tonight, West Seattle Food Bank volunteers got a special thanks – a dinner in their honor at The Hall at Fauntleroy. Food Bank board president Pete Spalding (honored last weekend with a West Seattle Volunteer Recognition award) says it’s important to celebrate them for “all of their hard work and dedication to helping our clients.” You can, of course, help the Food Bank even without volunteering – just go here. (PS – There are many ways to help those in need this holiday season, listed on our West Seattle Holidays page, and even if there’s not a specific holiday drive, if you’re with a nonprofit that would like to put out a specific request for ways people can help, please let us know so we can share – we often hear from people asking “what can I do to help?”.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Door-locking burglar

Just out of the WSB inbox, from Joshua:

I live in a house with three friends on SW Charlestown St near the 7-11 gas station [map] and am currently out of town on business. I just received a phone call from my roommate saying that someone has broken into our house this evening and stolen a variety of things, mostly small and valuable: digital SLR, small stereo, jewelry, and etc… We are still waiting for the police to arrive and to file an official report, but please let this be notice to other West Seattle residents that this person may choose make this a trend in the area. As far as my roommate could tell, there are no signs of forced entry, even though all the doors were locked when she came home. The intruder *may* have come in through a window and, if so, maybe locked the door behind him/her.

West Seattle traffic alert: Westbound backup on The Bridge

Thanks to Brian and Christopher for the tips – at least one car is stalled at the top of The Bridge, backing up westbound traffic all the way to I-5.

West Seattle lines up for Papa John’s, to help officers’ families

Kristina and Tamara both shared the news that after dark, a crowd gathered at Papa John’s in West Seattle, on the first of two days during which the chain is donating its Puget Sound profits to the families of the four murdered Lakewood Police officers, whose three-hour memorial service ended an hour ago. We are down there checking on it right now – the cameraphone photo (more pix to come) above confirms, there’s indeed a line for takeout, and we’re told a big wait for delivery too. Remember Papa John’s is doing this again tomorrow (and there are other fundraisers in West Seattle, including tomorrow night’s pasta dinner at both WS Merrill Gardens [WSB sponsor] communities – full details of all the fundraisers can be found here). ADDED 6:44 PM: The crowd inside:

7:22 PM: As some commenters are noting, and as Carrie Ann said via Facebook, it appears they’re no longer taking orders for tonight – but remember, this continues tomorrow.

West Seattle Weather Watch: Chilly library; chillier forecast

We spotted that waterfall-turned-icefall outside a Triangle business on Monday, but we doubt it’s thawed since then, given the temperature’s stayed below freezing all day. One alert, thanks to tipster Katherine – the West Seattle (Admiral) Branch Library is without heat at the moment – she told us they were considering closing early if they can’t find a way to warm the place up; we’ve got messages out to Seattle Public Library‘s communications team to confirm. Meantime, the National Weather Service has just updated its detailed “forecast discussion,” noting it’s likely to be a few degrees colder tonight than last night, and mentioning again that there’s a chance of lowland snow Friday night/Saturday.

Happening now: Memorial for murdered Lakewood officers

It started an hour later than expected because the nearly 2,000-vehicle-long procession took extra time, but the service with tens of thousands in attendance at the Tacoma Dome is officially under way as of shortly after 2 pm. Watch it live on Here’s our earlier story with several West Seattle ways to help the officers’ families – today, tomorrow, this weekend and beyond. To contribute directly to the fund, go here.

Update: Newest aerial view of Denny-Sealth construction site

Thanks to the folks at DKA, building the new Denny Middle School and renovating Chief Sealth High School, for the latest aerial photo of the site – compare to this one from three months ago:

In the latest construction update, they say Sealth work is continuing on “insulation, doors, plumbing, HVAC, electrical and fire sprinklers” and wall-framing, while structural-steel deliveries continue for the new Denny – they’ve already completed putting up the steel for the new Denny gym as well as the Galleria that both schools will share. Sealth is scheduled to move back this fall after 2 years at the Boren interim location; we’re checking on the latest timetable for Denny occupancy. Here’s the official project-information site.

