If you like live theater, your cup runneth over in West Seattle this weekend – and that’s why we call it theatrically thrilling. At right is a photo from “The Diviners,” which Twelfth Night Productions (WSB sponsor) is opening tonight at Youngstown Arts Center and describes as “the story of a disturbed young man named Buddy who holds the ability to divine water in a town where water and faith are in short supply. When a charismatic preacher who has lost his faith comes to town, the two outcasts find a common bond and help each other divine for truth, faith and hope.” Then, of course, the story takes a turn – you’ll just have to see for yourself. Also playing tonight (and tomorrow): “Invasion From Mars”
at West Seattle High School, two final shows re-creating the classic radio drama, 7:30 both nights – and the theatrical trifecta is rounded out by ArtsWest with “Measure for Pleasure,” continuing this weekend. Also in store, great benefit dinner/auction events for Arbor Heights Elementary and Admiral Church … artists’ reception for the Community Art Show at Southwest Branch Library … the closing-weekend sale (and cat adoptions!) at All the Best Pet Care on Alki … More than 50 events/activities in all, brought to you by Skylark Cafe and Club:
Thanks, Skylark Cafe and Club, for sponsoring the WSWL!
ALL WEEKEND: Southwest Pool open again
ALL WEEKEND: Movies (and more) at the Admiral Theater
ALL WEEKEND: West Seattle history on display @ Log House Museum at Alki, Thursdays-Sundays, noon-4 pm
ALL WEEKEND: Kayaking and land-sports (bikes, skates) rentals at Seacrest with Alki Kayak Tours
FRIDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: At Pharmaca in The Junction (WSB sponsor), Healthy Spa Day 11 am-3 pm, Chinese Acupuncture Basics noon-4 pm, details on both are here
FRIDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: I Am/I Am Not Woman art show at ArtsWest gallery, noon-7 pm
FRIDAY AFTERNOON: Memorial for Officer Tim Brenton, KeyArena, 1 pm (open to the public; doors open 11 am)
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at C & P Coffee with Amyjo Savannah, 6-8 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL: Seattle Lutheran vs. Mercer Island at Memorial Stadium, 5 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Arbor Heights Elementary dinner/auction @ South Seattle Community College, 5:30 pm (full details here)
FRIDAY NIGHT: Family Movie Night with CoolMom – free but please preregister – info here
FRIDAY NIGHT: Friday Skate Night returns to Alki Community Center! Through Friday, May 15, 2009. There will be no skate night on October 30, November 27, December 25, 2009 or January 1, 2010. Time is from 6:45 pm- 8:45 pm every Friday. Cost is $3 per person. Skates are available on site. For more information please call 206-684 -7430.
FRIDAY NIGHT: From West Seattle Family YMCA (WSB sponsor) — Family Night, 6:30-8:30 pm @ West Seattle location. Play together as a family in the Kids Gym and Swim in the pool. Members: Free non-members bring canned food for the West Seattle food bank or Diapers for WestSide Baby
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at The Bohemian: Blues piano with Eric Johnson, 7-10 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Twelfth Night Productions (WSB sponsor) is proud to open its fall production, The Diviners, by Jim Leonard, Jr. on Friday Nov. 6 at the Youngstown Cultural Center in West Seattle. Set in the fictional town of Zion, Indiana during the Great Depression, The Diviners is an earthy, funny, poignant and profoundly tragic play that speaks to a sense of community during a very dark time in our nation’s history. The Diviners is the story of a disturbed young man named Buddy who holds the ability to divine water in a town where water and faith are in short supply. When a charismatic preacher who has lost his faith comes to town, the two outcasts find a common bond and help each other divine for truth, faith and hope. The townspeoples’ demands for the preacher to return to a way of life he no longer believes in drives both men to a crisis of trust. It is a beautiful, haunting play with a stunning climax that resonates long after it’s over. Show times: Fridays and Saturdays, Nov. 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21 at 7:30 p.m., with matinees at 3 p.m. on Sundays, Nov. 8 and 15. To buy tickets: brownpapertickets.com and at the Youngstown Theater on performance days (4408 Delridge Way SW). Ticket prices: $15 adults/$12 students & seniors