Seattle Cat Sitter: Welcoming a new WSB sponsor

Today we’re welcoming our newest WSB sponsor, Seattle Cat Sitter. Sasha Goodwin lives in West Seattle and that’s where she started her business, offering in-home cat-sitting services to keep your cat happy and healthy while you are away. She’s offering a special discount as Seattle Cat Sitter joins the WSB sponsor team – 10 percent off for first-time clients. Sasha says she’s proud to be part of the West Seattle business community, and she’s also a West Seattle volunteer, helping out at Next To Nature in The Junction, with cats that are there from Friends of the Animals, looking for their forever homes. Seattle Cat Sitter is licensed, bonded and insured, and in addition to cat-sitting, Sasha also offers other services: She can run holiday errands and deliver cakes, flowers, etc., for special occasions. Call Sasha at (206) 409-6040, e-mail, or check the Seattle Cat Sitter website at

We thank Seattle Cat Sitter for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our sponsor team, and info on joining, all here.

Tonight: Admiral Neighborhood Association, Westside Symphonette

That’s one of the newest renderings of the revised Admiral Safeway project, as shown to the Seattle Design Commission downtown last week – we’ve added that and five other new renderings to our full report on that review. And tonight, the project (which returns to Design Review in West Seattle a week from Thursday) will be one of the items on the agenda as the Admiral Neighborhood Association meets for the last time this year, 7 pm, Admiral Church basement meeting room (California/Hill).

Also tonight – from the WSB West Seattle Holidays page: Westside Symphonette‘s holiday concert, which we previewed here (with video). It’s a two-fer – holiday classics (even a Hallelujah Chorus singalong) AND orchestra classics from the great composers. It all starts at 6:30 pm at the West Seattle High School Theater – and it’s the next best thing to free – $1 (though the nonprofit community orchestra would be thrilled if you cared to donate more).

Three more fun events to mention: Libraries often have kids’ storytime, but tonight, it’s “adult storytime” at West Seattle (Admiral) Branch Library, with “Thrilling Tales” at 7 pm (more here) … and it’s regular trivia night at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) – rock ‘n’ roll team trivia at 8 pm – and Christo’s on Alki (7 pm).

Memorial today for murdered Lakewood officers – & fundraisers

Today, thousands of law-enforcement officers and other mourners will gather at the Tacoma Dome to remember the four Lakewood Police officers murdered at a Pierce County coffee shop nine days ago. If you plan to go to Pierce County to pay tribute, the info you need is all here; meantime, today, tomorrow and this weekend, there are several fundraisers through which you can help raise money for the officers’ families:

PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA, TODAY AND TOMORROW: Papa John’s stores around Puget Sound – including West Seattle – are donating the profits (what they bring in above and beyond their costs) of all sales today and tomorrow. They open at 11; you can order online here.

IVAR’S CHOWDER, TODAY: Ivar’s will donate all proceeds – that’s the total sale price – from chowder sales today, at all its locations, to the fund for the officers’ families. Closest locations to West Seattle are on the downtown waterfront (next to the fire station that’s just north of Colman Dock ferry terminal) and the Ivar’s Seafood Bar in Burien (map).

PASTA DINNER AT MERRILL GARDENS’ WEST SEATTLE COMMUNITIES TOMORROW: 5-7 pm Wednesday, Merrill Gardens at Admiral Heights (2326 California SW) & West Seattle (4611 35th SW) — both WSB sponsors — will host a Pasta Dinner to raise money for the families of the fallen police officers – minimum donation $10/person, and all the money received will go to the fund for the families.

SCOUTS COLLECTING DONATIONS ON SATURDAY: West Seattle Tiger Scouts plan to have a table at the Holy Rosary School Christmas Tree Lot this Saturday (December 12) from 9 am-5 pm to collect donations for the fund to help the officers’ families. Den leader Stan Debiec says, “We are also hoping to have a “giant card” available for people to sign. If we can muster up the card and people sign it, we will then get a group of us scout parents and scouts to drive it down to the Lakewood Police Department and present it to them.”

WEST SEATTLE-BASED SPORE DONATING PART OF PROCEEDS: Last but not least, we heard from Lily at Spore, a West Seattle-based company with a distinct niche – doorbell buttons. Some come with blue lights. Per Lily: “Until the end of January, we will donate 25 percent of each order from customers who purchase any of our products and use the code BLUE at checkout to officer memorial funds. We will also ship the order for free. Although our blue products were our inspiration, customers do not have to order a blue colored product to use the code.”

Belltown crash victim identified as West Seattle man

You may have seen the TV reports — like this one — about an emotional court hearing Monday for a man accused of hit-and-run for the crash that killed 30-year-old Jerome Dumlao as he walked across a Belltown street early Sunday. We have learned from one of his neighbors that Mr. Dumlao lived in West Seattle, and also drove a FedEx route in the area. The driver accused of killing him, who police say admitted to drinking before the crash, is in jail in lieu of $500,000 bail. 3:18 PM UPDATE: We have just heard from a friend who says there’s a memorial fund set up for Mr. Dumlao’s family – through Sterling Savings Bank in Ballard.

West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival’s next float: “Dreams Do Come True”

December 8, 2009 3:33 am
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Last night’s West Seattle Hi-Yu membership meeting was an occasion for both holiday celebration and serious business: Choosing the float theme for next year. West Seattle is the only neighborhood in the city that still has its own parade float traveling the region representing the community; before all that happens during a long season of parades, the year’s theme must be chosen – then the float’s designed and built. Twelve potential themes were proposed at Monday night’s meeting in the fellowship hall at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church; Hi-Yu members at the meeting each got three votes, and then the top three votegetters went up for a runoff. The final three: A music-focused float themed “Rockin’ the West Side”; an unnamed concept involving spaceships and aliens with a slogan along the lines of “Every Visitor Is Welcome in West Seattle”; and a fanciful fairytale landscape themed “Dreams Do Come True” – which won, hands down. Incoming Junior Court Princess Kaitlin (above) presented the idea, a collaboration with Bianca and Isabella – here’s a closer look at some of the components sketched out for the concept:

Look for “Dreams Do Come True” next parade season – we’ll keep you posted when float development revs up! Also from Monday night’s Hi-Yu meeting: The float undercarriage is almost ready for full winter storage; it’s being kept at a local tow yard. … Plaques and trophies from the awards won by this past season’s much-honored “How Sweet It Is” float were given to individual royalty members by request – as Hi-Yu president Tim Winston put it, they are more meaningful as personal mementos that way, than if they went into a box for storage on behalf of the entire organization. And Hi-Yu fundraiser ornament sales have been a hit – only a dozen are left (here’s how to get one). So, want to propose a float idea and/or vote on it next year? All you have to do is join Hi-Yu – membership dues support the summer festival as well as the float program representing West Seattle around the region – here’s the application.

Update: Power restored in Highland Park, White Center

12:36 AM: Just received two reports via e-mail and text (thanks!) that there’s a power outage in Highland Park, apparently coinciding with power flickers in other parts of West Seattle, including here at WSB HQ in Upper Fauntleroy. Checking for more info – let us know if it’s affecting you too. One of our HP tipsters, “westseattledood,” says it “looks dark for blocks.” 12:48 AM: Seattle City Light says about 1,900 “customers” – homes/businesses – are out of power in Highland Park and White Center. Sounds like they haven’t traced the cause yet, either, as the recording asks anyone with information on what might have triggered it to stay on the line to talk with a dispatcher. 1 AM UPDATE: SCL projects the outage might last till 4 am but still doesn’t have word of its cause. 2:09 AM UPDATE: We have one report of power coming back on, at 16th/Myrtle. 2:33 AM: City Light has taken the outage info off its hotline – haven’t confirmed yet if that means everybody’s back on or not. 4:35 AM: City Light confirms everyone’s back on (although the time mentioned in their online update doesn’t entirely synch with what people were telling us earlier this morning) and says the outage was caused by a “cable failure.”