FRIDAY NIGHT: “Measure for Pleasure” at ArtsWest, 7:30 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Invasion from Mars, featuring The Shadow
Join the West Seattle High School Radio Players as they recreate these gripping radio plays. 7:30 pm, *presented by West Seattle High School Drama Club, 3000 California Ave SW. Tix: $5 with reservation, $10 at the door. For Reservations Call 206-252-8834*
FRIDAY NIGHT: Ballard Sedentary Sousa Band performs at Kenyon Hall, 7:30 pm (more here)
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor), with Oldman Winter, Donerail, Static Radio, 9 pm
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Craft fair presented by St. Martha’s of Holy Family Parish, Tice Hall, 9615 20th Ave SW, 9 am-5 pm
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Blood drive at Westwood Village, 9 am-3 pm (more at psbc.org)
SATURDAY MORNING: Celebrate Green Seattle Day at Lincoln Park! There are so many good reasons to “green up” Seattle. Restoring native plants improves water and air quality, provides habitat for native creatures, increases property values and soothes your soul. Join the Friends of Lincoln Park on Saturday, Nov 7th from 9 am to noon to plant natives in an area in which we recently removed invasive plants. Dress for weather with sturdy shoes. Bring your favorite tools, or we’ll provide tools. Meet in the north parking lot at the kiosk across from Rose St. Contact: Sharon Baker (206) 464-1068 or sbaker@u.washington.edu
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Other West Seattle places to volunteer for Green Seattle Day! Check them all out here
SATURDAY MORNING: Free Landslide Awareness Meeting: Learn how to protect yourself and your property at one of two free landslide awareness meetings this fall, sponsored by the City of Seattle. Presentations will include a discussion of the causes of landslides and proper drainage and vegetation for sloping sites. These will be followed by a question and answer session and time for one-on-one discussions. South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor), Judge Warren & Nobie Chan Education Center. 6000 16th Ave. SW (near the Arboretum, park in the northeast lot) 10 a.m. – noon. Joining City of Seattle Staff:
• The American Society for Civil Engineers
• The Association of Engineering Geologists
• The International Society of Arboriculture
• Associated Building Contractors
To RSVP for a meeting, please contact Tyson Lin, DPD Community Relations at (206) 684-8443. You can also learn more information at www.seattle.gov/dpd/Emergency/Landslides
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Duwamish Longhouse Museum open to the public, 10 am-5 pm
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: The West Seattle Wildlife Habitat Project and their friends at Go Natives! Nursery are holding another *native plant sale* to raise more funds for the wildlife demonstration garden at Seacrest Park. The sale will be* Sat. November 7th* from *10am-4pm* at *3223 47th Ave SW*, west of the West Seattle PCC. Autumn is the best time of year to introduce new plants to your yard, and Go Natives! offers the best prices around. Please come stock up on native plants for a good cause…*the wildlife!*
SATURDAY MORNING: High School Dodgeball Challenge at Alki Community Center, 10 am (details here)
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Closing sale at Alki All the Best Pet Care, 10 am-6 pm, 10 percent off, plus cat adoption event
SATURDAY MORNING: Puppets Please Marionette show. When: Saturday, Nov. 7th. 10 am show and an 11 am show (they’re about 40 min in length). Where: Tibbetts United Methodist Church (not a religious event, this just happens to be the location of our Admiral co-op preschool). 3940 41st Ave SW. Cost: $5 per person, kids under one are free. TICKETS sold at the door and only at the door. So, arrive a bit early to purchase.
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Marination Mobile street food truck at High Point, 11 am-2 pm
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Garden Center open at South Seattle Community College, 11 am-3 pm
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Cycle University open house, 12-5 pm (here’s our preview of this new business)
SATURDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: I Am/I Am Not Woman art show at ArtsWest gallery, noon-7 pm
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Trunk show at Capers in The Junction, 1 pm
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: School Board rep Steve Sundquist “neighborhood chat” at High Point Library, 1 pm
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: On Saturday, November 7, from 2 to 3 pm, Friends of Southwest Library invite you to meet your creative neighbors at an Artists’ Reception for the 18th Annual Southwest Art Showcase! Light refreshments will be served. Art work by Southwest community members of all ages is on display at the Southwest Branch from October 26 through November 15. Artists participating in the Showcase are encouraged to attend the reception. This reception is a chance to discuss art with the artists in a low-key, friendly setting. Heidi Henry, sculptor, will be doing a sculpture demonstration in the Children’s area. This event is co-sponsored by the Friends of the Southwest Branch, a chapter of the Friends of the Seattle Public Library. The Friends of Southwest Library annual meeting follows the reception, from 3 to 5 pm. We encourage anyone interested in supporting the branch to attend, learn what the Friends do, and share their ideas and suggestions.
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: People for Puget Sound has partnered with the Fauntleroy Watershed Council to demonstrate to homeowners how rain barrels can improve gardens while keeping polluted stormwater out of Fauntleroy Creek and Puget Sound. If you’re interested in seeing how barrels are installed and learning how to make them work to best advantage, drop by a demonstration on Saturday, Nov. 7, 2 – 5 PM at homes on Forest Court S.W. The event will start at 9368 Forest Court S.W.; a volunteer will direct newcomers to subsequent sites on the cul de sac. The project is funded, in part, by a King County Waterworks grant.
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Free walk at Me-Kwa-Mooks, 2 pm (details here)
SATURDAY EVENING: Admiral Congregational Church Dinner/Auction, at Fauntleroy Church, 5 pm (more info here)
SATURDAY EVENING: Live music at C&P Coffee with with Gary Benson, 6-8 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music at The Bohemian: Norm Bellas with piano jazz, 7-10 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Twelfth Night Productions (WSB sponsor) presents “The Diviners,” 7:30 pm, Youngstown Arts Center (buy tickets online)
SATURDAY NIGHT: “Measure for Pleasure” at ArtsWest, 7:30 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Invasion from Mars, featuring The Shadow
Join the West Seattle High School Radio Players as they recreate these gripping radio plays. 7:30 pm, *presented by West Seattle High School Drama Club, 3000 California Ave SW. Tix: $5 with reservation, $10 at the door. For Reservations Call 206-252-8834*
SATURDAY NIGHT: High-school football, West Seattle High School vs. Ferndale, 7:30 pm, Civic Stadium in Bellingham
SATURDAY NIGHT: At Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor): Live music with The Riffbrokers, 9 pm
SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: West Seattle Farmers’ Market @ The Junction, 10 am-2 pm
SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Closing sale at Alki All the Best Pet Care, 11 am-5 pm, 10 percent off, plus cat adoption event
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Intro to Women’s Self Defense Class – 1-3 PM
Lee’s Martial Arts, 3270 A California Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98136
(206) 938-3375
Cost: $25 RSVP
This is our beginner Women’s Self Defense class. Learn the basics of how to be alert and aware of your environment. Learn how to defend yourself with only what you have within your grasp. Learn how to turn from “prey” to “predator”. We have great discussions and strategies. And lots of hands on techniques.
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Twelfth Night Productions (WSB sponsor) presents “The Diviners,” 3 pm, Youngstown Arts Center (buy tickets online)
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Live music at C&P Coffee with with Flannel Asparagus, 3-5 pm
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: “Measure for Pleasure” at ArtsWest, 3 pm
SUNDAY AFTERNOON-EVENING: Sunday Market Cocktails, KPLU Jazz Sundays (4-6 pm) and Sunday Ribs (“Southside Tony’s Rib Special,” 4 pm “till we run out”) at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor)
SUNDAY NIGHT: All-ages live music at @ Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor) with Novalis and Big Dirt, 7 pm
Are we missing anything? Let us know! And between weekends, keep an eye on our continuously updated Events page.
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